I Am Spartacus wrote:You obviously missed the point, so I'll try this again, but this time I'll take the direct approach: there are better things to spend money on than a mission to Mars. Education is but one example. You could try health care, law enforcement, agriculture, basically anything. Do you get it?
...umm... did you? What part of "NASA's budget is so puny it's not going to make a real difference," was confusing to you? Or the part of there being plenty of bloat in other government programs. How about the part of most of the modern world owing its existence to pure research, like NASA.
You're taking a really curious stance here. You're apparently arguing that we shouldn't waste money on welfare programs, which can and do produce tangible economic benefits, but you don't have a problem at all with tossing a few hundred billion dollars into landing people on Mars, something that in the short term is completely pointless from an economic standpoint?
Pointless from an economic standpoint? So you're claiming we're just taking that money and burning it? As opposed to it being spent paying the salaries of tens of thousands of engineers, workers, and technicians buying billions of dollars worth of high tech electronics and equipment, pushing forward things like materials science, aerospace technology and agricultural research? Helping to spur high tech industry is completely pointless from an economic standpoint? Ok, yeah.
As for the "welfare programs" I assume you're pulling in my opposition to the current health care plan the congress and administration is putting forward? You're just missing the point of my opposition magnificently.
I'm all for investing in the future, but while people are starving, why don't we avoid looking too far ahead?
People will always be starving somewhere in the world. How about some indignation that right now the US government is subsidizing the ethanol industry which turns edible corn into gasoline of no real environmental benefit? We're spending nearly NASA's budget on subsidies and tax breaks for ethanol production. That's money being pissed away for no actual benefit. Worried about farmers? Use the money we were blowing on those subsidies and tax breaks to buy corn and ship it to those who need it or even better helping those same people learn to grow their own food with modern techniques. Once again, NASA's budget is nothing compared to the total US budget and it produces real benefits. Want to solve the world's problems get the cash from some where else.
Oh, and Social Security needs more money, not less. It's also incredibly important, a NASA program to explore Mars is not.
Social security is a joke. It can't sustain itself and its pay out is so pitiful that anyone who relies on it will be living below the poverty line. And again, NASA's budget vs. Social Security's isn't even a little bit comparable. $544 billion vs $17 billion.
That has next to nothing to do with anything I said, You're basically saying "we shouldn't spend money on anything to help anyone, because it wouldn't do any good."
Wow, your reading comprehension is really abysmal. What I've been saying is that NASA's budget is next to nothing compared to the US budget and that killing it will eliminate a huge amount of valuable research and advancement opportunities when you can get equal amounts of money easily from other places, places with far less benefit to society. Additionally, what I said has plenty to do with what you said, that the money spent on NASA and pure research both benefit everyone on the planet in the end and help solve social problems.
Are you the sort of person who would rather see his tax dollars go towards planting the flag on Olympus Mons while ten million people die of starvation every year?
Delightful strawman. Try again.
At this point, long range space exploration is a complete waste of time. Getting stuff into LEO has immediate tangible economic benefits (like improving navigation via the GPS system making it easier to calculate the most economical routes to...blah blah blah), but there's no point in going to Mars or even the Moon.
Ok... you do realize that all that LEO stuff is up there because we went to the Moon the first time right?
So let's scrap that part of NASA's budget and try and actually make people's lives just a little bit better, shall we?
Actually lets get a sense of perspective and if you want to save the world get the money from somewhere that's not useful.