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Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:52 am
by stitch626
Well, if it reassures you any, I don't trust you either. Honestly, killing me would be the second worst thing you could do, the first being suicide. I am not a Founder, have never been a Founder, and don't really like Founders. However, you are entitled to your opinion. I have decided not to get worked up over your... gut.
:: yawns... again ::
Besides, killing me just based on your gut is one: not fair, and two: unStarfleet like.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:56 am
by Reliant121
Starfleet like...huh, that'd be a strange thing for a founder to say.

I wanna hear Teaos make his case first before i decide.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:02 pm
by Teaos
He has been acting odd in my opinion wince we crashed.

He has been highly visible but has made a real effort to not raise suspisions. He has just been there, like wallpaper. Not trying to draw attention and not trying to accuse anyone until I point at him.

Everyone else has been at least normally suspicious. Saying that they think certain things are sus, Stitch hasnt. He just stands there, moving about being visible but not trying to draw attention to himself. Also, he just seems like a founder.

I dont want to fall asleep with out doing something.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:07 pm
by Reliant121
I have to admit, he has been the least open and accusatory of us a couple of erratic outbursts here or there....

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:10 pm
by stitch626
The reason I haven't made any accusations is because they are currently baseless.
And not drawing attention to myself? You mean, by taking the time to bury our captain, along with Tsu?
And honestly, drawing attention to oneself is a bad idea. Not only can it make someone suspicious, it can also lead to the Founders eliminating a person if they get too close. I personally do not want to die in my sleep.
And if you wanted to do something, you could have been helpful.
All of us, other than you and Bob, who seems to still be asleep, have spent the entire day working: burying our captain, gathering supplies, getting equipment ready.
You just sit there and say "I think Stitch is a Founder."

If you want me to make accusations, I will. I say Teaos may be a Founder, because he wants to kill someone because they aren't acting suspicious.
I also say it is Bob because he has been sleeping all day.
And it may be Tsu or Mark because they were the first to find Rochey's body.
Do you want me to continue? I'm quite sure I can find something to accuse every single one of us. Do you want to kill all of us because we all might be a Founder?

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:58 pm
by bob
::runs up to everyone:: Hi, sorry about being so late but I guess I slept to much cause I was up all night worrying about someone getting killed by founders and... ::looks at everyone:: ...What?

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:06 pm
by Reliant121
Take a look over there -points at rochey's grave-

We got ourselves a murder.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:17 pm
by bob
::as reliant fills in bob on what has happened, bob looks around:: uh, I think we should find some shelter i.e.caves, ledges, etc.
for sandstorms and such. ::looks back at crippled defiant:: Unless we're using that.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:24 pm
by Mark
:::looks around:::

Well, for what it's worth, Stitch HAS been acting kind of Founder-ish, in my opinion. In the acadamy, we learned a little about the suspected Founder MO. Notice that the Founder DID impersonate Martok, who was leading Gowron around by the nose. To use the previous example, the Founder would chose it's "Martok" from among the crew, and it's "Gowron" would have been the Captain, so that really isn't a defense for Stitch.

If I had to pick somebody right now, I'd pick Stitch.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:28 pm
by bob
Well I vote we don't space anyone

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:39 pm
by Mark

Well Bob, I don't think you've got to worry about anyone getting "spaced" as long as we're all stuck here on the planets surface :)

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:07 pm
by stitch626
Ugh, learned at the Academy.
Let me tell you, what you learn at the Academy does not make up for real life experience. I've met Vorta. I doubt any of you have. I've fought the Jem'Hadar face to face. I've even had the unfortunate experience to see a Founder on my previous ship's viewscreen.
If I'm acting Founderish in your uninformed opinions, then it is because I've been in this war far too long. I may even retire after this mission, if I live through it.
If you kill me, you will be getting rid of the only person here, other than the Founders, who really has experience with them.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:14 pm
by Tsukiyumi
I'm going to vote to not kill anyone yet. We just don't have enough to go on to accuse anyone.

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:32 pm
by Mark
So you admit that you may be acting founder-ish?

Re: Find the Founders IV

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:35 pm
by stitch626
Yes, in your opinions. Not in mine.