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Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:15 am
by MetalHead
There were alot of deleted scenes I'm looking forward too, stuff used in the trailer but not the final cut...cant' wait for directors cut DVD!

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:20 pm
by Angharrad
IanKennedy wrote:
Royal_Foxx wrote:I have a crush on the new Spock. :jump:

And I agree with Graham on this point.
GrahamKennedy wrote: Everybody involved absolutely NAILS their respective characters. These are absolutely the same people we see in TOS. Chris Pine especially does the impossible and just becomes Kirk.
I felt that way about the new Spock also.
Thought, if the relationship with Spock and Uhura continues, when Nurse Chapel comes on board, assuming that happens, there's going to be a cat fight.
Nurse Chapel is already on board, you hear McCoy tell her to do something.
Obviously I missed that. I only saw it once though.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:26 pm
by Nickswitz
I'm sure he noticed a lot more than us, being as he's seen it 5 times already!

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:55 pm
by LaughingCheese
IanKennedy wrote: Nurse Chapel is already on board, you hear McCoy tell her to do something.
Oh wow, I totally missed that!!! :shock:

Also, I don't remember hearing the computer that much?!

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:02 pm
by Nickswitz
I don't either, maybe they are kinda of toning out the computer because Majel Barett is dead so they don't have anyone to do the voice.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:42 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Whooo! I'm going at 4PM. :D

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:10 pm
by Lazar
MetalHead wrote:There were alot of deleted scenes I'm looking forward too, stuff used in the trailer but not the final cut...cant' wait for directors cut DVD!
There's one deleted scene where Nero escapes from a Klingon prison - actually I'm not sure where that would fit in in the plot.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:37 pm
by MetalHead
Not enough klingon fun in this film!! Though perhaps when their vessel first came through the singularity, they were powered down and confused or something and got hijacked? Who knows.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:58 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Whooo! Just back! Loved every bit of it!
Didn't even realise that I had been in there hours until it actualy ended. :)

I went with two people who have damn all interest in Trek. Hell, one went purely because she'd heard Eric Bana was in it. Both of them thoroughly enjoyed it, which says a lot.

Now, my thoughts:

The Good
The new Enterprise: From the pictures I had seen of it initialy, I thought it looked a bit off. But it looked pretty damn good on the big screen.

Ship interiors: A good mix of futuristic and practical.

New warp effect: Looks cool. I like it.

Characters: The actors all nailed their characters. Going in, I thought it would be a bit odd seeing other people playing characters I'd always seen as someone else. But they all did brilliantly.

The Narada: Very cool looking ship. Sleek and spikey.

Leonard Nimoy: Awesome to see him back again.

Special Effects: Brilliant and top-notch.

Sulu's folding sword: Utterly ridiculous, but I liked it none the less.

Nero: Take that Shinzon! That is how you play a Romulan villain!

Poor Porthos: A nice nod to ENT. Although the series sucked, I thought it was a good gesture. Great to see all the references to other series.

The Vulcans: I really liked this film's portrayal of the Vulcans. Far better than ENT's cardboard cutouts.

The Vegan Bear-Hound: The big wolf-thing that attacks Kirk first when he lands on Delta Vega. Looked pretty cool, and a nice concept for a predator on an ice world.

The Bad
Kirk appointed 2iC: That bit where Pike made Kirk the second in command of the Enterprise just didn't work for me. Surely there're other experienced officers aside from Pike and Spock on board. That whole bit just didn't sit right with me.

The battles: Far too short, and somewhat difficult to actualy see what was going on.

Chekov's accent: I see what they were going for here, but it was just too over the top for my liking. Though "Woolcan" and the "Wictor Wictor" scene got some laughs.

Enterprise's lack of a real fight scene: I'd expected to see the new Enterprise strut her stuff in a battle with the Narada. Sadly, the nEnterprise didn't really do much. The only time it fired was during the end, when the Narada was already fucked. I'd've at least liked even a brief exchange between the two ships.

The Ugly
The camera: Jesus H Christ. Was the cameraman having a fucking seizure or something? When done well, the shaky-cam effect can be very good. In this instance, however, it sucked. During the battles it was damn near impossible to see just what the hell was happening.

The Vegan Spidersaur: By which I mean the weird multi-legged lizard thing that attacked Kirk second. You know, the one that was red. On an ice planet. Where everything is white. Yeah, a red predator in an enviroment where everything is white. Come the fuck on!

The science: Dear God, no. A supernova destroying the galaxy? Yet again, come the fuck on! Even the people I went with, who have damn all interest in sci-fi or space, knew that was just dumb.

That said, I loved the film. It was great. I'll probably go again on Wednesday. I give it an excellend 5/5, despite it's flaws. It went back to the old action/adventure spirit of TOS, and pulled Trek out of the fire to live another day. While The Wrath of Khan still holds 1st place as the best Trek movie ever, ST:XI takes a well-deserved second place behind it.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:03 pm
by stitch626
The science: Dear God, no. A supernova destroying the galaxy? Yet again, come the f**k on! Even the people I went with, who have damn all interest in sci-fi or space, knew that was just dumb.
I also had an issue with that. Perhaps he meant that it could indirectly lead to the destruction of the whole galaxy (which it did, that galaxy no longer exists for Spock).

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:04 pm
by Angharrad
Rochey wrote:Whooo! Just back! Loved every bit of it!

That said, I loved the film. It was great. I'll probably go again on Wednesday. I give it an excellend 5/5, despite it's flaws. It went back to the old action/adventure spirit of TOS, and pulled Trek out of the fire to live another day. While The Wrath of Khan still holds 1st place as the best Trek movie ever, ST:XI takes a well-deserved second place behind it.
Wow, I loved this film and I loved The Wrath of Khan, except for the bug scene. I hate bugs. Why do they always have to use bugs?

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:05 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Wow, Rochey, that's a heck of an endorsement.

Turns out, I have an IMAX down here in Sugar Land, so we don't have to drive 50+ miles to north Houston. :)

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:06 pm
by stitch626
Let us know how the IMAX is Tsu.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:11 pm
by Sionnach Glic
stitch626 wrote:I also had an issue with that. Perhaps he meant that it could indirectly lead to the destruction of the whole galaxy (which it did, that galaxy no longer exists for Spock).
From his phrasing, he seemed to mean that it actualy threatened to wipe out the galaxy itself, which he said was the reason they had to stop it. If he meant it in an indirect manner, then he was being really unclear.
Royal_Foxx wrote:Wow, I loved this film and I loved The Wrath of Khan, except for the bug scene. I hate bugs. Why do they always have to use bugs?
Because the insect body form is about as different you can get from humans, thus they seem very "alien" to us. So it's easy to have them give off an almost instinctual sense of danger to us.

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:21 pm
by dagadget
Cpl Kendall wrote:
dagadget wrote:

Well if it is cash that they are after this one has 31 Million on Thursday and Friday already. I see a few more movies but no series off of this. To many will not like the lack of Vulcan or Romulus in it. This cuts way too many stories out and makes less story lines possible. The Enterprise sure is different too
Well to be honest, the hardcore fans can go bugger themselves. I welcome the scarcity of Vulcan's and Romulan's, drastic change is what was required and now the franchise is free to do what is interesting and exciting. Personally I think a series of movies would be a better idea then a TV series, the big budgets allows more to be done and the drastic change in quality from a big budget movie to a long running series would be fairly extreme. RDM talks a fair bit about how they had to make filler episodes cause the budget wouldn't allow for frequent high quality effects required for combat.

You are right, Vulcan and Romulus were both seldom used in the original series or movies. They are already working on another movie 2011 sometime release date. There are so many possibilities here. Changing the timeline has always been part of trek, this is no different and in fact James T kirk and crew will probably have a five year go before they did originally. going from Cadet to Captain cut 8 years off Kirk's original timeline. LOL perhaps there will be another star trek IV type movie involving time travel to restore the original timeline and to save Vulcan and Romulus as well.... After thinking overnight on the movie it is clear that the future is very bright and a bit different than the original........