Tyyr wrote:In the sense that the free education you get (and yes a bit of everyone's taxes goes to pay for it) is not sufficient to go out and get any job you please, yes.
Aye, that's what I was getting at.
Tyyr wrote:
If you review the end of the first page of the thread this discussion drifted off the original topic. However, given the fact that we don't have any damn details about what exactly a nationalized healthcare plan is going to entail, in the United States, I remain highly, highly skeptical that my government which is made up of vote whoring prostitutes interspersed with incompetant appointees who just knew which ass to kiss will be able to take the reigns of healthcare without royally f***ing it up.
Every government is composed of those exact same types, yet many European countries and Canada manage it just fine.
Tyyr wrote:Social Security became the third rail of American politics because it became used as a weapon in poltical battles, a hot button issue, just say your opponent was going to take it away and rake in the votes as people panic. It's to the point now where the system is f***ed but no one can dare reform it or face losing an election because their opponent frames what they want to do as "Cuts". I can see healthcare going the same way and frankly I don't want to see my family's health becoming part of a political tug of war.
I reall don't know anything on the subject, so I'll take your word on that.
So if I'm reading you right, the problem isn't the concept itself but the fear that it'll just end up being massively fucked up, correct?
Tyyr wrote:Lemme be brutally honest. I think most of the people in this thread, and several others don't care for my position. They see me responding, get automatically defensive and assume the worst. They read what I say, take it to an extreme beyond what any rational person would actually believe, then spit it back in my face as if that's what I said. That's the way it seems to me.
Here's the thing, I think it's a all a knee-jerk reaction from us. You have to admit yourself, the majority of the defenders of the current US system
are of the "fuck everyone else as long as I'm fine" breed. As such, when someone comes in defending the system people automaticaly assume they're of the same type. It's stupid, but there it is. So I apoligise if I've offended you.
Tyyr wrote:
As for my attitude, it's called being conservative for a reason. I see a problem and my first reaction isn't to scrap the whole system and try something completely different (though in several areas I do think that approach is warranted at this point). I don't see people making a profit in medicine as a problem. Captialism has a wonderful method for dealing with people who don't meet the consumers expectations, they fold.
That only works when consumers have full choice to buy their services. In this case, they don't. They may not be able to afford better. Their job may stick them with a certain company. No other company may cover them if they have one of those "pre-existing conditions", which may have developed while you were with the shitty company in question.
The problem with the US insurance companies is that quite a few people are effectively stuck with the company they're with. If what you said was true, do you think there'd be the slew of problems there already is with them? They're all rotten, and survive purely because the alternatives are either just as bad or inaccesable for various reasons.
Now, let's introduce a state-run system into the mix. The insurance companies don't have to dissappear, they're still around. Except now everyone
does have an alternative to putting up with them. Said companies see their profits start to drop like a brick as people desert them for the state-run system. Now the truly rotten companies fold completely, while the remainders are forced to boost their quality of care and remove the BS restrictions around them. So even if you stick with the private insurers, things end up better for you overall.
Tyyr wrote:The problem to me appears to be that in our lawsuit happy culture everyone from the drug companies to the FDA to doctors to hospitals has to spend so much time, money, and effort to cover their own asses that the cost of care has been driven up not by doctors but by lawyers. The biggest impediment to fixing all that being that the politicians who could change it... are all lawyers.
I know that countries with socialised healthcare have found a way around the whole malpractice thing. I'll try and find the info out for you.
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