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What did you see recently? - Review thread

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:59 pm
by Graham Kennedy
The Simpsons :[/b]

So I saw the Simpsons movie yesterday. I thought it wasn't bad at all... kinda like an extended episode. I know whenever a TV series gets a movie people always complain that it was just like a long episode, but I really don't see that as a problem. They're making the movie because people like the TV series, isn't the whole POINT to make something similar?

So. Lots of Homer being... well, Homer. But Homer being Homer is fun! Bart's skateboard trip is hilarious, the US finally getting so sick of Springfield that they DO something about it is great... and Spider-Pig is a hoot!

Overal, a definite thumbs up from me. (But then why listen to me, I liked Nemesis!)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:54 am
by Varthikes
Hey, I liked Nemesis, too. It's my tenth, possibly soon to be eleventh, favorite Trek film. :lol:

The last movie I've seen was The Ant Bully on my computer this past Tuesday.

When I first saw the trailer for that movie a year ago, while I was waiting to be called for my jury service, I thought it was going to be a sequel of sorts for Antz. Then, I read more about it and thought it might actually be enjoyable. But, it wasn't until this week that I finally got to see it.

It was even better than I thought it would be! The ants' reaction to Lucas after they shrink him was great! "His skeleton is on the inside!" "He's inside-out?" [a resounding gasp of astonishment follows]

A lot of it reminds me of the insect-like Thranx's earlier view of the Humans in Alan Dean Foster's Humanx Commonwealth book series.

It also made me think how marvelous those seemingly insignificant ants really are. A really awesome experience it would be to get down to their level and be able to have an intelligent conversation with such creatures.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:50 am
by Varthikes

I finally got around to seeing Ratatouille today.

I was originally intending to see Transformers again, but I arrived at the theater late. So, I decided to see Ratatouille, as said I would when I decided to see Transformers last month.

I rather liked it. Right in line with Pixar's other productions. Funny that they had a food critic as the antagonist. I liked the limited communication between the main rat character and the main Human character.

As for the short before the movie--the Close Encounters parody. That was great, too! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:11 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Here's how Ian and I spent our Saturday...

Evan Almighty :[/b] I Expected this to be really bad, deeply unfunny and generally a pile of crap. But it's actually quite good. It's preachy, but not overly so; they don't stop and give you a five minute lecture on the environment at the end or anything. Just a gentle, good natured family comedy.

Rush Hour 3 :[/b] Blah. More of the same, basically. Fair to middling action, fair to middling comedy. A plot McGuffin that makes no sense whatsoever. A "mystery" bad guy who is clearly, obviously the bad guy from about ten seconds after you first see him on the screen. I actually whispered to Ian "He's the bad guy" when he first appeared, and lo and behold an hour later the movie broke the surprise. I'd miss it if I were you.

The Simpsons Movie :[/b] See above!

License to Wed :[/b] Romantic comedy. It's strictly average; couple get engaged, prepare for wedding with the help of a zany priest with very high standards for whom he marries. Tension mounts, almost wrecks them, love wins through in the end. It's utterly formulaic, and it's the kind of thing Meet the Parents did about five times better.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:15 pm
by Moose
I liked Nemesis too....

And I agree with ya on the Simpsons front.

Mulholland Drive... got it on DVD and OMG... that is one of the most incredible films I've ever seen. If you have any clue what's actually happened after watching it once you're a better man than I...

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:51 pm
by Bryan Moore
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry - Unoriginal and slightly offensive. I'm all for humorous stereotypes when they're funny, but these simply weren't funny. Moreover, I found a lot of the anti-homosexual jokes to be more offensive than funny. The only saving part of this movie was Ving Rhames singing naked in the shower: truly over the top absurdity.

The Simpsons Movie - Pretty much what Graham said.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:20 am
by Varthikes
Mr. Bean's Holiday

At first, I wasn't sure what to expect. I only saw a few clips of the series in my high school Drama class. I enjoyed them, but wasn't sure about an hour-and-a-half movie.

As it turned out, though, I thought it was quite hilarious! :lol: All the humor was superbly done and all at the right time. And, it's kind of funny, too, when the whole audience goes "Ewww!!!" at a certain part involving seafood. :laughroll:

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:58 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The Bourne Ultimatum

Pretty good. There are some major plot holes, but the action scenes are very well done. And there are lots of them.

I'd give it maybe a four out of five.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:05 pm
by Teaos
Anyone seen Diehard 4.0? Is it as bad as it looks. From what I heard he doesnt even say the ynippy kiyay line... But he does crash a car into a helecopter.