Graham Kennedy wrote:. Not to mention the fact that the Nazis would paint any armed resistance in terms of "Look, we were right all along, they're killing Germans openly now! The enemy within, just like we always said!"
So we're letting people get away with saying that it could have been worse for the German Jews?
I'm kidding, except you'd probably see that if Carson said it. Note I'm not exactly a Carson fan. I'm in this for the 2A angle.
Anyway to get back to the article Mikey linked, the question was about the laws of Europe and six million Jews that could have been armed. Carson said Hitler's ability to achieve his goals on that front would have been "greatly diminished."
I think millions of armed combatants could have diminish some plans. Just convincing Hitler to enact his final solution
after he dealt with the Russians would have been enough to make a huge difference. Just gumming up the works some would have made some difference. At a minimum there would have been German casualties instead of laborers in work camps making more Nazi materiel and maybe you'd save some people in the next country over. Not a responsibility thing. It doesn't make it "their fault." But why are we making our kids take geography and history classes if they aren't supposed to actually learn anything and apply it in some meaningful manner?
But I can see it being a sensitive topic. Maybe talking about things like the relative resistance of Kurds vs other groups vs ISIS might be better. But that's more complicated and people haven't watched a half dozen movies/tv series on it.