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Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:04 am
by Monroe
The new Elder Scrolls will be an MMO... why!?

Okay so I love playing WoW and I'm in a great guild with a gearscore over 5500 and 7805 achievement points but there's no way I could ever pick up Star Trek online and enjoy both games. MMOs are great but because it costs money to play and you have commitments that form it ruins other MMOs you might want to get into.

I know a lot of people who tried AoC, WH:O, ST:O and the list goes on and they always come back to WoW. Why? Is it cause WoW is the only reasonable MMO? No, there are other fun ones. Its because people only have time for one and WoW has the benefit of everyone here knows someone in RL they could play WoW with. Warhammer, Age of Conan, that angel hentai game, etc are all fads.

So when I see that the new Elder Scrolls will be an MMO, that the new KOTOR is an MMO and neither really offer anything new to the MMO-verse except great single player games it annoys me. I love both those game franchizes but I will never play either MMO more than likely. I might play the Old Republic casually but I would rather have a single player game. Or what's better, a co-op game. Oblivion would have been so much cooler if they had gone the Boarderlands route and allowed you to have four players at once and not an MMO. Boarderlands would have failed as hard as that verse's pandora if it was an MMO. Instead its a co-op RPG-FPS hybrid that's successful.

So basically this rant full of acronyms is just me saying that I wish that good single player games would add a co-op ability instead of going the MMO route. With both KOTOR and Elder Scrolls having gone the MMO route all that is left is the Dragon Age / Mass Effect series that has any real future. Elder Scrolls will turn into LOTOR Online, successful but trivial instead of the most epic single player fantasy RPG it will be forgotten. Huge mistake IMO.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:39 am
by Sionnach Glic
I never liked MMORPGs in the first place.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:40 am
by Reliant121
I like MMORPG.

But I refuse to pay monthly. End of story.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:00 pm
by Tyyr
The problem is that a successful MMORPG is a license to print money. WoW pulls in more money in a single month of subscriber fees than most single player games ever make period. Topping it off is that WoW, just from sales of the base game and the expansions, has also made money like a tremendously successful game franchise.

In other words WoW makes all the money a single player franchise along with mounds of subscriber fees from players between purchases of the games. It's a wildly lucrative franchise and just too tempting for people to try and get into. I agree that the MMORPG market is difficult to get into and WoW has the markey tightly wrapped up right now. Still, the mountain of money that WoW has made is going to keep tempting developers.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:38 pm
by Aaron
They bore the shite out of me. Oh look, a fetch quest! Haven't seen that before.

Granted RPG's in general all have similar quests but at least with Mass Effect or Dragon Age, there is an end to it. With Guild Wars I was grinding for months.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:19 pm
by colmquinn
I hate them, well if elder scrolls and KOTOR are MMORPG's then both franchises have lost a fan.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:48 pm
by Reliant121
The problem with MMORPG newcomers is that its been done before. WoW has fantasty locked down tight, and EVE online has the Sci-fi front pretty much secure. Thats what a lot of the ST:O beta testers were commenting on, how the game couldnt stack up to EVE even WITH the extra ground combat scenes.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:47 am
by sunnyside
Hey. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody told the people that made WoW the same thing. Hey, you've got a realtime strategy game franchise, and EverQuest already has the Fantasy setting locked down. You're just wasting your time.

You don't get to be king of the hill if you won't make a charge at the top.

And I've got a hunch that a failure of a MMORPG can make as much as a wildly successful regular game.

Also I think there may be room for more games. After all you want to be something of a badass in the games you play. For a new player (like a teen getting their first MMORPG) why would you want to sign up to be the littlest bitch in WoW when you could be shoulder to shoulder with the best in some new game?

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:32 am
by Reliant121
Well theres two that are well established. The Fantasy spectrum is virtually locked tight by WoW. Sci-fi is locked pretty hard by EVE (a lot of ST:O's problems is thay trialing players preferred EVE and went back to it). I think theres still a wide arena for success in other fields.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:59 am
by Atekimogus
I don't know I played a few MMORPGs in my time and they were enjoyable but I too wish they would concentrate more on original single player games. Maybe it is because I am getting older but I find myself playing less and less, basically only the occasional Bioware RPG, since they seem to be the only one left at least trying to put a decent story into their games.

Well for me the golden times of pcgaming were the days when a pc came with a sidewinder joystick and masses of excellent space shooters like Tie fighter, Wing Commander and Freespace but those days are over now :?

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:26 pm
by Reliant121
yeah...I kinda wasnt really around for that. :P

I play one MMORPG actively which is EVE. I play a load of ps3 and xbox games actively, and thats enough for me.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:17 pm
by Tyyr
Frankly I can't stand EvE. Maybe I didn't play it long enough but it sucked.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:01 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Atekimogus wrote:...Wing Commander...
Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom was awesome. Mark Hamill, Malcolm McDowell, and Biff. Gotta love it. 8)

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:27 pm
by sunnyside
Tyyr wrote:Frankly I can't stand EvE. Maybe I didn't play it long enough but it sucked.
I haven't played EVE, though I know people who have.

However a statement that I believe applies to every single MMORPG out there is that if you play it solo than it's just a big sucky grind sandwich. It's all about the social player led organizations whether they're called guilds, clans, countries, companies, factions, or whatever.

Re: Anyone else tired of MMORPGs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:46 pm
by Reliant121
Yeah companies make it fun. EVE takes several months to get really good at it, which some people may dislike.