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Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:06 pm
by Tyyr
By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer - 1 hr 58 mins ago

WASHINGTON - After more than a week of tirelessly pressuring Congress to move his top domestic priority, President Barack Obama may have to settle for a fallback strategy on health care overhaul.

Instead of votes in the House and Senate by August, the best Democrats may be able to hope for this summer is action by the full House by the end of the month and some sort of agreement on a bipartisan plan in the Senate before lawmakers head home for vacation.

Not only are Republicans honing their opposition, but some Democrats in both chambers are voicing doubts about moving such complex and costly legislation too quickly.

"No one wants to tell the speaker (Nancy Pelosi) that she's moving too fast and they damn sure don't want to tell the president," Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., a key committee chairman, told a fellow lawmaker as the two walked into a closed-door meeting Tuesday. The remark was overheard by reporters.

Obama has scheduled a prime-time news conference Wednesday, expected to focus on health care. It's turning into a major test of his leadership. One Republican senator says if the party can stop Obama on health care, it will break him.

In an interview with CBS News on Tuesday, the president insisted on action by lawmakers, even as he conceded some of the criticism was valid. Referring to objections from a group of conservative Democrats in the House, Obama said, "I think, rightly, a number of these so called Blue Dog Democrats - more conservative Democrats - were concerned that not enough had been done on reducing costs."

Obama said those issues can be addressed as the legislation keeps moving forward. Congress has already spent years studying and debating the problems in the health care system, he said.

Meanwhile, a conservative South Carolina Republican, Sen. Jim DeMint, refused Wednesday to back away from his earlier assertion that the health care overhaul will prove to be Obama's "Waterloo."

Interviewed on NBC's "Today" show, DeMint said the statement was "not personal." But he also said someone must "put the brakes on" Obama, accusing the president of engaging in "a spending spree."

DeMint said he agrees that health care changes are needed but that it would be a mistake to push through such complex legislation before the August congressional recess, as Obama has demanded.

House Democrats put their divisions on display over the details and timing of health care legislation Tuesday. The Democratic leadership juggled complaints from conservatives demanding additional cost savings, first-term lawmakers upset with proposed tax increases and objections from members of the rank-and-file opposed to allowing the government to sell insurance in competition with private industry.

Pelosi, D-Calif., vowed weeks ago that the House would vote by the end of July on legislation to meet two goals established by Obama. The president wants to extend health coverage to the tens of millions who now lack it, and at the same time restrain the growth in health care costs far into the future. The upfront costs, however, could reach $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

The president also has vowed that the legislation will not swell the deficit, although a senior administration official told reporters Tuesday that the pledge does not apply to an estimated $245 billion to increase fees for doctors serving Medicare patients over the next decade.

Peter Orszag, the White House budget director, said that was because the administration always assumed the money would be spent to avert a scheduled cut of 21 percent in doctor's fees.

At the White House, Obama and moderate and conservative Democrats verbally agreed on a council of experts to find savings in Medicare, coupled with a mechanism to force Congress to act on the recommendations. The cost curbs may help woo some of the conservatives.

In the Senate, a small, bipartisan group of lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee met behind closed doors, pursuing an elusive agreement. The negotiations, led by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., have taken on new urgency. But it's unclear whether they will produce a breakthrough - or peter out in frustration.

Obama has spoken in public nearly every day for more than a week on health care, some times more than once. At the same time Republicans have upped the political stakes.

On Monday, Michael Steele, the Republican Party chairman, likened Obama's proposals on health care to socialism, and said the chief executive wanted to conduct a "risky experiment" that will damage the nation's economy and force millions to lose the coverage they now have.

Last week, DeMint was quoted as telling fellow conservatives: "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Given the struggle, the polls show slippage for Obama, although he remains popular. The president is battling the impression if not the reality that his proposal is stalled. In the CBS interview, Obama recognized that perception.

"There have been so many times, during my political career ... where people have said, 'Boy, this is make or break for Obama,'" he said. "When the stock market went down everybody was saying, 'This is a disaster.' And what I found is that as long as we are making good decisions, thinking always what's ... best for the American people, that, eventually, as long as we're persistent and we're listening to the American people, that things get done."
Original Story

I don't care which side of the debate you're on, the speed at which Obama is trying to push this is alarming. A multi-trillion dollar spending increase and a massive change to a vital national system and he wants to shove it through Congress in a month? I don't know about the rest of you but to me that's just fucking irresponsible.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:14 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Agreed. They need to work out some pretty important details here, and give everyone in Congress a chance to go over it before they make any sort of final decision on it. They also need to let the public know a few more details, IMO.

I'll need to know where to get the exemption forms, for example.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:14 pm
by Mikey
He's not doing it to be irresponsible - he's doing it to try and drive that semi-rig right through the roadblocks. Equally as bad, IMHO.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:16 pm
by Tyyr
Mikey wrote:He's not doing it to be irresponsible - he's doing it to try and drive that semi-rig right through the roadblocks. Equally as bad, IMHO.
I don't know his reasons for pushing, I have ideas and none are complimentary, but from an impartial outside position its irresponsible to do it or to support it. America may want healthcare reform but they want it made better, not a total clusterfuck.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:25 pm
by Teaos
From what I've heard he's affraid that if he doesnt push it wont happen at all.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:27 pm
by Tyyr
Better that it not happen than they push through an ill thought out disaster which is apparently what they're pushing as the Congressional Budget Office says the current plan will do nothing about costs.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:47 pm
by Capt. Jethro
Teaos wrote:From what I've heard he's affraid that if he doesnt push it wont happen at all.
He trying to get as much as he can before the mid-term elections. Also politicians live in the now and depend upon the voter's short term memories. So this maybe be what he is hoping for.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:56 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Aye, this isn't smart. If he does rush it true, it'll be a complete mess.

On another note, I found this interesting.
On Monday, Michael Steele, the Republican Party chairman, likened Obama's proposals on health care to socialism, and said the chief executive wanted to conduct a "risky experiment" that will damage the nation's economy and force millions to lose the coverage they now have.

Last week, DeMint was quoted as telling fellow conservatives: "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."
I think that bit nicely shows just what's wrong with US politics. The opposition party isn't interested in the good of the nation. They're just interested in fucking over their opponents at every turn so they can win the next election.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:01 pm
by Tyyr
It's stupid on several levels.

Not the least of which is that he's not smart enough to keep comments like that to himself.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:02 pm
by Mikey
Too true. Steele is already well-known for being an ass who's out to advance his party at the cost of cohesive government or even the good of the nation; DeMint's comment is very telling. Not, "I want to wait, to make sure we have the best plan possible;" just "we want to defeat him."

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:08 pm
by Capt. Jethro
Rochey wrote:I think that bit nicely shows just what's wrong with US politics. The opposition party isn't interested in the good of the nation. They're just interested in f***ing over their opponents at every turn so they can win the next election.
You are not kidding. It would be refreshing if COMMON SENSE would rule and not political pandering.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:54 pm
by Monroe
I agree its moving at a rapid speed. But if it slows down then it loses momentum and dies. Besides where were these Republicans complaining when Bush sped through his agendas?

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:58 pm
by Mikey
They were there. They were just cheerleading, rather than complaining.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:11 pm
by Tyyr
Monroe wrote:I agree its moving at a rapid speed. But if it slows down then it loses momentum and dies.
And it's better that it dies than we get saddled with some abomination that does nothing to help anyone and winds up making things worse.

Re: Obama's Healthcare Timeline

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:33 pm
by Mikey
A cheap and ineffective band-aid - especially one that hinders real change in the future - is worse than no band-aid at all.