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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:03 pm
by Monroe
Rochey wrote: Enough to make a difference, though?
Yah, reason we don't have a lot of influence from them.
Hmm, I don't know much about this, but Mikey seems to have an answer for it.
I'll have to wait until I get home before posting some dimensions. Really interesting math involved a lot like the astral evidence.
Halfway across the planet? How did they get there from Egypt?
Boats? Humans have had the technology to travel large distances on the ocean for a few thousand years just took awhile before someone took a gamble. Perhaps an earlier civilization took a gamble.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:58 am
by Monroe

This is the article I was talking about above.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:13 pm
by Mikey
Boats? Humans have had the technology to travel large distances on the ocean for a few thousand years just took awhile before someone took a gamble. Perhaps an earlier civilization took a gamble.
The Polynesians made it all the way to friggin' Hawai'i, but they certainbly didn't supplant and mold the culture of the entire world.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:56 pm
by Granitehewer
according to political correctness, i now hereby arrest you mikey....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:57 pm
by Granitehewer
hahaha just imagined polynesians in a bajoran solar sail ship.....funneh

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:54 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Yah, reason we don't have a lot of influence from them.
But then how did they get all over Europe and such? There shouldn't have been enough of them for that.
Boats? Humans have had the technology to travel large distances on the ocean for a few thousand years just took awhile before someone took a gamble. Perhaps an earlier civilization took a gamble.
It would be a pretty big gamble to sail over the Atlantic.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:05 am
by Monroe
Rochey wrote: But then how did they get all over Europe and such? There shouldn't have been enough of them for that.
For their influence to spread all over Europe they don't actually have to physically spread. There is a Viking tribe that claimed to be descendents of an Atlantis type civilization but beyond them I don't think many claim to be such. Maybe its just the story and their agriculture that made it across Europe.
It would be a pretty big gamble to sail over the Atlantic.
Wouldn't be as big of a gamble if you knew the world was round.

Oh I found some cool information about why December 21, 2012 is the dooms day. I was thinking about where I should go to look that up and low and behond the history channel had a show about it. I had already seen it but I forgot this cool bit of information. December 21, 2012 is when Earth will line up with the Galactic center for the first time in 26,000 years. How the hell did the Mayans know about a phenomenon that only happens every 26k years. Luckly one of the sources the documentry used I actually have.

Its a Davinchi Code style novel, laying out a theory and tying it together with a plot. Which lays down all the mathematics that I was wondering how to find easily in one spot. Book's called Domain. Every so many chapters there's a chapter of a journal of some fictional scientist that lays down the author's theories based on information collected from other people. This author is a believer in aliens meddling with human affairs as the bearded white man.

I always thought the math was the best proof of a connection between these ancient civilizations.

The Pyramids of Giza vs the Pyramid of the Sun:

Both the builders of Giza and the Mayan pyramid builders had knowledge of Pi. At 481.3949 feet the Great Pyramid multiplied by 2pi fits within 20 feet of the diameter of the Earth. If you shrink the earth down to 1:43,200 than the top of the Great Pyramid fits perfectly at the North Pole. This shows the Great Pyramid builders had knowledge of the dimensions of the Earth.
The Great Pyramid lays exactly on the 30th Parallel.
It takes 4,320 years to complete two signs of the zodiac in percession. Multiply this by 100 and you hit 43,200. Which is also the number of days in the Mayan Long Count calender equaling 6 Katuns.
It is known from Mayan codexes translated that they calculated percision (wobble of the Earth) to create their long count calender, which is every 25,800 years. If you add all five cycles of Mayan history it equals exactly one precessional cycle.
American scholar John Anthony West found a 25 foot trench surrounding the Sphinx showing what he saw as erosion. A team of geologists said only water erosion could have caused it and only around 13k years ago was it possible. This fact is still debated by Egyptiontologist who claim it was solar erosion. At this time the constellation leo fit with the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids fit with Orion's belt. At this time the dark patch of the Milky Way mirroed exactly with the Nile River's course at the time.

Move to Teotihuacan, a Toltec city:
There's no real proof on who designed the city or built it. The Toltec are the main source having moved in centuries after the city was abandoned.
Teotihuacan also sports 3 Pyramids like the Great Pyramids of Giza in the same pattern only differeing 180 degrees. The Avenue of the Dead represents the exact same thing as the Nile River, the dark part of the Milky Way. There are signs of pumps leading into this avenue that makes some theorize that it was meant origionally to be a gigantic reflecting pool.
The largest building of the Teotihucan complex has a base of 742.5 feet and is only 12.5 feet shorter than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Sun Pyramid points west and the Great Pyramid points east. The Pyramid of the Sun's base equals its height multipled by 2pi where the Great Pyramid of Giza equals its height multipled by 4pi.

And here's the map I mentioned:
Most think it was coincidental that Piri Reis showed the layout of Antartica and it very probably is coincidental but its still pretty freaking amazing.
An additional article on the map:
There are still doubts about the beginning of this ice-free period, which has been put by different researchers everything between year 13000 and 9000 BC.
Hmm.. that pesky time period again.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:42 pm
by Mikey
Knowledge of pi or predictive astronomical ability proves nothing. Pi was in use, as I had mentioned earlier, by the Old Babylonians - and possibly, by extension, Akkad or Sumer - as was astronomical prediction albeit used for religious, astrological purposes.

Plus, incredible degress of precision were shown in the astronomical predictive abilities of paleolithic Celts and Native Americans. Why do we have to assume some outre hypothesis just because some ancient culture turns out to be smarter than we originally gave them credit for?

In general, it seems that these hypotheses are actually trying to explain things in an unfounded manner, which things already have empirically-backed explanantions.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:28 pm
by Monroe
The Sumerians being another group of man that built Pyramidic structures.

The knowledge of Pi is just one of many similiarities between the two sites I posted. What about their nearly identical arrangement of the Pyramids or their knowledge of an astronomical cycle that happens only once every 25,800 years? Or the importance of the 432 multiples of 10.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:45 pm
by Captain Seafort
How is it at all strange that two civilisations could both discover the importance of pi - it is, after all, just a ratio. As for the pyramids, they're a pretty simple structure, fundamentally. Even a two-year old building sandcastles can figure out that the default arrangement of a pile of sand is a wide base and a narrow top.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:12 pm
by Mikey
Exactly. And to extrapolate, the arrangements of structures, multiples of 10, et. al., are all based on mathematics - which is not a subjective field, nor is it prone to vary with cultural norms. If a mathematic fact is true in one part of the world, it is true in another, without any need for a cabal or covert communique between the two.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:33 pm
by Sionnach Glic
For their influence to spread all over Europe they don't actually have to physically spread.
True. But it is still incredibly unlikely that a handful of survivors would seek out barbarian tribes, join them and survive, then help them build monuments. The simplest explaination is that these tribes simply built the things themselves.
Wouldn't be as big of a gamble if you knew the world was round.
Yes, it would. Did they know how big it is? Did they know there was actualy land on the other side? Did they have ships big enough to get from Egypt to South America?

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:39 pm
by Captain Seafort
Even in Columbus' day, when it was pretty much accepted fact that the world was a sphere, they got the dimensions wrong, hence Columbus setting off in search of a western route to the Indies. Unfortunately, given that everyone had seriously underestimated the size of the Earth, there was no way he had the supllies to actually reach the Indies. Fortunately (for him and his crews at least) there was a big lump of rock in way.

Certainly, Europeans probably reached and settled in America before the end of the last Ice Age - but by paddling along the edge of the ice shelf, not by crossing the Atlantic.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:50 pm
by Monroe
Rochey wrote:
Yes, it would. Did they know how big it is? Did they know there was actualy land on the other side? Did they have ships big enough to get from Egypt to South America?
According to the math the Pyramids of Giza builders knew the exact dimensions of the world. And since the central American pyramids are nearly the same dimensions (Despite in Mayan mythology the world being flat) the Pyramid of the Sun builders knew the same.
Captain Seafort wrote: Certainly, Europeans probably reached and settled in America before the end of the last Ice Age - but by paddling along the edge of the ice shelf, not by crossing the Atlantic.
Which would make it even less of a gamble.

Okay so the importance of Pi isn't that big of a selling point by itself but taken together with the other similiarities between the two complexes it should reason that maybe just maybe there's something more than meets the eye. There's so much amazing architecture going on at these kind of locations, like the video I posted awhile back that no one responded to about the accoustics its less mind boggling to think that a more advanced civilization was around than just a bunch of stone age people who all claimed angels / Neflim taught them their science out of the blue.

Which is more realistic: Man's been around 100,000 years and has had advanced civilizations in the past wipped out by natural disasters or after 90,000 years mankind suddenly began to grow its own food and then few thousand years later suddenly began building huge monolithic structures with science and engineering that surpassed anything in classical Greek.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:53 pm
by Granitehewer
As far as i know, the ancestors of what are now regarded as the indigenous americans/mesoamericans/''indian'' peoples/ first nation etc came over via the Bering Strait