I wouldn't use the phrase "terrorist" to describe the CIA's antics - their actions are certainly criminal, but a terrorist is a specific type of criminal.
You may not want to use the phrase terrorist but they are in fact using terror tactics. They are there for terrorists.
I'd also object to defining all legal combatants as "soldiers".
Maybe not all, fair enough. But most would be soldiers. Makes little difference if they are professionals or militia.
There are plenty of militias that fit the criteria for being legal combatants, but don't have the professionalism that defines soldiers.
This is kind of covered above but I'll make sure to be clear. A militia is still an armed and organized force. They are soldiers, just not professionals.
Therefore the distinction is really between legal combatants on the one hand and criminals on the other.
And my question still stands. How do you know the difference between the two?
As for how that distinction is made - go back and read the thread.
I did before I asked you guys anything. My question wasn't answered by anyone so now I'm asking up front.