TBF - Data
It's a song about everyone's favourite android by one of the crazier local bands - TBF (The Beat Fleet). I did my best to translate the lyrics, but I'm just a third year student and no poet, so cut me some slack. And I know it doesn't really rhyme - this is not an adaptation, but a (more or less) word-for-word translation. Because of that, the word order in some verses is a bit bizarre, but I wanted you to be able to keep track of the original lyrics. Enjoy!

He's one, unique
The Fleet prides itself in him
In the entire galaxy there isn't such a pilot
Straight he stands at the console of the helmsman
Made of an indestructible material
His brain positrons work like crazy
He processes a load of tetraquads per second
Computes assignments
Enters coordinates
Knows how to work with all the ship's devices
And he never laughs
Though he's full of witticisms
He's known for his strength
even the Klingons watch out for him
He acts and he plays, he's larger-than-life,
Master of the trade, Commander Data
CHORUS: [Raise] Phasers in salute when you see the Commander (Yeah, that's him!)
Phasers in the air when you see the Commander (Yeah, that's him!)
Commander Data
Commander Data
Commander Data
Da-ta ta-ta-ta
Though he's a machine, he's not evil like the Borg
And his best friend is La Forge
Also loved by Riker
And Counselor Troi
And Doctor Crusher
Though he's a machine
Whether he's free or a slave, that was the question
When he was defended by Jean Luc Picard
Though he's a robot, he has human traits
And more qualities than a whole bunch of people
And you'd hardly find any flaws on him
For courage he got a bunch of medals
And he always arouses the same question in me,
What should we do to be human?
CHORUS: [Raise] Phasers in salute when you see the Commander (Yeah, that's him!)
Phasers in the air when you see the Commander (Yeah, that's him!)
Commander Data, white face
When will you come to Earth
To talk for days, 'cause we wanna know
Whether soul resides in machine
Reveal us the secret
That can't be bought with money
Do you ever dream of electric sheep?
CHORUS: [Raise] Phasers in salute when you see the Commander (Yeah, that's him!)
Phasers in the air when you see the Commander (Yeah, that's him!)