Find the Founders II
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:04 pm
Ok time for round two boys and boys.
This time Grundig is playing and I'm acting as mod, you should have had your rolls sent to you.
The positions are.
Star Fleet crewmen - Innocents trying to survive and work out who the founders are.
Scientist - Can ask me to test one of the other players for if they are a founder or not, I will give them the results after night time and someone has died. Can either announce his position or stay hidden.
Security guy - Can choose to protect one of the players at night time. If the founders try to go for that guy the security guy protects him. Can also protect himself if he chooses. He can also stay hidden or announce himself. If the founders go for the protected guy the founders do not get found out but they do not kill anyone, the security guy does get uncovered though.
Founder - The baddies, trying to kill everyone else with out being found out.
Now we are doing the same scenario as last time, a Federation shuttle, but since this is trek and several things such as sensors/scanner/blood test, could find the founders pretty quick we have to just assume they are either broken or just not around. The only way to find a founder is by debate and finally by spacing them and seeing if they revert to a glob.
Now to the game
A Federation runabout drifts through space, its engines powered down and the light set to low.
Inside all is silent but for the slight background buss of a active computer core and the soft breathing of the crewmen on board.
The silence is broken by the piercing sound of the alarm clock, the crew all begin to stir and get out of their bunks, all but one
"Whats wrong with Teaos?" Mark asked looking at the still figure of their commander.
Reliant walks over to the body and shakes his shoulder, getting no response he bends over the body shaking it harder and opening the eyes.
"He's dead "
This time Grundig is playing and I'm acting as mod, you should have had your rolls sent to you.
The positions are.
Star Fleet crewmen - Innocents trying to survive and work out who the founders are.
Scientist - Can ask me to test one of the other players for if they are a founder or not, I will give them the results after night time and someone has died. Can either announce his position or stay hidden.
Security guy - Can choose to protect one of the players at night time. If the founders try to go for that guy the security guy protects him. Can also protect himself if he chooses. He can also stay hidden or announce himself. If the founders go for the protected guy the founders do not get found out but they do not kill anyone, the security guy does get uncovered though.
Founder - The baddies, trying to kill everyone else with out being found out.
Now we are doing the same scenario as last time, a Federation shuttle, but since this is trek and several things such as sensors/scanner/blood test, could find the founders pretty quick we have to just assume they are either broken or just not around. The only way to find a founder is by debate and finally by spacing them and seeing if they revert to a glob.
Now to the game
A Federation runabout drifts through space, its engines powered down and the light set to low.
Inside all is silent but for the slight background buss of a active computer core and the soft breathing of the crewmen on board.
The silence is broken by the piercing sound of the alarm clock, the crew all begin to stir and get out of their bunks, all but one
"Whats wrong with Teaos?" Mark asked looking at the still figure of their commander.
Reliant walks over to the body and shakes his shoulder, getting no response he bends over the body shaking it harder and opening the eyes.
"He's dead "