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The murder of 11 Year old Rhys

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:01 am
by MetalHead
...I don't really want to go into great deal about the events, as its heartbreaking, but quite frankly, the UK is out of control.

I have these to blame:

1. Parents
2. Chavs
3. The Police

1 - Parents - the primary muppets of the tragedy of britian's streets. Don't have time? Don't care? Can't be bothered? Think 50Cent has meaningful music? DON'T HAVE A CHILD. Children are not objects in a game that can be ignored, they require ALOT of guidance and ALOT of support, and that dosn't mean as and when you feel like it.

2 - Chavs - Yes, Chavs are scum. All of them. You can flame me to death but I won't budge. Chavs, and their culture, are a huge factor in antisocial behavior. If your child wears a tracksuit and likes rap music, he's probably a chav. And Chavs think its cool and makes them 'hard' to attack the defeneseless in large numbers. Old people. Young people. 11 year olds...they're scum, and they corrupt people. If your child hangs about with Chavs, consider this - BEAT YOUR KIDS.
Before you launch into a speech, my mother used to knock the CRAP out of me, but she raised me good, and helped me become (what I like to think) a decent person. I don't mean just pound them I mean MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THEIR LIVES

3 - The British Police - Ok, as an American, I lived in the USA for 18+ years of my life, and I moved here. So I'm used to seeing the US police in action, they way THEY do things - you get one chance to do things right, if not, ass kicking = go. The general idea is that for one thing - you're already doing something wrong and are therefor not a respectable person (atleast for the moment). They will be polite and civil as long as you are. Disrespect for police and open opposition will get you only one thing - your ass kicked/tazerd/pepper sprayed/maced/cuffed. Here, the police seem limited by people who try to hard to be politically correct and protest about human rights and so on. Shut up. They're criminals and (chavvy) scum. They deserve and need an ass kicking.


Right. I've had my say now.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:54 pm
by Teaos
Yeah Americas police are the best... but then why do you have such a large crime rate and such a large percent in jail?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:12 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Was this the child that was shot in the back of the neck in the middle playing of a game of soccer with his freinds?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:27 am
by MetalHead
Teaos wrote:Yeah Americas police are the best... but then why do you have such a large crime rate and such a large percent in jail?
Because the population and size of the nation is several hundred times more than the UK. England would fit into Florida alone 3 times. More people, larger space, more probolems. Just spread out a bit further.

Nothing as tragic as an 11 year old though, that breaks my heart to see his parents trying to put a plea out to his killer. He was just outside a pub while his parents were inside. I mean, sure, not the greatest idea, but cmon, 11 years old gonna get bored when his parents are in the pub, so its not too bad...but what happened...terrible...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:24 am
by Teaos
Yes that is why I said percent. You have more people per thousand in jail than just about any other first world country.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:33 am
by Captain Seafort
Also the number of firearm-related murders in the States is also very high - 0.028 per thousand according to this site, the eighth worst in the world, while the UK's is only 0.001 per thousand - 32nd.