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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:03 pm
by Monroe
Commodore Suni Nintendzria's ship the Sovereign class starship,Sage's Way and another vessel, the Intrepid class Endeavor arrived at the James T. Kirk as the diverse crew began settling into their beds. The Commodore, a female human of Japanese ancestry-- though hailing from an offworld colony, pondered her next actions momentarily. On one hand she was sworn to uphold the merits of the Federation. To serve its people. On the other she loathed Admiral Janeway. Still though hatred of an officer is not an excuse to mutiny.
"Open a signal, wide band all frequencies towards the Kirk's comm badges." She told her communications officer. "This is Commadore Suni Nintendrzria of the Sage's Way. We know that your ship has undergone a mutiny. We also know that hostile alien life forms are on board that limit your response to this message. Janeway might not have been the best commanding officer, but let me remind all of you that she is your commanding officer and mutiny, even against someone you hate, is punishable by a long prison sentence and rehabilitation. You made an oath to Starfleet, not to any Admiral. By imprisoning the Admiral you have broken that oath. We are prepared to board. If you wish to assist us we will need help." Nintendzria signaled the comms officer to stop the broadcast.
"Attack pattern beta, target the Galaxy class' shields and weapons. Prepare boarding parties." The Commodore ordered and sat down in her commanding chair. "Try not to vaporize the brig..."
Onboard the Kirk many crewman the message rang home for many. Sure Janeway was an idiot but mutiny was against all of the Federation. In engineering one of the junior grade officers looked nervously towards the chief of engineering and then to the control panel for power leading to shields. Gulping down his fear he jumped onto the panel. The engineering chief quickly grabbed him around the waist attempting to dislodge him from the position and tossed him to the ground. The shields stayed but as the engineering chief looked around the room he saw other eyes looking towards the shield console in a way that made the chief's hair on the back of his neck stand up. "Engineering to the bridge," He said tapping his comm badge, "We have a problem."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:16 pm
by Aaron
"Okay...where the hell am I?"
"No time for that now human. We may be in a boarding action any minute, ready your arms and kill anything that aims a weapon at you." Phebes clamped his helmet back over his skull as he finished speaking and followed his own advice, checking his bolt pistols load and that his lance was sharp. Activating his suit vox he ordered Dietrich back down to the Engineering with whatever loyal crew she could round up, it wouldn't do to have the Federation undo their attempt to set things right.
Switching frequencies he addressed Primal, "friend, any chance of use getting out of here? I prefer a stand up fight but I believe we have bigger things to worry about right now."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:20 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
"What do you make of this Cortana?" the man seemed to ask at no particular person. "Rather strange John, one second we were in stasis, the next...we were here. I don't even know where here is."
The Master Chief picked himself up and looked around.
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:26 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Primal sat himself down in the modified command chair. "Working on it now, Phebes. Powering up drive... slag! Five minutes until wormhole formation!" He opened a channel to the Sage's Way. "Commodore, my designation is Optimus Primal. A being known as 'Q' has tasked us with retreiving several artifacts that, when assembled, will helkp us save the multi-verse. We have... taken measures to ensure our success." He leaned forward. "You know Janeway, Commodore. She's the worst kind of glory-hound incompetent out there. Please, let us pass!"
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:30 pm
by Monroe
"What if someone sees us?" The portly Federation officer hissed a whisper towards his two cohorts.
"Then they'll stun us and we'll be thrown in the bridge. If we don't do this than this ship might escape the Commodore." The leader of the three replied back rolling his eyes, "You worry too much. Its a big ship." The access terminal they were working on opened up revealing a series of power nodes. "There we go. If we can disable these we can disable the ship's phasers."
The third party member turned around putting his hand on the leader's shoulder and leaned in. "Well do it."
A strange noise sounding a little like a spring resounded in the hallway. The three of them turned around to see Xan standing twenty paces away with a large glowing orb moving a little faster than a man could run sailing towards them. The orb passed harmlessly to their right causing the three officers to turn to look at the energy orb as they held up their hands. Xan quickly fired his primary shot into the orb causing a shock combo which created a tiny nuclear reaction which quickly expanded and erupted the three men onto the hallways of the ship. "Multi kill." Xan yelled. then began running down the cooridors looking for more suspicious activity.
The Commodore shook her head at Primal, "I have not received any reports of that. I only have a giant machine's word telling me that he means no harm in taking over a fellow ship. I'm sorry but I cannot let you pass." She turned to her tactical officer, "Open fire and tell the Endeavor to do the same."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:02 pm
by Aaron
The crack of a pistol shot reverberated through the engineering bay and the Chief Engineer recoiled in horror as the brains of one of his crew, who seconds earlier had been making eyes at the shield console splattered over his face. Seconds later the pistol round was joined by several phaser beams and the squealing roar of a hand held flamer. A handful of his men lay stunned or burnt beyond recognition around the section, the stench of burnt meat heavy in the air.
The engineer turned his gaze toward the main corridor in time to see Cpl Dietrich and a small party of security personnel enter and secure the area. She tossed him a pack of smokes and grinned, "just in time huh? Smoke 'em if you got em." She lit her own and made her way around the room, checking the bodies for signs of life.
"Unconscious, got to get me one of those"
"Definitely dead!"
After checking the bodies she keyed her radio mic, "Dietrich to Primal and Phebes. Engine section secure."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:10 pm
by Deepcrush
Dothude looked at the tools that the humans had provided. "So *********." The translator's replay failed to translate for Dothude. "How did such people build a ship of the might with such pathetic abilities." Dothude walked over to the dreadnought.
Cpl Kendall wrote:"Now Brother, do you wish to slumber while we work?"
"Negative brother. I will remain active to support your efforts in my repair." Huron-Fel's arm returned to its loading and maintance.
Dothude plugged in the datapad to his holograph. "We may find it easier to just remove the whole of his armour. Rather then trying to patch his plates piece by piece." Dothude held his holograph in front of Phebes. "I am able to recut new plates using Ceramite cover plates over titanium alloy plates."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:20 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Primal nodded his thanks. "I owe you a tankard of the good stuff," he said to Dietrich as his hands danced over the console. "Computer, all power to impulse and... whatever the PIt that drive is called. Engage on my mark... mark!"
The James Kirk shot forward, impulse engines flaring. Suni's task force was able to get off only a few glancing shots on the James Kirk before reality itself opened, a swirling morass of energy that tunneled between realities.
Primal's exhaust vents released. "We made it... Mister Jack Bauer, if you so please, meet me in the hangar bay." He rose from his chair and departed, making sure the battle bridge was secure.
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:05 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Primal then directed his gaze at Master Chief. "Yeah, what is it?" Chief asked as he looked back.
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 5:23 am
by Lt. Staplic
Iceman followed the team to engineering, he didn't know exactly what was going on, but he knew he needed to help. as they burst through the door, Iceman lept in, icing over and creatign icy barriers over the consols to keep anyone from activating them.
Mean while the rest of them broke though shooting away, both killing and knocking out they sympathizers
"What are you doing!" Iceman yelled, after the crisis was over "They're still human, we cannot just start killing anyone and everyone that get's in our way."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 7:02 am
by Monroe
"Commodore we are picking up Tacheon particles among others coming form the ship." The sensors officer yelled.
"Give them everything we have!" She ordered and the Sovereign and Intrepid class unleashed a wave of torpedoes before the Kirk created a multicolored portal that opened and then enveloped the craft leaving the Sovereign and Intrepid class ships behind their torpedoes missing their targets and questions to be answered.
The Kirk was in a twisting tunnel of every concievable color whirling past it. The helmsman looked back to Primus grinning, "Sir, computer estimates we're achieving past Warp 10!" He says excited.
"Well that's just Prime then." The transformer replied.
Occasionally large patches of blackness would appear on the tunnel. Sensors indicating that's where the Reality Bomb had destroyed a universe already. Each one looked as if it was growing infecting other nearby universes. "Sensors report that we should stay away from those tunnel walls where the bomb has caused damage." The sensors officer said looking up at the twisting lights. "Also... our Quantum Slip Drive team reports that according to their estimations we should reach our target universe in twelve hours."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:46 pm
by Aaron
Dietrich gave Iceman a once over and replied, "next time try telling us what your going to do then." Glancing around, she seemed to reconsider her position, "we'll make sure they get a proper burial, though. According to whatever customs the locals have." Looking around until she located a convenient cart, she and a nameless crew member loaded the bodies of the ships would be liberators onto it and headed for sickbay. The ships doctor would undoubtedly want to conduct an autopsy or at the very least put them in it's morgue until they could hold a service for them and the stunned members would likely need some sort of attention.
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:02 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Shortly afterwards, the team had gathered again in the shuttle bay to discuss their plan of attack. Cain had, since hearing of the idea of an attack, been mulling over the details and trying to figure out just how exactly he could stay as far away from the shooting as possible. The idea had occurred to him just shortly after he recieved news of Janeway's deposing.
He stood up and strode to the centre of the room to get everyone's attention. Once he was sure they were all watching him, he spoke loudly and confidently.
"I've been looking over the details ever since it was decided we'd attack this false god's base. I think I've worked out a plan that will allow us the greatest chances of success while playing to all of our individual strengths." He paused for a moment before continuing.
"The plan itself is simple enough, and had two phases. Phase one, we arrive in orbit of the planet and negotiate with this "Anubis" for what we need. While the mere idea of dealing with this heretic disgusts me, I believe it to be the most practical sollution. If he gives us what we need, we can bomb the site from orbit with out ship's weapons. But I seriously doubt he will hand it over so easily."
"In the event that he does not give it up," Cain continued. "We will prepare a three-pronged assault on the base, using this ship's transporters. The first prong will be in space. This ship shall attack any defences the planet may have, enabling it to provide orbital support to the other two teams on the ground.
The second team, composed of our heavy hitters, will be teleported to the perimiter of the base, where they'll create a distraction and pull most of the defence garrison away from the base. They should be supported in this attack by personel from this ship's assault forces.
The third team, composed of no more than six of our most stealthy personel, will be beamed into the base itself during the raid to locate and retrieve our objectives. With luck, the distraction caused by team 2 will pull enough guards away that they won't be spotted."
He stopped and looked around at the crowd. "Any questions?"
"Yes, actualy." Ashok replied calmly. "Out of curiosity, Commissar, which team do you plan to attach yourself to?" Cain had been expecting this, and had his answer already well rehearsed.
"If I had my way, I'd like to be part of the infiltration team. Unfortunately, the loss of Janeway means our only real negotiator is now unusable. As a political officer I've had much experience with diplomacy and politics. So as much as I hate to miss the main event, I feel duty-bound to stay on the ship and conduct the negotiations. With luck I can buy you enough time to get into position even if diplomacy fails, as it undoubtedly will."
Ashok nodded, apparently satisfied by this answer.
"Any other questions?" Cain asked. "We should probably decide who'll be acompanying what team."
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:09 pm
by Lt. Staplic
I volunteer for the infultration team. I can go as a human, and I think my abilitys will provide some of the muscle we'll be missing without one of our larger companions here.
Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:12 pm
by Aaron
Dietrich stepped forward, "I'll volunteer for the infiltration team. Their going to need a medic and Phebes tends to stick out."
Phebes nodded his head at this, "I will accompany the assault team, they will also require an Apothecary and I would be honoured to fight alongside Huron-Fel."