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Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:29 pm
by Mikey
I'll be coming back soon, I promise! Just been super-busy at work (yay!)

PS - get some slugs for them shotguns if'n you want to put a hurt on someone... they make good doorbusters, too.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:31 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Well, I'm finally on the ship. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:35 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
You forgot the Chakat's Dream in your shuttlebay scan

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:38 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Oh, I assumed you had taken it with you to land in Carnas' shuttlebay. Did you just transport over? If so, I can go back and edit it in.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:40 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
The Pride is docked at the station, and we just went throught the airlock

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:52 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Ah, right. I'll edit your ship in, then.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:21 pm
by Jabber Swarky
Hrm. Is the pride actually berthed at the station, or is it moored up elsewhere and you guys are using shuttles to get to it? Sorry, kinda dozy.

hrm. I just realised that if its not berthed at the station then I dont have a way of getting on board x3 I suppose you'll have to beam me up. Hrm,

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:24 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Jabber Swarky wrote:Hrm. Is the pride actually berthed at the station, or is it moored up elsewhere and you guys are using shuttles to get to it? Sorry, kinda dozy.

hrm. I just realised that if its not berthed at the station then I dont have a way of getting on board x3 I suppose you'll have to beam me up. Hrm,
I just said it was docked, aka berthed at the station.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:47 am
by Sionnach Glic
Uh, what am I being told to remove? :?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:37 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
I said that the Pride's AI, Sally, covered his torpedo tubes(by using the transporter) with blades that, depending on the torpedo type, would have cut his missles into four pieces or make them detonate while they're in the tube. Since your character was targeting weapons at the shuttle craft on my ship, my character took precautions.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Ah, okay. I thought you were telling him to remove the missiles themselves, or something, which simply would not have happened. :)

Small nitpick, though. The missiles are fixed onto external hardpoints under the wings, like some modern fighters, so there's no tubes.
Nice to know Sally keeps a close eye on things, though.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:23 pm
by Reliant121
But some modern fighters still mount little tubes on the wings which are desposable...but i guess you meant as in Rack mounted?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:32 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Yeah, I meant rack-mounted missiles.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:34 pm
by Reliant121
Fairy snuff

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:03 pm
by sunnyside
What would the quarters look like.