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The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:17 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Alright, time to vent your hatred for the Twilight Series. I'll post a few good reviews bashing it: ... -new-moon/
For there was never a tale of more woe than New Moon, which surely did blow.

And ANOTHER thing You know, the more I think about Bella, the more shocked and appalled I am at her behavior. Throughout the movies she displays a neediness and selfishness that verges on sociopathic, almost as if she can't even begin to comprehend the feelings of others as she leaves misery and broken hearts in her wake- and not just of her potential paramours. Think about her father, Charlie, and all the melodrama he has to put up with. She regularly comes home battered, bruised, and beaten, but answers his honest concerns only with lies. She disappears into the woods, collapses from exhaustion and exposure, causing him to mobilize a town-wide search for her fucking dead body, and returns with absolutely no explanation. Then she drops everything to flee to Italy for an indeterminate amount of time, and even the vampire Alice voices more concern for Charlie's feelings than Bella does. Her hopeless, helpless, woe-is-fucking-me attitude veers beyond mere misogyny and becomes truly grotesque.

Think about her friends and her mother, whose lives would be devastated if her suicidal thrill-seeking ended her life. Does she care? No, because she can't see beyond her own needs, acting for months like a petulant child denied her favorite toy. When it becomes clear that becoming a vampire would call off the truce between the Cullens and the werewolves, does Bella care that her incessant demands to become a vampire would therefore put the Cullens (who she claims to care about) in constant, mortal danger? No. Does she care that people are dying, being torn apart by wolves, sucked dry by vengeful vampires, all because she doesn't have the good sense to get away from undead monsters? No. Does she care that her dad, who dotes on her constantly (only God knows why) has to clean up after these bodies? No. Does she even spare a moment to consider Edward's feelings against turning her into a monster like him? No.

In fact, her desire to become a vampire is completely selfish as well. She's worried about getting old, fat, and wrinkly like everyone else, and damn it, that's not fair! Why should Edward stay young and dreamy for all eternity, and not ME? ME, ME, ME! Even once Edward has gone, I don't think her pissy mood has as much to do with being alone as hating the thought that Edward could possibly be happy without her.

Anyone who relates to this girl is incredibly disturbed and needs some serious mental help. Anyone who's ever been in love has perhaps wrestled with the same feelings, the same neediness that Bella experiences in these movies, but good lord, it's a high school crush. We got over it. We moved on. Sure, that first love and that first loss were hell, but we got a fucking grip on our lives and moved on. You should never have to beg for love, and if you do, it ain't love.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:27 am
by Sionnach Glic
I tried to read the first book, but ended up giving up.

I was then dragged along to the movie when it first came out. I actually thought that the movie might not be that bad, particularly if the script was done by someone with experience in dialogue and plotting. Unfortunately, it sucked. Hard.

For those of you lucky enough to have avoided the first movie, check out this review.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:00 am
by colmquinn
I've not bothered to read the books, people I know who have (and aren't 15 year old girls) say it is total and utter rubbish. So I tried to be as even handed as possible before bashing it totally so I watched the first movie recently and you know what Twilight Sucks

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:07 pm
by Angharrad
Have not seen it, will not see it. Even changed my normal user name because of it.

I also read a excerpt from another book by the same author, it was awful also.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:19 pm
by Mikey
I've heard of these films. Based on some book aimed at adolescent girls, right?

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:34 pm
by Sionnach Glic

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:58 pm
by Nickswitz
Yeah, and the writer pretty much sucks at writing..

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:08 pm
by stitch626
And in general, these books (and subsequent movies) trample on the well known horror creatures.

For example, according to this new film, werewolves can change at will and it occurs within milliseconds.
An d vampires glow and are all sparkely... like Robot Chicken Jar Jar.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:00 pm
by Reliant121
I enjoyed the books, if only for their soppy romantic value, and the films...I dunno, they were alright. It didnt help that I watched it the day me and Sam broke up, so it always brings bad memories up. I think there are far better books out there, but i dont hate it either.

To be fair, Twilight was easily the worst. New Moon was a drastic improvement, Eclipse was so so, and I have not read breaking dawn as yet.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:20 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Reliant121 wrote:I enjoyed the books, if only for their soppy romantic value, and the films...I dunno, they were alright. It didnt help that I watched it the day me and Sam broke up, so it always brings bad memories up. I think there are far better books out there, but i dont hate it either.

To be fair, Twilight was easily the worst. New Moon was a drastic improvement, Eclipse was so so, and I have not read breaking dawn as yet.
Its not even a soppy romance. Reliant121, the books ruined Vampires and Werewolves, gave us two leads who are completely and utterly loathsome, has heavy sexist overtones (Bella is worthless without a boyfriend and can't do anything or even think for herself), a pro-Domestic Abuse=love stance (everything that Edward does is domestic abuse. Stalking, beating Bella, demeaning her, seperating her from her friends and family, breaking her trust...), Bella's stupidity to not even want to grow older.

The books are bad man. They just are.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:01 pm
by sunnyside
Nickswitz wrote:Yeah, and the writer pretty much sucks at writing..
While I understand the sentimit, the whole making millions of dollars thing indicates she may have an idea what she's doing.

My take on Twighlight is that it's a bit like Power Rangers. That show is painful to watch even for a matter of seconds while I'm flipping channels, however if I was in elementary school I might think it was awsome, because that's who it's written for.

Twightlight is written and filmed for little girls.

I can't even pick on it too much for "ruining" vampires and werewolves. The evolution of the vampire from a monster to a sissy albino with superpowers and even more angst has been going on for quite some time now. Twightlight just jumps ahead of the pack to where the money is instead of following.

*Note opinions given without having seen or read any of the material, however it has been essentially impossible to avoid so I know the plot through the four books and the basic rules and setting.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:20 pm
by Reliant121
"Ruined Vampires and Werewolfs" : And there's something wrong with being a bit different? just because its overly feminine and soppy, and not to your taste doesnt make it bad.

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:21 pm
by Lt. Staplic
sunnyside wrote:Twightlight is written and filmed for little girls.
which could explain this:
Reliant121 wrote:I enjoyed the books, if only for their soppy romantic value, and the films...I dunno, they were alright. It didnt help that I watched it the day me and Sam broke up, so it always brings bad memories up. I think there are far better books out there, but i dont hate it either.

To be fair, Twilight was easily the worst. New Moon was a drastic improvement, Eclipse was so so, and I have not read breaking dawn as yet.
jk reliant

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:40 pm
by Reliant121
Oh no you didnt :P

Re: The official Twilight Bashing thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:02 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Reliant121 wrote:"Ruined Vampires and Werewolfs" : And there's something wrong with being a bit different? just because its overly feminine and soppy, and not to your taste doesnt make it bad.
There is nothing wrong in being different, there is something wrong in creating monsters that resemble NOTHING of the originals. Vampires do not Sparkle. Vampires seduce women (and men). Vampires need blood to survive.

Twilight Vampires: Super strength, speed, and sparkling. They are not Vampires, they are a completely different monster. If Meyer did her research, she'd have found out a lot about Vampires. But she didn't.

Twilight Werewolves: They are not Werewolves, they are shifters. Its even blantantly said in the last book.