Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2015

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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Teaos »

That would be sweet
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by stitch626 »

Nutso wrote:
Tyyr wrote:I'd like to see a clean break from the current movie timeline.
Like a Knights of The Old Republic movie? :)
That would be either the most grossing movie of all time, or the cause of the destruction of Disney.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Teaos »

I think it could very well go for most grossing and bring Sci-Fi back into the main stream like the original SW did.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Captain Seafort »

Possibly. I also doubt they'd go for it. The fact that it's being called Ep VII suggests that it'll be post-RotJ, and I've seen rumours that all or some of the original big three are coming back. That suggests a timescale of 30-40 years post-RotJ. That means crapping over the Vong War, which will probably make Striker distraught at the decanonisation of Star by Star. :P
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Teaos »

Star Wars Episode VII the Golden Years?
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by shran »

Star Wars: Princess Leia and the Frog.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Nutso »

How about combining Star Wars with another recently bought property?
The Amazing Stormtooper.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Nutso »

I have a question for those of you who read the Yuzang Vong story? What is it that you hate so much?
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Captain Seafort »

Nutso wrote:I have a question for those of you who read the Yuzang Vong story? What is it that you hate so much?
Mainly a combination of crap writing, biowank, plot-induced New Republic stupidity, outright contradiction of everything we've ever heard about the Force, and a near complete lack of character shields. Having said that, some of them are pretty good. Me and Striker have had some lively debates on the merits of Star by Star, but the Enemy Lines duology that follows it is held in pretty much universal high regard.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Captain Seafort wrote:
Nutso wrote:I have a question for those of you who read the Yuzang Vong story? What is it that you hate so much?
Mainly a combination of crap writing, biowank, plot-induced New Republic stupidity, outright contradiction of everything we've ever heard about the Force, and a near complete lack of character shields. Having said that, some of them are pretty good. Me and Striker have had some lively debates on the merits of Star by Star, but the Enemy Lines duology that follows it is held in pretty much universal high regard.
I can't expound much more on this. Good debates, I hope. ;) And Enemy lines... I remember not hating it. From me, that's glowing praise. :lol:
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Tyyr »

Captain Seafort wrote:
Nutso wrote:I have a question for those of you who read the Yuzang Vong story? What is it that you hate so much?
Mainly a combination of crap writing, biowank, plot-induced New Republic stupidity, outright contradiction of everything we've ever heard about the Force, and a near complete lack of character shields.
Pretty much that. Though I honestly didn't make it very far into the Vong storyline before I just gave up on it all. The EU had steadily losing me for a while so when the Vong came along I said "Fuck this," and washed my hands of it.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Teaos »

As my Dad would say "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"

Also I don't believe it. UNLESS its a reboot.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by Captain Seafort »

That article takes all of two words to prove it's irredeemable, unreliable bullshit. Assuming "www" counts as a word.
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Re: Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm, Star Wars Epi 7 Coming in 2

Post by stitch626 »

Isn't resurrecting dead villains one of the more annoying EU aspects?
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