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Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:50 am
by Sionnach Glic
ST: TMP: To be watched only when I'm out of sleeping pills.
ST: TWOK: Best Trek film ever.
ST: TSFS: Pretty good.
ST: TVH: Not bad.
ST: TFF: Meh.
ST: TUD: Alright.
ST: Gen: Bad.
ST: FC: Pretty cool.
ST: INS: Crap and based on very dodgy morals.
ST: NEM: Gets more pathetic with every viewing.

Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:17 pm
by stitch626
TMP: I'll watch it, though try to forget the uniforms.
TWOK: Loved it!
TSFS: I liked it, though is dragged at the end.
TVH: I liked the music, and enjoyed the jokes. Definitely watch during a marathon.
TFF: I will never miss it.
TUC: I liked this one, save for a few parts.
GEN: Ok, except for the death of the E-D... that was terrible.
FC: Loved it!
Ins: Meh. Still waiting for Rochey to finish his mockery.
Nem: Awesome film, 99% due to its mockery done by Rochey. :mrgreen:

Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:44 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
TMP: It's been called "The slow Motion Picture" for a reason
TWOK: Best Trek Film ever
TSFS: Nothing outrageously wrong with it, just not particularly good or exiting overall
TVH: I see it as a nice, light Trek comedy and have fun with it
TFF: What were they thinking?
TUC: I really liked it; my second favorite Trek film
GEN: meh
FC: Pretty film and best TNG film, but doesn't stand up to the best of the TOS films
INS: If it's supposed to be TNG's TVH, it takes its morals too seriously and, well, just isn't as funny
NEM: see Rochey's skewering

Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:08 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The problem with INS's morals isn't that they're taken too far, it's that they're the wrong morals.

Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:38 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
That too. :)

But, it is hard to attempt a lighthearted film in the TVH mold if your lead is Jean-Luc Picard...

Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:00 pm
by Captain Seafort
ST: TMP: Some cool scenes, especially the refit-Connie, but not great.
ST: TWOK: Brilliant - joint top.
ST: TSFS: A good film, with one of the best scenes in Trek - the death of the old Enterprise.
ST: TVH: Pretty good as a comedy, but not great.
ST: TFF: Some good stuff, but lots of shite.
ST: TUC: The other joint top.
ST: Gen: Again, not great but better than V and TMP.
ST: FC: The best of the TNG films by far, but a bit short of II and VI.
ST: INS: A decent popcorn flick, if you ignore the morality (or lack thereof).
ST: NEM: Shit, without even the consolation of a decent battle.

Re: Prime Directive

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:30 am
by Chris Propst
Rochey wrote:Ships went "boom" in a shitty way, due mostly to mass stupidity on all sides.
And Data's death was ridiculously dumb. Seriously, he couldn't have carried another of those portable transporter things with him? :roll:
In fact, why the hell did Picard even go alone?
What I hate about this movie is that the most important basic plot point - Data's death - is such a tremendously good idea. But it had the wrong context. I was too busy wondering why Picard no longer cared for the Prime Directive, trying to get over the feeling of TOTAL disconnect this had with the overall feel of TNG/Generations/First Contact, and even Insurrection, and what should have been profoundly emotional and like the death of a close friend felt pretty cold and ambivalent.