Re: The Walking Dead
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:28 pm
Secure from rampaging walkers? Sure. However the bar for security with Romero style walkers is pretty damn low. However short of breaking out a few thousand bags of quikcrete I just don't see how they can secure the prison from attack by other humans. Prisons are designed to keep me inside them, men without any tools while being watched over, carefully, by lots of well armed guards. Their problem is now well armed men with tools getting into the prison and they don't have the man power to post lots of guards and the terrain around the prison is conducive to getting in close to it which means your lookouts are really just going to be the first casualties of an attack.
I just don't see how the prison is any more secure from a Governor raid than Woodbury. Wait till dark, bring some wire and bolt cutters and you can be in the prison proper in minutes. I'd rather have a nice bed to sleep in all things considered.
You do bring up a good point about home turf though. Rick's group owns the prison. Bringing the refugees there puts them psychologically on the defensive. The yard is also a good place to grow crops as it takes a surprisingly small amount of space to raise enough food to feed one person well, if you're willing to eat a lot of potatoes. I still like Woodbury as it's a real town, a place people live instead of a prison with minimal privacy and the ever present reminder that you're in a prison.
I REALLY wanted Milton to join the group. Really, really, really wanted him to join the group. A guy like him would have added a great dynamic and brought a great question to so many discussions, why? Andrea herself, I still think she was naieve and had a great many failures but seeing them through the lens of wanting to save anyone and not having anyone else die makes them more tragic than anything. Previously she just seemed like an idiot. They probably should have done more to hint at her not wanting anyone to die.
I hope they don't bring the governor back right away. They've got a big can of worms to deal with right now and the governor is the kind of thing to bring back after you've got some normalacy back. Have the first half of season four be them turning the prison into something livable and nice ala the comics. Grow crops, sort out their issues, have things looking up. Then bring the threat of the governor back in the second half of season four. Have it build, not right in your face but have some hints. Maybe one of the survivors is found dead with one eye missing. Then with a couple episodes left in the season, "He's BAAAaaacck!"
I just don't see how the prison is any more secure from a Governor raid than Woodbury. Wait till dark, bring some wire and bolt cutters and you can be in the prison proper in minutes. I'd rather have a nice bed to sleep in all things considered.
You do bring up a good point about home turf though. Rick's group owns the prison. Bringing the refugees there puts them psychologically on the defensive. The yard is also a good place to grow crops as it takes a surprisingly small amount of space to raise enough food to feed one person well, if you're willing to eat a lot of potatoes. I still like Woodbury as it's a real town, a place people live instead of a prison with minimal privacy and the ever present reminder that you're in a prison.
I REALLY wanted Milton to join the group. Really, really, really wanted him to join the group. A guy like him would have added a great dynamic and brought a great question to so many discussions, why? Andrea herself, I still think she was naieve and had a great many failures but seeing them through the lens of wanting to save anyone and not having anyone else die makes them more tragic than anything. Previously she just seemed like an idiot. They probably should have done more to hint at her not wanting anyone to die.
I hope they don't bring the governor back right away. They've got a big can of worms to deal with right now and the governor is the kind of thing to bring back after you've got some normalacy back. Have the first half of season four be them turning the prison into something livable and nice ala the comics. Grow crops, sort out their issues, have things looking up. Then bring the threat of the governor back in the second half of season four. Have it build, not right in your face but have some hints. Maybe one of the survivors is found dead with one eye missing. Then with a couple episodes left in the season, "He's BAAAaaacck!"