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Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:36 am
by Sonic Glitch
Deepcrush wrote:
I just googled for rooms around me and found one for $125 a month. If you get $700 a month in aid, that leaves you a tiny $575 for food and gas. Thats not counting whatever you earn at your job.
Key words.

Property value varies.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:41 am
by Deepcrush
Its a room in someone's house, not a house on its own.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:44 am
by Sonic Glitch
Deepcrush wrote:Its a room in someone's house, not a house on its own.
Good for you/people in your area. Are the people in Stitch's scenario renting a room? I don't think either of us can really say since he didn't tell us.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:51 am
by stitch626
No, he's renting an apartment. It isn't safe to rent a room from a stranger. 90% of the local population are gang/drug groupies.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:51 am
by Deepcrush
There are always people renting rooms, or sharing apartments and homes. Even more so now then normal because of the economy.

As to the scenario, meaningless. You guys keep coming back with scenarios and information that ONLY supports what you want it to be. If you get shaken off then you guys cry because something isn't working the way you want it to. Grow up or don't bother with the conversation. Some of you may fall for cheap tricks like that, fine. But everyone here should know that I'm to fucked up in the head to give a shit if you're offended over something that you begged for to start with.

Want equal help under tax filled funds then you need to pay equal taxes to those funds. Otherwise life goes on as it is and nothing changes.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:53 am
by stitch626
Want equal help under tax filled funds then you need to pay equal taxes to those funds.
No one said we want equal. We want fair. Fair =/= equal.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:53 am
by Deepcrush
Damn double post!!!
stitch626 wrote:No, he's renting an apartment. It isn't safe to rent a room from a stranger. 90% of the local population are gang/drug groupies.
And he's screw in living locations is a tax payers problem why? I've worked in places where the population is 100% gang/drug groupies. Hell, been stabbed there too. Deal with it or get out.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:53 am
by Deepcrush
stitch626 wrote:
Want equal help under tax filled funds then you need to pay equal taxes to those funds.
No one said we want equal. We want fair. Fair =/= equal.
No, you want handouts.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:59 am
by Sonic Glitch
Deepcrush wrote: As to the scenario, meaningless. You guys keep coming back with scenarios and information that ONLY supports what you want it to be.
The rest of your post is meaningless blathering so I'll keep my response to this. What's the pot calling the kettle? You looked up the price of rooms in your area, and you happened to find one for $125. You did not tell us what any of the other prices were, or if what the range of rents were in your area. It only costs $125 to rent a room in your area? Congratulations. We don't live there. And, now this may be a surprise, but not everywhere else is like your area. If it's renting a room in a house, you are at the mercy of whomever decided to rent the room. If you are trying to rent an apartment in an area convenient for you (possibly you work there, or need to remain close to family for whatever reason but can't live with them) you are at the mercy of property values and how the landlord chooses to reflect them. I'm happy rooms costs so little in your area, but tell me, what good does that do the rest of us?

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:11 am
by Deepcrush
Yes, you're bitching like a little girl who just lost her doll really brought that point of yours to a close. :laughroll:

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:13 am
by Sonic Glitch
Deepcrush wrote:Yes, you're bitching like a little girl who just lost her doll really brought that point of yours to a close. :laughroll:
Hey, I feel it necessary to call out hypocrisy when I see it :)

Should we keep going, or agree to disagree?

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:15 am
by Mikey
When did this become a discussion about entitlements? I'm basing this on the comparison between two people who aren't getting anything from the gub'mint. Deep, I appreciate the fact that you're upset about the haphazard method of applying entitlements in this country, but that's tangential.

Look at how a flat tax would be equal but unfair through this example. Let's say we institute a flat income tax of 20%, and look at the example of two different guys.

A makes $5 mil per annum. He therefore has to pay $1 mil in taxes, and is left with an income of $4 mil/year.

B makes $50,000 per annum. He therefore has to pay $10,000 in taxes, and is left with an income of $40,000/year.

A has to pay a grossly larger dollar amount - there is no doubt of that, and I never argued against that. However, here's where the "unfair, even though equal" bit comes into play: A still nets $4 million a year, while B is now struggling to house, feed, clothe, and educate his family - in fact, he'll probably have to choose between housing and educating them. While A has to pay much more, the only such hardship he'll have to face is maybe having to forego purchasing that third boat. :roll: Even then, $4 mil can provide everything necessary PLUS be used to multiply itself - and getting back to another unanswered point of mine, any such ROI money would only be liable for capital gains taxation which is capped, IIRC, at 18% no matter what current bracket you're in.

Trying to make fun of people may make a person feel better about himself, but chances are around here that it won't hide the emptiness of an argument or the refusal to acknowledge or answer dissenting arguments.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:17 am
by Deepcrush
Sonic Glitch wrote:Hey, I feel it necessary to call out hypocrisy when I see it
I freely admit I'm a hypocrite, I've got no problem with that.
Sonic Glitch wrote:Should we keep going, or agree to disagree?
Honestly I'm fine either way so I'll leave it up to you. This is where I get to vent since doing it at work can be a bit risky.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:24 am
by Deepcrush
Mikey, I'm not ignoring your argument I'm just laughing at it. There's a solid difference or at least in my opinion there is. One being disrespectful to you as a person and the other just being what you deserve. I try not to be anymore disrespectful to someone then they've earned. Fact is you guys have danced the topic and to me you look like a bunch of sad people begging for someone to carry your dead weight. Does laughing at you make me feel better, yes it does. However my laughing at you has nothing to do with an argument being valid or not, its just my sense of humor.

Guy A, four million left... okay and what??? Should I feel bad for you that he's not feeding your kids because you can't do the job on your own?

Guy B, forty thousand left... again why should that bother me? Thats more then I make and I live well enough at least by my standards. If you've got two adults in a household you've got $80,000 a year which is more then enough to support a two adult/two child home.

Re: Tax Cuts Extension Back on the Drawing Board.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:59 am
by stitch626
Deepcrush wrote:
stitch626 wrote:
Want equal help under tax filled funds then you need to pay equal taxes to those funds.
No one said we want equal. We want fair. Fair =/= equal.
No, you want handouts.
Wrong. Not once have we asked for anyone to give us anything.