Moderator: Lt. Staplic
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We did not allow Tholian warships through our space, only trade vessels. Given the nature of the transphasic cloaking devices, the ships could have passed through Federation space just as easily.
Clearly, the Union is looking to expand even further, and no one chooses to stop you, or even do more than make pitiful objections.
Our trade vessels will pass through your illegal blockade. What happens next is entirely up to the Cardassian Union.
Clearly, the Union is looking to expand even further, and no one chooses to stop you, or even do more than make pitiful objections.
Our trade vessels will pass through your illegal blockade. What happens next is entirely up to the Cardassian Union.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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All evidence points to your nation allowing the Tholians through. Given the Federation's relationship with the Tholians, their neutral status, their willingness to ensure their own vessels are not impacted, and their general ability to keep their own affairs in order we are confident that the Tholian vessels did not traverse Federation space but escorted their trade ships through your space.
Your ships will not pass through our blockade, that is the very definition of the term. Also please point out the law or treaty we are violating with this blockade that would make it illegal.
Regardless, if the news is to be believed we will not be having to deal with you much longer. Hopefully your successor will be more reasonable.
- BigJKU316
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The Federation is confident that the ships did not pass through Jacorn space with permission. We are making arrangements to provide the Jacorn with the necessary equipment to detect such incursions.
At this point we find the Cardassian threats premature and completely unnecessary in regard to the Jacorn Alliance. We are loath to listen to further threats over this matter, particularly given that your government just overran yet another sovereign power during the past year. Collect your debt from the Tholian's if you must but to spread the matter beyond the two of you threatens to plunge the whole region into war.
At this point we find the Cardassian threats premature and completely unnecessary in regard to the Jacorn Alliance. We are loath to listen to further threats over this matter, particularly given that your government just overran yet another sovereign power during the past year. Collect your debt from the Tholian's if you must but to spread the matter beyond the two of you threatens to plunge the whole region into war.
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Perhaps the Federation has some issues with their memory. It was the Jacorn who decided to widen the conflict by attempting to force their freighters to escort the Tholians. Until then this was simply a Cardassian/Tholian matter. We realize that you likely feel some loyalty to your little client state but lets not twist facts.
Since the Federation has seen fit to confirm that the Tholians did not have permission to cross the Jacorn's border and now are willing to supply the Jacorn with the equipment necessary to detect and warn others of such incursions we are willing to withdraw the threat of blockade for now.
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I'm sure it's because I'm a dictatorial despot but would someone, perhaps the Federation explain to me the democratic process again? I'm not entirely sure where suspension of civil liberties and the arrest of dissenters fits within the framework of your political theory but I am eager to learn as we all are I'm sure. Your little client state is surely an inspiration to all the oppressed people's of the quadrant yearning to breath free.
- BigJKU316
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The Federation is dismayed by this development within the Jacorn Alliance and calls for the president to step down in compliance with the law of his land. A large potion of the Jacorn fleet has defected to the Federation seeking asylum and bringing with them tales of military men being shot down while on the march when the coup occurred if they would not swear their loyalty to the usurping regime on the spot.Lt. Staplic wrote:Galactic News Network
Jacorn President Refuses to Leave Office
Following the complete withdraw of support from virtually every major party, the current president has declared Martial Law to keep order. Without any support, many dissenters, including the majority of the Senate have been arrested and are being detained in high security prisons.
The Jacorn are a free people. This regime has effectively attacked their democratic institutions from within and this is a matter we take with the utmost seriousness.
You may now have control of the situation but that will not last. Many have already fled and vowed to oppose you. Untold billions will do so on your worlds for years. Step down now before more blood is shed.
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With regards to the rumors that there has been a diplomatic breech between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of Planets let me categorically deny this. The Union maintains embassies on all major planets as well as the Neutral Trade Station. We would not do anything so ridiculous or puerile as to sever diplomatic ties with our neighbor.
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That the Federation would rather trample over their own Prime Directive by direct involvement in the internal matters of a sovereign nation, while ignoring the invasions of other sovereign powers by the Cardassian Union is an appalling state of affairs.
We request that all Federation vessels leave Jacorn space at once, or your invasion will be met with lethal force.
We request that all Federation vessels leave Jacorn space at once, or your invasion will be met with lethal force.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
- BigJKU316
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Those forces will leave when the usurping government which attacked the democratic institutions of the Jacorn steps down from authority and restores it to the people and not one day sooner. Our position has been made clear since the end of the Khitomer Accords. We could no longer be the guardians of the region as a whole but we will be the guardians of democracy where it exist. Your regime has attacked that which we value. Therefore it is your illegitimate regime that must be opposed.Tsukiyumi wrote:That the Federation would rather trample over their own Prime Directive by direct involvement in the internal matters of a sovereign nation, while ignoring the invasions of other sovereign powers by the Cardassian Union is an appalling state of affairs.
We request that all Federation vessels leave Jacorn space at once, or your invasion will be met with lethal force.
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So be it.
In the end, the Cardassians will have grown too powerful for you to oppose them, and they will overwhelm you. We hope you remember how foolish this was when they are landing troops in Paris. Good luck preventing that outcome alone.
In the end, the Cardassians will have grown too powerful for you to oppose them, and they will overwhelm you. We hope you remember how foolish this was when they are landing troops in Paris. Good luck preventing that outcome alone.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
- BigJKU316
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We have every confidence that if and when such time comes the Jacorn people will, of their own free accord, do what is right and proper unlike your administration.Tsukiyumi wrote:So be it.
In the end, the Cardassians will have grown too powerful for you to oppose them, and they will overwhelm you. We hope you remember how foolish this was when they are landing troops in Paris. Good luck preventing that outcome alone.
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What is right and proper would be following your own Prime Directive, and staying out of the internal matters of others.
Enough banter. We have stated our position; you have stated yours. Let us begin.
Enough banter. We have stated our position; you have stated yours. Let us begin.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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- Location: Jeri Ryan's Dressing Room, Shhhhh

The Cardassian Union resents the implication that we would sully our good relationship with the Federation by attacking them at any point. Besides, Paris has such a dreadful climate, Cairo or Rio De Janeiro have much nicer weather.
- BigJKU316
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Presidential Address
*Steps of the Jacoran Capitol Building, being broadcast to all Jacorn and Federation space*
We are gathered here today in a joined remembrance of those perished so that the Jacoran people might once again live free. The Federation has long pledged to defend those who take unto themselves the challenge of democratic governance from all threats. I wish to state at this time my personal gratitude for those members of Starfleet who lost their lives. I also wish to state the same regarding the Jacorn military and people, who when given the opportunity to resist tyranny took action to wrest their own liberty from the hands of their oppressors.
To those who lost their loved ones I know how weak and empty these words must feel as you attempt to deal with an overwhelming loss. But I personally cannot pass on this opportunity to express the thanks of two republics, one ongoing and the other restored by their sacrifice. May time heal your anguish and leave you only to remember with pride at the sacrifice of your kin at the altar of liberty.
Our two peoples can take just pride in what happened here. A despot was removed from power. Free people proved that they will not stand silent as their liberty is torn from them. Over the next decade or more we will do what we have always done. We will persevere. Both our peoples will emerge stronger from these travails than they were before it. These events and others in the galaxy however raise the question, what is our role in the world? Tonight the sun will set on more suffering and oppressed people than at any point in the collective recorded history of both our peoples.
There are those among both the Jacorn and Federation who have told us they have a utopian solution to our relations with these aggressive, expansionist powers. They claim that we can have peace without victory. They call this policy neutrality and they dismiss those who speak against it as warmongers. Even those within my administration have said that what I am about to offer now is a simple solution to a complex problem.
But there is a simple answer. If our peoples have the courage to collective tell our elected officials that we demand a national policy based on what we in our hearts and minds know is morally right knowing there may be consequences. I stood before you as a people not long ago and said I do not know what the future holds. I still don’t.
But I do know this. We cannot, should not and will not buy our freedom from war by committing an immorality so great as to say to those people suffering under the boots of Romulan and Cardassian oppression that they should give up their aspirations for freedom because to save our own skins we have made a deal with your slave masters. The Jacorn resistance is a living example of this. A wise man once said that a nation that can prefer disgrace to danger is ready for a master, and deserves one. The Jacorn people clearly will not tolerate a master. And neither will we.
There is no argument in preference of peace over war. But there is only one sure way to have peace and it can be had in this second…surrender.
Admittedly there is risk in any course we take other than this but history tells us the greater risk is appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning neutral friends refuse to face…that their policy of neutrality is really appeasement and it gives us no real choice between peace and war, only between fight and surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and ignore, eventually we will find ourselves the subject of the next demand. And what then?
The leaders of the two oppressive regimes have told their people they know what our answer will be. They have told them democracy is retreating under the pressure of their advance and that when the time comes for them to deliver their demands to us our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have been weakened from within both morally and economically.
They believe this because from our side they have heard voice pleading for “peace at any price” and cowering under the prime directive as a child might hide under a blanket at night. Some have even suggested that it is better to live on ones knees than die on your feet. And in this reasoning lies the road to eventual war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us.
You and I know and do not believe our lives so dear and this peace so sweet that it ought to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in this life is worth dying for when did this begin? Just in the face of these enemies? Or should the Jacorn resistance have told its people to live in slavery under their oppressors? Should Sisko have backed down from the Dominion? Faced with aggression by the Romulans should the founding members of the Federation have cast down their weapons and refused to fire the shots that founded our nation?
These martyrs of our histories were not fools. And our honored fallen who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Dominion and resist your recent president did not die in vain. We are left then to ask what is the road to peace if not through appeasement. That is a simple answer after all.
We must have the courage to say to our enemies that there is a price we will not pay and there is a point beyond which you must not go. Someone once said the destiny of sentient people is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world we learn that we are spirits, not animals. There is something going on in time and space and beyond time and space which, whether we like it or not reminds us of our duty.
Our peoples have a rendezvous with destiny. Either we will preserve for our children the privilege of democratic government and freedom which stands as the last, best hope of all peoples or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand generations of darkness.
If I may ask only one thing of you all it is to think not of yourselves but of the future of all our peoples over the next few years. Great forces are on the move. Both of our peoples are faced with a choice. We face each day and challenge with the relish of knowing we have the privilege to live in historic times or we can turn inward and hope the march of history moves past us without notice.
As I said I cannot see the future. But I can tell you what my vision for our collective future is. The democratic powers need not worry about containing despotism. We will transcend it. We need not waste our time with denouncing it as its failings are an absolute truth. Our people, united and strong, are proof of the morally bankrupt nature of their system. Our people, prosperous and free, are proof of the immoral bargain they trumpet. We will live to see the day when despotic rule is dismissed by all as a sick and sad chapter in the history of all peoples and historians will say that even as we stood here at this moment the last chapters of its existence were being written.
*Steps of the Jacoran Capitol Building, being broadcast to all Jacorn and Federation space*
We are gathered here today in a joined remembrance of those perished so that the Jacoran people might once again live free. The Federation has long pledged to defend those who take unto themselves the challenge of democratic governance from all threats. I wish to state at this time my personal gratitude for those members of Starfleet who lost their lives. I also wish to state the same regarding the Jacorn military and people, who when given the opportunity to resist tyranny took action to wrest their own liberty from the hands of their oppressors.
To those who lost their loved ones I know how weak and empty these words must feel as you attempt to deal with an overwhelming loss. But I personally cannot pass on this opportunity to express the thanks of two republics, one ongoing and the other restored by their sacrifice. May time heal your anguish and leave you only to remember with pride at the sacrifice of your kin at the altar of liberty.
Our two peoples can take just pride in what happened here. A despot was removed from power. Free people proved that they will not stand silent as their liberty is torn from them. Over the next decade or more we will do what we have always done. We will persevere. Both our peoples will emerge stronger from these travails than they were before it. These events and others in the galaxy however raise the question, what is our role in the world? Tonight the sun will set on more suffering and oppressed people than at any point in the collective recorded history of both our peoples.
There are those among both the Jacorn and Federation who have told us they have a utopian solution to our relations with these aggressive, expansionist powers. They claim that we can have peace without victory. They call this policy neutrality and they dismiss those who speak against it as warmongers. Even those within my administration have said that what I am about to offer now is a simple solution to a complex problem.
But there is a simple answer. If our peoples have the courage to collective tell our elected officials that we demand a national policy based on what we in our hearts and minds know is morally right knowing there may be consequences. I stood before you as a people not long ago and said I do not know what the future holds. I still don’t.
But I do know this. We cannot, should not and will not buy our freedom from war by committing an immorality so great as to say to those people suffering under the boots of Romulan and Cardassian oppression that they should give up their aspirations for freedom because to save our own skins we have made a deal with your slave masters. The Jacorn resistance is a living example of this. A wise man once said that a nation that can prefer disgrace to danger is ready for a master, and deserves one. The Jacorn people clearly will not tolerate a master. And neither will we.
There is no argument in preference of peace over war. But there is only one sure way to have peace and it can be had in this second…surrender.
Admittedly there is risk in any course we take other than this but history tells us the greater risk is appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning neutral friends refuse to face…that their policy of neutrality is really appeasement and it gives us no real choice between peace and war, only between fight and surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and ignore, eventually we will find ourselves the subject of the next demand. And what then?
The leaders of the two oppressive regimes have told their people they know what our answer will be. They have told them democracy is retreating under the pressure of their advance and that when the time comes for them to deliver their demands to us our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have been weakened from within both morally and economically.
They believe this because from our side they have heard voice pleading for “peace at any price” and cowering under the prime directive as a child might hide under a blanket at night. Some have even suggested that it is better to live on ones knees than die on your feet. And in this reasoning lies the road to eventual war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us.
You and I know and do not believe our lives so dear and this peace so sweet that it ought to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in this life is worth dying for when did this begin? Just in the face of these enemies? Or should the Jacorn resistance have told its people to live in slavery under their oppressors? Should Sisko have backed down from the Dominion? Faced with aggression by the Romulans should the founding members of the Federation have cast down their weapons and refused to fire the shots that founded our nation?
These martyrs of our histories were not fools. And our honored fallen who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Dominion and resist your recent president did not die in vain. We are left then to ask what is the road to peace if not through appeasement. That is a simple answer after all.
We must have the courage to say to our enemies that there is a price we will not pay and there is a point beyond which you must not go. Someone once said the destiny of sentient people is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world we learn that we are spirits, not animals. There is something going on in time and space and beyond time and space which, whether we like it or not reminds us of our duty.
Our peoples have a rendezvous with destiny. Either we will preserve for our children the privilege of democratic government and freedom which stands as the last, best hope of all peoples or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand generations of darkness.
If I may ask only one thing of you all it is to think not of yourselves but of the future of all our peoples over the next few years. Great forces are on the move. Both of our peoples are faced with a choice. We face each day and challenge with the relish of knowing we have the privilege to live in historic times or we can turn inward and hope the march of history moves past us without notice.
As I said I cannot see the future. But I can tell you what my vision for our collective future is. The democratic powers need not worry about containing despotism. We will transcend it. We need not waste our time with denouncing it as its failings are an absolute truth. Our people, united and strong, are proof of the morally bankrupt nature of their system. Our people, prosperous and free, are proof of the immoral bargain they trumpet. We will live to see the day when despotic rule is dismissed by all as a sick and sad chapter in the history of all peoples and historians will say that even as we stood here at this moment the last chapters of its existence were being written.