Captain Seafort wrote:Bluster ignored, concession accepted.
Like hell. Refusing to play your semantic games does not equal concession . . . you're changing the topic to one that is irrelevant in an effort to avoid the discussion in progress.
I'm not here to play such games. Take your toys and go home.
(By the way, did Mattel make that Semantic Obfuscator 2000 you used? Check and see if it has Chinese lead in it! There's a recall.
Just tryin' to help.)
I post a rebuttal to you back on page two that you have yet to respond to:
Your post was not worthy of reply. It provided no new information or argument . . . just the same "but, but, he's evil!" Bush Derangement Syndrome opinion piece.
But if your ego requires my attention, I'll be kind:
As previously noted, what we're told in the article is that someone was told, second-hand, that Bush was apprised of the existence of a source which said Iraq did not have WMDs.
This source's claim ran contrary to the intelligence being provided and believed and reported elsewhere
by the guy who supposedly apprised Bush of the guy's existence, George Tenet, and his Central Intelligence Agency. Further, we know from other sources (previously referenced) that the source's statements were mishandled, so that what Tenet had was that the source said they did not yet have nukes, but had everything else and were working actively on getting nukes.
So one guy thinks Bush heard one thing from Tenet, yet Tenet himself believed something else per all his statements, and his own CIA was reporting that the guy's source was saying something a bit different.
Yet you still think Bush knew there weren't WMDs and went in anyway, considering this an impeachable offense and Bush a liar. What's wrong with you?
(Indeed, there's a recent
flap in the lefty blogosphere wherein supposedly the Spanish president was told by Bush that Saddam had offered via Egypt to step down right before the war if he was paid a billion bucks, and if he got to take his WMD information with him! Great, another
AQ Khan, but dumber and richer.
Point being, though, that this supposed magic source which to your mind Bush heard almost directly from and believed in was actively contradicted by Tenet's CIA and by Saddam himself, both in regards to his games with inspectors and even his attempts to make a run for it. Yet you still think Bush knew there weren't WMDs and went in anyway, considering this an impeachable offense and Bush a liar. What's wrong with you?)
Both the October 2002 NIE and Powell's briefing to the UN stated that Saddam possed WMD.
As of 2002 (it's different now), the NIE came from the CIA. In other words, Tenet. Oh yeah, who was sitting behind Powell (then of the State Department) at the UN? Tenet. Guess where Powell's info came from?
In other words, you're claiming that Bush orchestrated a government lie.
You claim he knew the whole time that Saddam had nothing whatsoever, but that he wanted Saddam's head on a plate (or oil or sexual favors from Halliburton or whatever conspiracy theory you can come up with) and therefore constructed from scratch the WMD thing.
I'm saying . . . with evidence . . . that Saddam's attempts to bluff his way into the nuclear club were supported within the US by the CIA's intel which argued that he had non-nuclear WMDs and an advanced nuclear program.
That's why we went in.
Tenet himself backs me on this, along with all known facts. You've got some dudes claiming hearsay from Tenet that contradicts Tenet's own words and stated beliefs.
And you wonder why I didn't think your post worthy of reply? You didn't even know that the NIE was a CIA product, obviously, or else you'd have paid attention to the talk about the CIA that went on.
Then at the end, you gave a spun version of our last sparring regarding your use of Soros-funded lefty net-nuts as evidence that the US media doesn't break far enough left (MoveOn, MediaMatters, it doesn't much matter which), which you considered proof that the US media is not leftist.
You claim that I did not attempt to refute your argument, which suggests that you failed to realize that I already had done so.
If you called me a conservative and I responded by pointing to the opinion of saying I wasn't conservative enough, do you really think I just made a worthwhile argument? No . . . it's pre-refuted for your convenience. Pointing out the nature of your so-called "evidence" was all that was required.