How Would You Have Written Enterprise's Final Episode

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Post by Bryan Moore »

DBS for the win!
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Post by DBS »

Thanks! Appreciate the comments! :D
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Post by Space Ghost »

I know how to end it: have Picard wake up and realize that Enterprise was all just a bad dream. :D

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Post by Teaos »

That would have been great... :lol:
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Would have probably got less complaints than the original ending! :lol:
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Post by Martin »

I haven't actually seen the finale as I gave up with Enterprise somewhere in series 2.

However I have read enough on the internet to know what the storyline was and these two sound better, particularly DBS', I was very impressed with them both. I liked the way you both included Trip's death but made it more worthwhile rather than changing the fact that he died - I mean, I'm sure most people would have preferred him not to die but you took the harder challenge there and changed how he died.
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spare parts in finale

Post by Mikey »

Having Riker and Troi just made it feel like they could only get Frakes and Sirtis, and added the USS Pegasus stuff just to justify having those two characters in it. Better there should have been no TNG (or other franchise) reference at all, and used the extra time to SHOW US ARCHER'S @#$!$ SPEECH! I didn't have a problem with Trip's death being offscreen, though.
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Post by Mikey »

BTW, I had also thought about including something of the Earth - Romulan war which was hinted at in TOS: "Balance of Terror" - kudos for including that in an ep idea.
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Post by JudgeKing »

My idea: The Enteprise is being refitted at the Warp 5 Complex in orbit. Trip is in his quarters packing up to be head of Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Phlox is being transferred to Starfleet Medical, Hoshi to SF Communications, and Archer to is being Promoted to Admiral and is busy deciding what his flagship will be. He just chooses Enteprise and learns he's headed to Starbase Archer 1 after the signing of the UFP constitution and all related charters. Lt. Cmdr. Mayweather is sitting at the helm with Cmdr. Reed at Tactical. In engineering, Lt. Cmdr. Kelby is busy with Trip and the rest of engineering to upgrade the Warp Drive to be able to cruise at Warp 5 easily. Captain T'Pol enters the bridge and asks for reports on the refit and the Lt. Cmdr. Kelby says that the sensors, impulse engines, and weapons have are completed, but that the Warp Drive still needs 5 more hours to go. Down on Earth, representatives from Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar, Alpha Centauri, and Earth are busy drafting the the UFP constitution. Starfleet Command then calls the Enteprise and tells them that they must retrieve go into Romulan borders to retrieve a missing Starfleet Ship, the NX-08 Dauntless. Archer accepts and says that the refit will be in 2 hours. Cmdr. Reed then asks about the Dauntless and T'Pol answers, "The Dauntless is an NX class ship that went missing in 2158 behind in Romulan space during the Earth-Romulan War". 2 hours later, the NX-01 Enteprise leaves drydock and heads to Romulan space at Warp 5.6. Meanwhile, deep in Romulan space, the Dauntless is fighting 2 Romulan Battlehawks. The next part will come up in a few hours.
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Post by Monroe »

Still reading the thread so sorry if this has been said but Future Guy was said to be part of a plot they were working on for the 5th season according to the commentary on the first episode.
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Post by Teaos »

I heard they had no idea what future guy was and were making it up as they go.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Is it any wonder the show failed spectacularly?

Like I said earlier, what the hell were they thinking?
Oh wait, they weren't.
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Post by Teaos »

They were thinking everyone loves TOS so much lets do something like that but put no effort into it.
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Post by cbosdell »

wow guys. if you don't like the show why waste your time bashing it. it got old 5 years ago.
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Post by Teaos »

Because this is a Star trek forum? Bugger off.
What does defeat mean to you?

Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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