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Mass effect

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:17 pm
by Reliant121
Anyone had a play. I have it, and its my best gaming friend in the world.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:52 am
by Jabber Swarky
Yup, ive got it ^^ Awsome game, dat. How far through are you in it yet, and are you going down the Paragon or the Renegade route?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:34 pm
by Reliant121
Paragon. And i've completed the Noveria, Therum and Virmire. I'm on my way to Feros now.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:11 pm
by colmquinn
Great game, its got the whole "knights of the old republic" feel to it but combat is way better. I've finished it (didn't download the new areas though) and thought the paragon was best but obviously the renegade more fun :)

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:24 am
by Reliant121
I'm at Feros now. its sooo easy when you've done it 6 times before XD.

anyway, I chose paragon cause i cant stand being cruel and evil :slidey:

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:17 pm
by colmquinn
If you do download the new areas (Xbox live has them last time I looked) let me know how they work out please.

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:36 pm
by Jabber Swarky
Reliant121 wrote:I'm at Feros now. its sooo easy when you've done it 6 times before XD.

anyway, I chose paragon cause i cant stand being cruel and evil :slidey:
Hrmm, Feros.. which one is that again? Heh, only thing about Mass Effect is that the main story is waaay short and once you complete the main story you dont really get a chance to just do the side missions, because the game kind of ends completley.

So i'd do the side missions first, they're good fun anyway and a good source of income. You never find the SPECTRE equipment, you have to buy it, and it IS the most awsome stuff in the game.. but it also costs a lot, so you need the cash x3

People keep telling me Mass Effect like KOTOR, but ive never played that so i wouldnt know. Though, if its anything like this then its pretty good. Hehe.

By the way.. Lemmie guess.. Wrex and Garrus are your squadmates, right, Reliant? =p

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:28 pm
by Reliant121
Nope i shot Wrex with a shotgun XD. I hate Krogans. Normally is Garrus and Tali'zorah'ni'rayyah

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:15 pm
by Jabber Swarky
Erk xD Hehe, thats not very paragon-ey behaviour. Heh. Fair enough, Tali is actually pretty awsome once you level her up.

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:39 am
by Reliant121
Well Wrex was never used and i had been a good -girl- (i play as a female character) until then. so i thought, why not?

i'm on Ilos now. What i love is how well the environments are constructed. Its beautiful yet spookily creepy. fantastic

Tali is by far my favourite. she's pretty powerful for a techie, and she just speaks awesomely. plus the suit makes her look even more awesome.

and Mass effect is sort of like KOTOR. The combat system is different, KOTOR uses a slightly modified turn based system. hard to describe. and KOTOR is alot older than Mass Effect. but its still an awesome game to play. But i prefer Mass Effect.

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:27 pm
by Jabber Swarky
Hehe, fair enough. I wasnt using Wrex much either until the incident where you had to choose between calming words and good old Mr Shotgun.. but thats because i was on the 360 version and was going for the 'Soldier Ally' and "Sentinel Ally" Acheivement and the game forced me to choose another squadmate at that moment xD I like him.. but i guess thats because i dont usually use special abilities other than Lift and Throw, so i need someone capable of defending themselves. Heh. Plus his ability to use the Shotgun and Rifle is handy.

Yeah, the levels are really nicely done. Refresh my memory... Ilos is the jungle planet on the other side of the Mu relay, right? Its been a while for me...

Hehe, yeah, She's got a fantastic backstory, too. She's kind of what i had in mind when Jabbers was forming in my head, that kind of society. Kekeke. Plus her armour, while hard to find, is usually in decent colours (Rather than the florecent green i had Garrus prancing about in for half the game, or the pink stripey heavy armour i used until i got my Spectre kit... why does all the powerful armour make you look like an idiot?)

Ahhh, i see... Heh, my friend has it, so i know sort of what your talking about from watching him for 5 minuites. But i like Mass Effect, its a new continuity and its really well thought out, too.

Oh, and, by the way.. have you been doing the Amore semi-side quest back on board the Normandy? I heard that if you were female you could start.. uh.. building a relationship with Garrus and Wrex, too, but im not to sure about that x3

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:45 pm
by Reliant121
i dont think you can with garrus and Wrex. i believe its Kaidan or Liara.

Ilos is the one in the Terminus systems, just before the Mu relay.

Ha! Eryn (shepards) armour aint too bad its white and black. Garrus looks really weird though, he's got creamy-white lol. tali has black and orange, and Ashleigh has deep green.

i find some pretty decent stuff. i found a rifle capable of 247 damage XD

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:52 pm
by Jabber Swarky
Ahh, fair enough, I was kinda doubtful myself xD Speaking of which, do you still have Kadian kicking around? Heh.

Oh. Hrm. Im trying to remember which one that is, its been a while xD Thats the lava planet, right?

Heh, is this starting armour or your current armour? Still, sounds good. And, heheh, ohh, I remember those for Garrus and Tali.. i think i sold that one for Ashleigh without trying uit, though o.o Hmm.

Hehe, awsome xD Though.. if you want firepower, go for Spectre kit. It ALLWAYS has the damage mazed out on a weapon, with pretty awsome accuracy and they can have.. i think its 3 Mods installed at any one time. So thats allways handy xD

Re: Mass effect

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:42 pm
by Reliant121
No no no i dont use starting armour. fuck that lol.