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Good Bad Ugly: DS9

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:31 am
by Teaos
Ok the definitive what's good and what's crap about each trek show.

So we all have different like and dislikes about each series and the plots and characters involves in them. So you can copy/paste the following section and fill it out about what you do like about them.






Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:32 am
by Teaos
Great: The war. I know its anti trek ideals and all that but who doesn't love a big space battle. It also a look at a more real Federation, one with politics and wars and alliances. DS9 with out a doubt added the most to the trek universe. Also the Miles and Bashier interaction was great. Cool to just see two guys hanging out as mates.

Good: DS9 the station. While it may not have been a totally practical design they show handled it well. It had problems with the two technologies merging and cultural problems with so many different cultures in one area.

Average: The crew. I never really found myself giving a damn about any of the characters on the show. When Jadzia died I couldn't care less, that's a very bad thing for a character you've been watching for 6 years.

Bad: Sisko. Probably one of the only people here who doesn't like the guy. Partially due to his emissary status and partially because I just don't like the guy.

Terrible: The religious undertones to Bajor and Sisko and the wormhole aliens. Almost ruined the whole show for me.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:14 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Great: The war. It also a look at a more real Federation, one with politics and wars and alliances. Also, the friendships the crew had were cool. DS9 the station was good. Also, one of the best villians(Dukat) since Khan.

Good: The crew. They're pretty cool, but not the most emotionally attachable. The plot arcs and episode tie-ins, where the even the last episode ties in with the first.

Average: The first season.

Bad: That it had to end

Terrible: not sure if there was anything I found truly terrible.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:18 pm
by Reliant121
Great: As is a general concensus, The war. The CGI was great, the political element makes sense and everyone loves some big bangs now and then.

Good: The crew

Average: First season

Bad: Bashir's arrogance early on

Terrible: Dax's death (No!!!!)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:51 pm
by Bryan Moore
Great: The War

Good: The character development

Average: The Prophets. The plot drove the show but at times just seemed downright silly.

Bad: Season 1 (What a slow start) and Jadzia Dax for most of the series

Terrible: Kira in the first few episodes. Emotions other than anger do exist!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:17 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Great: The war. The Defiant.

Good: The show actualy had plot arcs that lasted more than a couple of episodes, Section 31.

Average: The crew.

Bad: The constant moral preaching. We get it, Sisko, war is bad. Just shut up already.

Terrible: Constant religious undertones. The unforgivable Deus Ex Machina at the end of the show.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:29 pm
by Aaron
Great: Bajor being a burned out craphole with no redeeming value

Good: Not everything was black and white like TNG

Average: The crew

Bad: Wormhole aliens

Terrible: The made up religious crap, which Sisko buys into. Julian Bashir

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:30 pm
by Enkidu
Great: A proper space war.

Good: More complex character interaction.

Average: I don't really like the Bajorans.

Bad: Some of the acting. Siddeg (who's been better since), Terry Farrell, but especially the scenery chewing, over acting Avery Brooks.

Terrible: The clumsy mystical bollocks.

Re: Good Bad Ugly: DS9

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:34 pm
by Captain Seafort
Great: Dukat - the best villain of any Trek series. The Dominion - from the first contact with the Jem'Hadar right though to the war, which was the first real overarching plot in Trek.

Good: Dukat being a good guy in Seasons 4 and 5. Garak. The background - politics, business, crime, changing relationships, etc, that made it the only series that felt 'lived in'.

Average: The somewhat rushed-feeling last few episodes, where it felt like they were trying to cram a seasons worth of plot developments into half the space

Bad: Everything to do with the Prophets, especially the various Deus-Ex solutions.

Terrible: Dukat from mid-late season 6 to the end. They completely wrecked the character by turning him into some religious wacko.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:56 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
Great: The War - eye candy and more realistic than the rest of TNG era Trek. Dukat was so much fun to watch. Garak was a great character, also a lot of fun

Good: Odo and the complicated Odo/Kira relationship. Weyoun was an amusing character, if a bit silly. The Dominion and it's unique politics

Average: Couldn't "connect" with the crew like TOS or TNG

Bad: Early season lameness. The Prophets

Terrible: nothing really comes to mind

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:00 am
by JudgeKing
Great: The Dominion War, the Defiant, the characters
Good: the station
Average: the prophets.
Bad: Jadzia Dax's death.
Terrible: Ending after 7 seasons, it could've gone on longer.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:44 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Great:Just... the arc, the Bajoran culture and how deep it is. Sisko being a good parent. Jake not being Wesley. The Dominion, the Defiant... The characters and how 3-D they are.





Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:52 am
by Tsukiyumi
Great: The entire show, after season one. The extended story arcs. The Founders (even though {or perhaps because} they defy the laws of physics). The Defiant, Captain Sisko, Garak, Dukat, Martok. Rich character development; perhaps more than in any other Trek.

Good: The station. Great mid-90's sfx.

Average: The acting of certain characters *cough*Terry Farrell*cough*.

Bad: The fact that the series had to end so soon. The fact that Nicole de Boer only got one season...

Terrible: There just isn't anything terrible about the very best of Trek.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:06 pm
by mlsnoopy
Great: Dominon, the station

Good: Bajor, Quark, Odo, Tril, Garak, war, Dukat

Average: Sisko

Bad: Defiant

Terrible: Dukat in season 7

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:01 pm
by DarkOmen
Great: I really like the crew, there was so much diversity, the interactions were really unique an interesting. Most of my favorites were the non humans too.. Kira, Odo, Quark and Garak.

Good: Great FX, the war was neat. Cardassians.

Average: Most of the episodes... i think it had the most OK episodes with fewer fluctuation like TNG with really good ones then crappy ones. It was alot more consistant with almost allt he episodes being atleast somewhat enjoyable.

Bad: The Defiant

Terrible: Religious stuff... WTF?