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Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:58 pm
by Mark
I recently was introduced to this fan fic, 3 part webisode, starring Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig, and Alan Ruck all reprising their roles as now Captain Uhura, soon to Admiral Chekov, and Captain Harriman. It also has many cast members from all the different series. It is a hell of a "what if" story. Has anybody else seen it?

I loved it. The characters looked a little cheesy, in some not quite right fitting uniforms, but the story line was cool, and Tim Russ directed.

Any other thoughts or opinions?

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:01 pm
by Mikey
I had signed up for an online update nearly a year ago, and then never heard anything. I didn't even know it was now available for viewing. :oops:

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:26 pm
by Mark
Yep, in fact mid last month they released the final act. But, grab something to drink and a bag of chips, 'cause each act is just over a half an hour 8)

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:46 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Never heard of it. Have a link?

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:06 pm
by Tsukiyumi
You have to give them your e-mail, and they send you a link.

It's cool, just to see a crapload of 'Trek actors in one production. They clearly had budget constraints; fewer takes, 1990's level SFX, etc. It's worth checking out, at least. Chase Masterson as an Orion was fun to see. :wink:

Here's the link to the e-mail activation.

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:07 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Okay, and where do I go to do all this?

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:08 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Sorry; edited.

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:20 pm
by Mark
Website is

My favorite part?

FINALLY getting to see a Constitution Class (non refit) execute a saucer seperation

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:39 am
by Mark
Anyone else had a chance to check it out yet?

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:10 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Not yet. I'll have a look later on.

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:11 pm
by Mikey
I'll try to sometime, as well. I'm a little pissed, though, that I signed up and they forget to tell me!

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:33 pm
by KuvahMagh
So while still wearing ST2 style uniforms Sulu is off exploring the Gamma Quadrant... right...

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:53 pm
by Mark
It's a better reason than telling folks he was on a reality show singing country western songs. (He really was too)

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:16 pm
by thelordharry
I watched this the other day and to be honest, didn't/don't know quite what to make of it. Much like all of you, it had the words 'star trek' in it, so that alone is enough to make me watch/read it. 10 out of 10 for effort on what was obviously a very small budget.

<may contain spoilers if you haven't watched it yet>

Things I liked:

Good thought was put into the 'continuity' aspect of Trek when writing the script, especially as it's not canon.....lovely to see past Trek actors either in their previous roles or new incarnations (could Cirroc Lofton try any harder to look like Avery Brooks!?!?) nice to see poor old Captain Tuesday Cameron get another chance to redeem himself... :) Never going to complain about another chance to see a Constitution class bridge as well :)

Things I wasn't sure of:

Although I wrote above that it was nice to see past Trek actors again, I couldn't somehow help feeling slightly sorry for them. I know that sounds patronising, which I really don't mean it to be but to see them in ill-fitting costumes, 'basic' makeup for non-human species (for example something as simple as Tuvok's ears looked, ahem, like something someone would wear to a convention) because we've had the benefit of seeing them in big budget productions, was a come-down. If I'm honest too, I don't think I entirely got the storyline either.

I'm sure I've missed out loads here so it would be great to hear what you all thought :)

Re: Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:03 pm
by Mark
For what it was, I really did like it. As Harry said, you can tell it was done with a very small budget, but what won my heart was from what I read, all of the Trek actors involed did it, pay-free. It was just a gift to Trek fans. Now, onto the story.


It took me a little while as well to figure out what was going on. We see a mysterious stranger asking about James Kirk, who finds out that he was lost in space. This stranger then travels to the Guardian of Forever. Meanwhile, Captains Uhura and Chekov, along with Captain Harriman of the E-M, are visiting a museum ship (origianal Constitution Class) named the NCC-1701-M USS Enterprise, with Commander Kirk in the center seat (Kirks nephew). While onboard the sensors pick up emissions from the GoF's planet, which Chekov and Uhura ID. They are the only ship around so off they go. When the arrive and beam down they find the mysterious stranger about to enter the guardian. Uhura identifies it as Charlie X for TOS. He want revenge on Kirk for being held for all those years for his abuse of power. The guardian shows a pregnant blond woman standing on a farm, and Charlie steps through.

This is were it got confusing, and I thought somehow we had ended up in the Mirror Universe. It flased and showed everycharacter as doing something different. Harriman was in command of E-Nil (non-refit) and was on a mission to destroy the planet Vulcan. Chekov was a freedom fighter whose family and home Harriman destroyed. Uhura was living with her Vulcan husband and family on Vulcan, and escaped along with Tuvok as Vulcan was destroyed.

It was later revealed that by going back in time and killing Kirks mother, everything James T. Kirk ever did was left undone. Gary Mitchell was never stoped and rose to rule the Federation with an iron fist, and conqured the Klingons and Romulans, claiming their ships for his own. As before, since Chekov, Uhura, and Harriman were on the planet, they didn't completely lose their memories so knew they had to somehow undo the damage. Charlie X realized what he had done, but knew their was only one way to prevent it, and was to frightened to do it. Gary Mitchell and Charlie X ended up battling in front of the Guardian. Charlie is injured and Mitchell flees back to his ship. Meanwhile, there is a HUGE space battle going on between Mitchells fleet and a fleet of ships of rebals. Chekov and Harriman stage a takeover of the E-Nil and switch sides in the middle and with the E-Nil, start to turn the tide. They realize that Mitchell is about to use the same weapon to destroy the GoF's planet that was used against Vulcan. E-Nil loses her weapons and has only thrusters left, so they set a collision course. Now the cool part. They see that, they are now unable to steer and that Mitchells ship is moving, so to give themselves an extra nudge, they blast the saucer free of the stardrive and ram Mitchells ship with the Saucer.

Charlie realized what he did to the universe, so with Uhura's support, finds the courage to do what he needs to do. He steps through the Guardian again, and this time, kills his earlier self with a phaser and time corrects itself. In the end, Uhura ends up marrying her Vulcan husband from the other timeline, Chekov is promoted to Admiral, and everyone is happy.

With a higher budget, I think it would have made a kick a$$ movie.