No, he couldn't do both. But I figured he'd use his ability to protect himself, as he must have realisd that people would be gunning for him after the Staplic Debacle. Which would have actualy left the humans in a winnable situation. I also had the outline for three alternate endings ready, before deciding to go for the one I posted, which I actualy just made up on the fly.
I really liked modding this game. There was a lot of intrigue and plotting going on behind the "public" scenes, and it ended in such a way that the entire result could have been reversed had just one choice in the last night phase been changed.
Tsu had the capability of either protecting himself or discovering whether or not a person was a human or werewolf. Because of the business with Staplic, I'd assumed he'd try to protect himself against an attack. But instead he chose to investigate Foxx.
Stitch initialy chose to kill Tsu, but instead changed his target to Deep, based on his character being annoying to him. This meant that one of the werewolves died that night.
The werewolves chose to kill Tsu. If he had protected himself, he would have survived that night.
As you can see, had Tsu chosen to protect himself then the result the next morning would have been 2 humans left and 1 werewolf; a winnable scenario for the humans, provided Tsu could convince Stitch of his innocence. But because he didn't, he died, leaving just two survivors: Foxx and Stitch.
would have given the werewolves an automatic win had Stitch been a normal Townsperson. But because of his abilities, I felt he would also have a chance at actualy fending off a werewolf attack. This resulted in me over the course of a slow hour in school drawing up three alternate endings.
Alternate Ending #1:
In this ending, there'd be no survivor. Foxx and Stitch, having killed their respective targets, would encounter each other while they were both returning home from their victim's lairs. The two, realising that they were the only two left, would argue, with Stitch becoming steadily more angry. Foxx would reveal that she was the one that murdered his son, provoking Stitch to attack in a maddened rage. Stitch would kill Foxx, but die of the wounds he'd sustained in the battle.
Figuring I should at least leave
someone as a winner of the game, I decided to scrap this ending, deciding instead to base the survivor on the flip of a coin: heads and Foxx would live, tails and Stitch would live.
Alternate Ending #2:
This was in the event that the coin came up heads. Foxx would return to the church after killing Tsu, finding Deep's dead body. The death of her master would drive her into a half-mad rage, at which she'd rampage around the town, slaughtering the last few survivors in their homes or as they tried to flee.
As she approaches the farmhouse, Stitch, warned by other people fleeing from her, would set a trap for her. However, she spots the trap and easily avoids it, smashing into the farmhouse to attack Stitch. There'd be a brief battle, at the end of which Stitch would die after the burning farmhouse starts to collapse, parts of the upper floor collapsing on top of him.
Foxx, her blood-lust satisfied, would head towards the next town, ready to start it all over again.
Alternate Ending #3:
This was in the event that the coin came up tails. Stitch, after killing Deep, would start heading back towards his farm again. While passing through the town, he'd hear a commotion coming from Tsu's house. He arrives just in time to see Tsu get his throat torn out by Foxx. Realising that he has a chance to end it all there, he confronts Foxx. Things from here proceed much like the first alternate ending, with Foxx provoking Stitch into a furious assault. The change is that Stitch's wounds are not fatal.
Actual Ending:
The coin came up heads, so I was ready to write AE#2 as planned. However, as I was writing the confrontation between Deep and Stitch, I felt it flowed more naturaly if Stitch was killed during the fight, just barely managing to take Deep down with him. To resolve the Tsu/Foxx confrontation, I decided to have Tsu die in a manner similar to Staplic, as a sort of paralel between them. I then got the idea that this confrontation could spark some sort of cataclysm that would wipe out the remnants of the town, giving Deep and Stitch a sort of hellish background to fight against. The church burning as they fought, and their eventual fall from the top of the bell tower were just made up on the fly as I was writing, with the end result that Stitch nobely sacraficed himself to kill what he believed was the last werewolf.
Unfortunately for him, however, the coin had come up heads, meaning that Foxx lived to fight another day. Feeling that it would be a bit of a cop-out to have her survive a miniature nuke going off by just hiding in the cellar, I made the explosion come from Tsu's chemicals, which he'd hastily thrown together in the hope that it would be a potent weapon. Foxx was safe in the cellar because, as we all know, the greenish-purple brand of explosions only go
up, leaving things below them perfectly safe.