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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:58 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
do I really need to bring up the 8KM long Executor idiocy again least when Star Trek is inconsitant about sizes it's withen 100 meters. But loosing a few kilometers is just sad. Speaking of which, what is the official size now?
This also nicely fixes the idea that a bunch of fighters can take on cap-ships and win (I'm looking at you Stackpole).
What's wrong with that? These fighters are firing massive volleys of proton torpedoes and usually seem to have an appropriate amount of firepower to believably take down the ships that they do take out. Either that or Wedge is just that awesome.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:06 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Speaking of which, what is the official size now?
17 KM. The correct size.
Ahhhh, victory. 8)
What's wrong with that? These fighters are firing massive volleys of proton torpedoes and usually seem to have an appropriate amount of firepower to believably take down the ships that they do take out. Either that or Wedge is just that awesome.
ISDs have been rated to be able to take 30TTs of firepower before having their shields go down. Each X-Wing can only carry around 6 torps (IIRC). Unless these torps have an insane amount of power in them, it'd be plain impossible without swamping the ISD with wave after wave of fighters.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:10 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Rochey wrote:
ISDs have been rated to be able to take 30TTs of firepower before having their shields go down. Each X-Wing can only carry around 6 torps (IIRC). Unless these torps have an insane amount of power in them, it'd be plain impossible without swamping the ISD with wave after wave of fighters.
When did only one squadren take down an entire undamaged fully functional ISD?
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:14 pm
by Aaron
ChakatBlackstar wrote: least when Star Trek is inconsitant about sizes it's withen 100 meters. But loosing a few kilometers is just sad. Speaking of which, what is the official size now?
17.8km's I believe.
What's wrong with that? These fighters are firing massive volleys of proton torpedoes and usually seem to have an appropriate amount of firepower to believably take down the ships that they do take out. Either that or Wedge is just that awesome.

Proton torpedo yields are not that high (compared to a SD's shield), note that we don't see one capital ship destroyed by fighter weapons in the movies. If I'm reading the AOTC ICS right, the concussion missiles carried by
Slave I are five orders of magnitude lower than the shield output of an
Acclamator class transport.
Yes those are concussion missiles and a 20 year old transport but the missiles are similar to a torpedo and even accounting for improvement in torpedo/missile warheads, the shielding of a SD is going to be greater than a transport and improved over a SD from 20 years before.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:15 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
17 KM. The correct size.
Ahhhh, victory.
I thought that was the Eclipse-class SSD. I thought it was either 12.5 or 19.5 kilometers now. I know it used to be 12.5 but that there was a recent official debate about that and I heard it was 19.5.
And have they revised the fighter compliment to match the new size?
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:21 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Rochey wrote:Speaking of which, what is the official size now?
17 KM. The correct size.
Ahhhh, victory. 8)
19 KM, actually. 17 KM is for the Viscount-class Star Defender.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:26 pm
by Captain Seafort
Rochey wrote:ISDs have been rated to be able to take 30TTs of firepower before having their shields go down.
And the rest. A VenStar's weapons have a maximum output of about 850 TT/sec, and an ISD is something like three times the size. To be an effective warship, it should be able to withstand its own firepower, at leas for a short time.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:09 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I think the quote was from
Isard's Revenge, in which an ISD is stated to be able of taking 5 1/2 broadsides from another ISD before losing shields. I'm guessing the 30TT calc was
very low end. Perhaps PT might be a better estimate?
When did only one squadren take down an entire undamaged fully functional ISD?
Where did I say only one squadron did?
We've seen ISDs go down to amounts of fighters that simply shouldn't be able to scratch the shields. For example, the
Implacable was taken down by a force that had to have numbered less than 50 fighters. Even if we assume that none of the fighters were destroyed, and that they all fired their ordanance and hit just fine, and we use the low end calcs, that'd still require only be around 300 torps. That would require each torp to have a strength in the hundreds of gigatonnes!
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:16 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Rochey wrote:I think the quote was from
Isard's Revenge, in which an ISD is stated to be able of taking 5 1/2 broadsides from another ISD before losing shields. I'm guessing the 30TT calc was
very low end. Perhaps PT might be a better estimate?
When did only one squadren take down an entire undamaged fully functional ISD?
Where did I say only one squadron did?
We've seen ISDs go down to amounts of fighters that simply shouldn't be able to scratch the shields. For example, the
Implacable was taken down by a force that had to have numbered less than 50 fighters. Even if we assume that none of the fighters were destroyed, and that they all fired their ordanance and hit just fine, and we use the low end calcs, that'd still require only be around 300 torps. That would require each torp to have a strength in the hundreds of gigatonnes!
Or hitting weak points. In the X-Wing novels, we learn of 'Trench Run Syndrome', attacking the exhaust ports of the ISD. Hence why the Lancer-class Frigate was developed for anti-Starfighter warfare.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:16 pm
by Captain Seafort
There's also the fact that in The Bacta War, a full squadron volley knocked out the facing shields of a VSD, and a second volley was expected to kill it. Given that this is effectively the multirole version of the VenStar, and assuming that a full VenStar broadside could do the same damage, this would give us 30+ TT proton torps. Orders of magnitude higher than any other reference.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:23 pm
by Captain Seafort
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Or hitting weak points. In the X-Wing novels, we learn of 'Trench Run Syndrome', attacking the exhaust ports of the ISD. Hence why the Lancer-class Frigate was developed for anti-Starfighter warfare.
TRD, as applied to capital ships, didn't refer to attacking exhaust ports but the basic tactic of hugging the hull to avoid the target's point defence guns. The actual destruction would be done by PTs.
Of course, all these incidents ignore Ackbar's comment in RotJ - "If we knock out their shields, our fighters might stand a chance against them." G-canon says fighters can't knock out capship shields. Problem solved.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:24 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Captain Seafort wrote:SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Or hitting weak points. In the X-Wing novels, we learn of 'Trench Run Syndrome', attacking the exhaust ports of the ISD. Hence why the Lancer-class Frigate was developed for anti-Starfighter warfare.
TRD, as applied to capital ships, didn't refer to attacking exhaust ports but the basic tactic of hugging the hull to avoid the target's point defence guns. The actual destruction would be done by PTs.
Of course, all these incidents ignore Ackbar's comment in RotJ - "If we knock out their shields, our fighters might stand a chance against them." G-canon says fighters can't knock out capship shields. Problem solved.
Then how did that squadron of A-Wings get through the Executor's shields and hit its Sensor Domes, prior to the shields falling?
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:31 pm
by Captain Seafort
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Then how did that squadron of A-Wings get through the Executor's shields and hit its Sensor Domes, prior to the shields falling?
What do you mean, "prior to"? They were able to hit the dome because Home One and her supporting cruisers had knocked out Executor's shields, either completely or just that section.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:33 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Captain Seafort wrote:SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Then how did that squadron of A-Wings get through the Executor's shields and hit its Sensor Domes, prior to the shields falling?
What do you mean, "prior to"? They were able to hit the dome because Home One and her supporting cruisers had knocked out Executor's shields, either completely or just that section.
That happened all in a span of a second. There is no way that was enough time to bring down the Executor's shields, especially since they can take
three Imperial-class Star Destroyers crashing into them and staying up.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:51 pm
by Captain Seafort
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:That happened all in a span of a second. There is no way that was enough time to bring down the Executor's shields, especially since they can take three Imperial-class Star Destroyers crashing into them and staying up.
Wrong. The Executor had already been under attack from Ackbar's group since about the time the main Death Star shield went down. Since the A-wing that rammed the bridge was part of Calrissian's initial attck force, until ordered to break off and draw TIE's after him, there was plenty of time available to take down the shields. In addition to that, we don't have enough information to determine whether the ISD ramming was more or less powerful than the bombardment Ackbar's cruisers were capable of, given that the Liberty-type is only fractionally smaller than a Star Destroyer, and Home ne is considerably larger.