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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:48 pm
by Mikey
Mikey sighed, causing Rochey to turn suddenly toward him. An Andorian sigh emanates from the antennae as well as the lungs, and it caused a vibration which resonated in the Tholian's body.

"You are finding your work becoming more... unpalatable?" asked Rochey, turning the adjective into a sneer.

"Not the work itself, Commander. I've killed before, I've almost been killed before, and I've had to step over people when the situation demanded. I wasn't exaggerating when I told you that I had my blade to Blackstar's throat - I checked myself out of deference to your authority and to the resolution of our mission, sir, not out of any emotional interference. If someone has to die like that, it should be at the hand of a colleague. It's just that... can I speak to you frankly, sir?"

Rochey stiffened, but said, "Go ahead."

"You have been an officer in a command position for a while? I mean, in addition to your placement in the exchange program?" Rochey executed the peculiar head twist that passed for a nod, and Mikey continued. "For me, this is the hard part. Putting my life on the line, sacrificing for the good of the mission or the crew or the ship, taking a life when necessary - all that comes easy for me. Managing people - fellow officers, for all intents and purposes - that's more difficult. I thought I had a handle on it, at least a little, when I, er, encouraged that Breen to forget about all his hardships and start acting like an officer. It seemed to work. And now, this complete disregard of proper behavior, authority, protocol, and respect by Blackstar... what should I have done, sir?"

Rochey was unprepared for this expression of emotion and confidence, and it made him slightly uncomfortable. "I'm not the best person you can find for a heart-to-heart, W'trisk," he said. "Nonetheless, I suppose I am your superior, so if you don't mind advice without any hugging and back-patting, I will attempt to accomodate you. I underestimated you once, if you recall. I threatened you when I could have spoken to you, when you were in fact offering me a courtesy of sorts and were in fact acting as a responsible officer of your ship. I would still act that way with most of your crewmates, because they're still for the most part a bunch of useless, undisciplined water-bags. In such a situation, an officer would be better served finding out the 'whys' - what is the inferior trying to accomplish, and what is his motivation. Only from there can you speak from a balanced and relevant platform."

Mikey straightened at the closest thing to a compliment he ever expected to hear from the Tholian. "I don't know if you're old for your kind, Commander, but you are wise. Thank you. I am going to see if there is any salvation to be had before we do anything more rash. Icy hells, I bet the Breen has shot one of his own men by now."

Mikey found the Chakat sleeping in hir pilot's chair. "Blackstar, it's time to talk."

Shi opened hir eyes and stretched hir neck. "I was sleeping," shi protested. "I prefer to be woken with a light breakfast."

"I am past the point of either politeness or levity, Blackstar. This is a time for reckoning. I asked for your trust, and you should know why I deserve it. Very simply, my only concerns are for the safety of my ship and my crew, and for the success of our assignments. Everything I do is based on those considerations."

"You are very gallant," Blackstar replied sarcastically. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you are a fellow officer and a friend. I asked you to trust me, and I failed to provide you with a reason. For that, I'm sorry. But you asked me to trust you as well, and you're going to have to lay all your cards on the table. But before that, I want to know WHY you pursued the course you did - secretly - and what is to be gained from it. I am desperately trying to believe that your interest is really in the succesful completion of our mission, but I have to know the truth. And by the way - treating your superior officers as, well, your superior officers would probably give you a bit of leeway in other areas."

"What do you mean?" shi asked.

"For example - not walking away from the Crystal Commander in mid-conversation to go take a nap. Now, let's hear it. Everything."

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:48 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Blackstar gave a half-snort. "Rochey isn't a superior officer, mearly a higher ranking one."

"You're still supposed to show him respect," said Mikey.

"I will follow his orders, but he has yet to earn my respect. I know that's not the way Starfleet normally operates, which is why I choose a department that I would quickly take command of. After all, I am the best pilot on board. As for Crystal Butt I don't trust him, or that Breen," said Blackstar, "but don't worry. I trust and respect you, the captain and the medical staff. Only partially because I'm sleeping with one of them."

Mikey gave the Andorian version of a skeptical look. Blackstar was only certain of it being skeptical because of hir empathy. "How can you be so sure of us? And don't think I haven't noticed you avoiding my question."

"Empathy. I'm a pretty good judge of character because of it. In fact I'm sure the Breen would shoot anyone of us if he felt it necessary. I wouldn't be surprised if he already did," said Blackstar. "But you're right. I am avoiding your question."

Blackstar let out a sigh before shi continued, "While your concern is for safety of our ship and our crew, and for the success of our assignments, my concern is only for our crew. A good leader never puts their mission ahead of their crew, not without one hell of a good reason. A mission like this, is a poor reason to put your crew at risk. Even the ship is disposible if necessary.

"As for why I did things the way I did them. I learned to play my cards close to my vest. I try to use as little of my own resources as I need. I would've played them earlier if I realized the Commander was such a lousy actor. That, and that Thrall had finished the new ship. Anyway, I put my mates, my friends, and my crewmates ahead of everything else, even if my methods make it look otherwise. That is one thing I'm sure Crystal Butt and Ice heart out there don't understand. But I won't ever let one of my friends die. Not again."

"Again?" asked Mikey.

"I prefer not to talk about it. And since I know your next priority for your line of questioning is along the lines of the playing cards close the vest, it's simple: I don't trust the Crystal Commander or the Breen to not abuse my resources, and since they were in charge, I did what I thought was best. Anything else you'd like to know? Or any speeches you'd like to give me? I promise I'll try to listen to the whole thing if you have one."

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:06 am
by Monroe
"Sir I can't believe you did that!" One of his crew mates whispered a little too loudly for Boush's tastes.

"Silence scum or I'll rip your throat out just to enjoy the noise you make as your blood spills out!" Lieutiant Munro yelled loud enough for the aliens around them to turn to look at the Breen. Turning back to the mob of aliens moving to their destinations in front of him Munro spoke loudly, "Make a hole!"

Like parting the red sea of Earth religion the aliens from Bynars to Gorn began to part for the slaver and his wares. Before long they reached the processing station. "So, Mr... how is this pronounced?" Asked the Tholian guard.

"Ubese." Boush replied keeping his voice monotone. He scanned over the room. A chainlink fence surrounded a large room where cages were kept. A dozen in each row and at least a dozen rows and most of them were full of alien races being sold into slavery. Guards stood at four openings into the compounds, mostly Tholians but a few Gorn were stationed as well.

"Says you had nine slaves, with more on your ship, I see eight?" The Tholian pointed to the collection of humans.

"One acted up, so I killed him." Munro replied.

"Ah, Oh I heard about you." The Tholian laughed, "They said you were legit, can't be too careful with pirates, especially Breen ones, running around these parts. No human females? Shame you would have gotten a good price for them."

"Why's that? Human females are useless to you." Munro turned his head partially on its side looking oddly at the spidery creature.

"That's true, but it improves the other slave's work by 33%, and gives you free replacement slaves." The Tholian laughed again creating a very odd screeching noise, "Okay sorry Breen, I just love to give your race a hard time."

"Feeling is mutual. Which cage you want them in?" Munro motioned to the large room before them loaded with dozens of cages, many filled.

"Put them in the one next to the Orions, we need you to fill out some processing information." The Tholian rotated its body sideways and pointed to a short doorway, obviously designed for the Tholians to use, "Go through there, we'll take care of your slaves."

"If they give you any trouble let me know." Boush told the Tholian as he slung his rifle around his shoulder and walked torwards the booth. The door opened allowing Boush to bend under it.

The room was relatively cramped but had a few different kinds of terminals for different species to operate. Choosing the one that best met his needs Boush sat down on the odd chair and began to work into the computer system.

Not wanting to draw attention Boush looked over the prices of human slaves. Seventeen were up for auction in addition to the ones he had brought. That could be the missing crew. Boush noted their prices and memorized their cage location to go 'check out the competition' then filled out the rest of the paper work he was suppose to before leaving the booth.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:50 am
by Mikey
"No, Blackstar, no more speeches. Well, maybe a little one. Your opinion of Rochey - or me, or anyone with a higher rank than you - doesn't change the fact that they still hold that rank. You're in Starfleet, and that's how it's done. If there's no chain of command, then nothing can be accomplished. Like I said before, you can't do everything by yourself, and nobody expects you to.

"On that note, are you going to be in Starfleet much longer? You've got one of your ships, and you're getting the other. Have we outlived our usefulness to you, or are you going to try and fit in and stay a part of our little dysfunctional family here?"

Blackstar's jaw worked soundlessly for a moment before Mikey continued. "I think I've asked enough penetrating questions for the moment. Let's move on to the direct, blunt ones. Do I need to silence Karst, or anyone else in Thrall's organization?"

"Wouldn't matter one way or the other," replied Blackstar, glad of something to talk about which required no in-depth self-analysis. "He'll keep his mouth shut as long as Thrall - which will be until I tell him he can open it. If you do... silence Karst, Thrall will just get a new Karst."

"Spoil all my fun," mock-complained Mikey. "OK, Is Thrall or any part of his organization owned, owner, controlled by, controller, or otherwise integrated with any other?"

"He'd never have it that way. He's happy enough with his simple independent logistics and traffic biz - at least, as far as legitimate operations. He's too much a maverick to get tied up in cartels."

"Well, this is all good news," said Mikey. "But you know that you have to brief Rochey on Thrall's involvement along with the info he's given you. Don't make me order you, please." Blackstar looked up, but felt no sarcasm at all in the Andorian's request. A shout sounded from outside the hatch of the shuttle, and Mikey turned and ran out.

A pair of Nausicaans - somebody's off-duty hired muscle, no doubt - had found some imaginary beef with Rochey and were headed towards the Tholian. Rochey unflinchingly dispatched one with his sidearm, but the other closed faster than his lumbering gait implied. Just before he could flank the Tholian, Mikey grabbed him, ducked his first blow, and planted a left hook in his gut. As the Nausicaan doubled - slightly - Mikey reached up and locked both hands around the monster's neck.

Blackstar barely emerged in time to see Mikey yank the Nausicaan's head downward at the same time as jumping with one knee raised towards its face. The sickening crunch was audible even from the doorway of the shuttle hatch, and the Nausicaan rebounded from the impact and lay prostrate.

"Dead," said Rochey impassionately, studying the Nausicaan's dented and shattered face. "Thank you for your assistance."

"I am supposed to be your bodyguard, sir," said Mikey with a wolfish grin, as he began to loot the body for a new trophy.

"Nice moves... for a biped," smiled Blackstar from the hatch.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:24 am
by Minnsky
Minnsky slowly moved his eyes from the breens victim. His mind was racing, images of Vemon kept coming to his mind.
Metler had been fast, the codes to open the blast door to the control room were much easer then any of them had thought. They were three, Ensign Crystal Magin, Lutenant Venom and himself Petty Officer Minnsky. Their mission was a simple extraction. A shuttle had crashed into an abandoned factory on Arinim 3. The indinose inhabitance had died ages ago by war and all that was left was the severely dilapidated infistructure. The simplicity of the mission was challenged by the twisted atmosphere. Years of war had moved it to become an enemy that would hamper most any airborne signals. With out communication with the ship, Venom was put in charge, he had worked on many extractions before. This one was to be no different, find the shuttle, check crew status, enhance transporters and beam out. The trio had found the shuttle easy enough from orbit. Its crash trail was in stark contrast with the surroundings. Getting to it was an issue of ingenuity. The ship had entered through the roof of a three-story storage facility and landed on the main floor, twenty meters off center of its entry point. Due to the danger of transport they had to take shuttle down and enter the building through the main doors. Metler had sat at a consul in front of the observation window, from here he could watch Crystal put power to the storage rooms door, when power was connected he would trip the open command and they would complete the mission. He had been fast however and saw something he had not been ment to. Venom shot her, right in the back. He had seen the phaser come up and had tried to warn her but his com badge wouldn't work. He pounded on the window to no avail. She fell over the equipment she was working on which seamed to please Venom, he set his phaser to over load and stepped back a few passes. The blast would hurt but not kill him. He would latter say that the equipment failed. Venoms eyes shot up toward the bay window and Minnsky ducked out of site. Being seen now would only get him killed. If he had been slower getting there he would have entered just as the blast went off. The Breen fired into the air snapping Metler back to reality; his first instinct was to kill. With the gun razed in the air he could jab his weapon into the torso of the suite and short it out killing the alien almost instantly. Starfleet training won out though, he controlled him self and moved off. He felt in grave danger now, at his first chance he would need to find away to the pad, get to a ship and back to Daystrom. His mind raced through the scmaticks of the base. His whole mind set changed the second they entered the slave trade room; First and for most he needed to get his information the chips would be put on hold it all would.
"No one, not even a Vulcan deserves this."
"I'm sorry?" Minnsky turned to look at a young security officer.
"What kind of men are you? What have you become?" Puzzlement flashed on the mans face. Metler didn't bother explaining, he moved off instead looking for John. It was John who found him.
"Xene." The voice was once again behind him. If it hadn't been for the knowledge of his voice Metler would have ignored it.
"I told you, I'm Metler here." He said facing the man.
"I'm sorry, its not like the Tholians want you dead."
"They want to 'talk'"
"How many people do you know that have survived a talk with Tholian commanders?"
The change in Johns expression confirmed he got the idea.
"So Xe" John paused to correct himself, "Metler, what brings you here?"
"The better question is how you have permission to walk around freely after only a few days here."
John shrugged the question off, "Captain of the Gallows is here, he and I go way back, he hooked me up. Why are you here?" The last was more intense.
"I need something."
"I know that, were is Wells?"
"Don't worry its fine."
"It had better be its my only way out of here." It took Metler a few seconds to grasp what that ment.
"You cant use her that, its not right." The statement was met with a glare.
"They took it all Xene, The burg, Lidia, me." Before he could continue Metler grabbed the mans shirt and pulled him close. Not out of anger but for effect.
"I told you, its Metler, and the only reason I let you in on the Wells is so I could expand my test. Its not made for time change." He let go the shirt and looked around to make sure not many guards were looking their way. "I need storage computer access."
"For what?"
"Information what else."
"I know a guy that has information, no guards to fight with."
"Brokers aren't my thing."
"This one is good," John got closer to whisper, "he says that there may be federation operatives on base. I just talked to him."
"May be?" the question held the hammer, "May, be, doesn't really scream good information."
Johns face fell. "Its just th"
Metler interrupted again. "An explosion on the landing pad would cause sufficient distraction for me to rip the computers." The Ex captain started to protest "And give me time to kill the sensors for the station, in the mayhem many of you could escape." Johns eyes lit up.
"I'll look into it."
Metler got back to his party, the ensign that had questioned him before looked up, "What was that about?"
Minnsky looked at him for a solid three seconds and then with a hatred reserved for murders he said "Silence Starfleet." It had been two years and nothing had changed for the good, it had gotten only worse. Metler cursed them in his mind, in two days they could have gotten the Fitzburg crew before the Tholians did, a breen on a mission, huge communication gaps. The eyes of the ensign staring empty at him started to bother him and he turned his back on him. He had done it once to Starfleet, and now again but he would never do as they did, he wouldn't turn his back on the Federation.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:17 pm
by Mikey
"Isn't there a better use for your time than rifling over corpses?" quipped the Tholian commander sarcastically.

Mikey rolled his eyes as he turned his head towards Rochey. The Andorian rose from his crouching position over the Nausicaan body, clutching the Nausicaan knife he had picked up - although for the Andorian, it was more like a poignard. He opened his other hand in front of Rochey's face, displaying a couple of small transponder badges.

Having crept silently, for such a bulky creature, into position next to the Tholian and the Andorian, Blackstar sniffed in a couple of different directions. "They weren't drunk. Not even a stimulant. We were simply to be denied any kind of trail leading back to whomever sent them for you, commander."

"Take one of these," said Mikey, handing the Chakat one of the livery badges. "See your... friend. Try and find out what he knows about this attempt. At the least, it's certainly someone who doesn't want us to find anything out."

"Don't worry," shi replied with a crooked grin. "If he knows anything, I'll get it."

As the Chakat trotted off, Rochey rounded furiously on the Andorian. "Are you insane?! First, I am in command here! Second, you actually want to send that thing to consort with her outlaw cohorts?"

"As long as shi has the contact, we might as well make use of it, sir," replied Mikey, unfazed by the Quartz Commander's ire. "In addition, it's high time one of us went to check on what's going on at the market. As your employee and a colleague of the Breen - as far as anyone knows - it is only natural that I go. Besides, I intend to find out EXACTLY how anyone knew of our presence, and I can't do that satisfactorily with Lt. Blackstar standing over my shoulder." While Mikey decried the need to work alongside the Chakat in this matter, Rochey did not miss the subtle reference to Blackstar's rank, as a reminder that - at least, for the moment - the Chakat was a working member of the team.

Arriving at the slave market, Mikey was accosted by one of the Tholian guards. "You want to get in, you need merchandise or money." Quickly kicking out a couple of the guard's legs, Mikey used the tip of his own curved knife to pull a bit of the prone guard's e-suit dangerously taut. Bending over the guard, Mikey hissed, "Unless you want a little cool air in there with you, I'd show a little more respect. My employer's merchandise is inside - several pinkskins with a Breen handler. Where?"

"Processing room, just to the right of the pens," stammered the guard.

"See, now? We can all be neighborly," said Mikey, ostentatiously hauling the Tholian to its feet and dusting off its e-suit.

Pushing through the teeming building, Mikey saw the the security detail in one of the pens, although he ducked away from their sight in order to avoid provoking a reaction. He couldn't be sure by his hasty tally, but they seemed to be one short. Ducking through the low doorway into the quiet of the processing room, he found Munro at a terminal. "Ensign. What info have you found out - and what has that Minnsky been up to?"

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:10 am
by Monroe
"That's Lieutiant, and that is Ubese while I'm here." Boush corrected Mikey. "One crewman dead. I have the location of seventeen humans I was on my way to 'scope out the competition.'"

Mikey nodded, "What happened to the crewman?"

"He was slain." Munro replied as they walked towards the holding pins of the other humans. "By myself." Boush noticing the other cold weather life form's expression added, "Our cover was in danger of being dismantled. I made a calculated choice, Forester or all of us."

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:55 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Blackstar made hir way to Thrall's class M office's back door. It took almost a half-hour before he was alone and it was safe for hir to enter. Thrall was more then a little suprised by hir appearence. "Was something wrong with your new ship?"

"No," said Blackstar, "we were attacked. By a pair of Nausicaans, both are dead. One by an energy blast, another by smashed face. I need to know who was behind it."

"Hmm...since your sense of smell is second to none I can assume you made sure they weren't intoxicated." Thrall said as a statement rather then a question. "Do you have any clues?"

"Just this," shi said. Shi dropped the communicators on his desk. "They both had these badges on them. Any idea where they came from?"

Thrall looked over the badge. "Hmm...high quality badge. One moment." He placed the device on a scanner and found its make, model number, and even the indivdual tracking number the manufacturer had given it. "It was sold to a Ferengi named Crich. A low level merchent who runs supplies for a labratory. Here's the address."

"Thanks," said Blackstar, "that should be my next stop." Shi grabbed the communicater and made hir way to the labratory.

A rather unassuming building, it wasn't very complex and shi found the Ferengi rather quickly. He was not as cooparating as shi had hoped. The Ferengi ran into an abandoned lab room and shut off the light right after putting on a pair of cheap night vision goggles. He ran further into the room and made ready his disrupter pistol. "Can you learn to see in the dark beast?" he jested.

Blackstar snorted at the challenge. Despite the room being compleatly dark shi spotted him without any trouble. Chakats not only saw all visible light but even see the bare edge of near-ultra violet light and infrared. Blackstar never really understood what that meant but figured it explained why shi could see in total darkness, though just in black and white. Blackstar moved quickly and knocked the goggles from the ferengi. "Can you learn how to fight without cheating? Now tell me why did you send the thugs after my commander."

"I have no idea what you are..." he was cut off as Blackstar gripped his throat.

"I'll extract it from you if I have to, by unpleasent methods," said Blackstar.

The Ferengi began to panic as a whurring sound crept closer to his ears. "All right it was a job I was doing for by an unknown person I deliver supplies to in a nearby system. I've never seen his face. It's in the closest five sun system to this planet. That's all I know I swear."

Blackstar sensed he was telling the truth. Although it was difficult to read ferengi shi was strong enough to at least sense his telling of the truth. "That wasn't too difficult was it?" Blackstar walked to the door but paused for a moment to turn the light on as shi tossed the toy hovercar to the ferengi. "A little gift for your kids."

The Ferengi growled at how easily shi had tricked him. Blackstar laughed inwardly as shi walked out of the lab. On hir way back to the ships shi stopped at a shop that specialized in headware. Deciding that shi should treat hirself after a hard day shi picked out a hat resembling an Akubra from hir homeland before continuing hir way to the runabout. Shi decided it looked good as part of hir off-duty outfit.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:37 pm
by Minnsky
Daystroms shuttle bay was in full swing. Ships came in and left in record time. With each entrance the tiered pilot would stumble out of the ship and head for his quarters. In his wake a crew would pore over the ships hull, scanners in hand they would check for anomalies. Off to the side sat a group of engineers at the ready to fix any issues that were discovered. After the check was completed and signed off by the commander of the team a new pilot would enter the craft and leave starting the cercal of the day again. The bay was in mid cercal when a sound started to perminate the din of the work. It was low hum, all but noticeable except it was unnatural to the general works of the ship. At first the crews looked harder at there scanners thinking that the sound originated from there own ships, but soon found that the sound was coming from the newest addition to the compliment. The hoards of people moved over the ship, named Wells. There was disorganization to the group, one of them, an ensign, tentevly reached out placing his palm on the ships hull. With a yelp he pulled it back, his hand was badly blistered and burnt. The race to their com badges was won by a Lt. Commander.
"Burgess to sickbay."
"Sickbay here."
"I have a burn down in bay 2."
"Affirmative Bay 2, team on there way."
Burgess turned to the nearest person with a tricorder. "What have we got?"
The woman looked up, "There's insane amounts of energy in there but all under control .for now."
The other commanders grouped up and Burgess joined them. "I say we get the bridge on this one, its out of my league." There were nods from the group. Burgess took the lead again, "Burgess to bridge."
"Bridge here."
"Sirs, we have an issue with our guests shuttle, could you send us some instructions?"

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:21 pm
by Mikey
Mikey's mouth work silently for a second. "Excuse, me, lieutenant," he said, "but did your suit fail and let your brain melt?" Looking around to be sure they were still alone, he continued, "I know you're not used to Starfleet or the Federation, but we try to keep the killing confined to ENEMIES."

"As I said," replied Munro evenly, "I was trying to maintain our cover."

"Couldn't you have just hit him in the head? Or winged him in the leg, if you had to fire your weapon? It would have made more sense anyway, as if you were trying to preserve your inventory. Did you think at all, or did you just find a convenient excuse to kill a pinkskin? These are your crewmates now!"

"I had to make a snap decision, sir, and I-"

"I don't want to hear it. You can respond when you get your copy of my report. In the meantime, make sure that nothing was or could be found on Forester's body, and see that it is processed with at least a modicum of decorum. Get it back, if you can. And find out who Minnsky's been talking to, and what he's been saying." Mikey related the events with the Nausicaans, and said, "Someone knows we're here, and doesn't like it... and I have a very strong feeling that Mr. Minnsky knows more about this area - and the people in it - than he's letting on. Your natural paranoia can serve you well, Munro, if you can learn to master it at need."

Munro saluted as Mikey turned toward one of the consoles in the room. As Munro went back to the selling floor, Mikey downloaded the information that the Breen had uncovered.


CPO "Gunny" Sharkey was not an imaginative man, but he was a pragmatic one, and he had invested his loyalty in W'trisk many years ago. Surreptitiously uploading the tricorder readings onto his filght ops console, he compared them with the readings he had earlier taken of the Wells.

Stepping back into a corner, he tapped his comm badge and said quietly, "Grr'lek? Take a look at the current readings of the craft down here, compared with mine from before the away mission."

"Why do you have readings of the shuttle from then, hmmm?" purred the Caitian slyly.

"Orders," replied Gunny, knowing he would need no further justification with the Ensign. Just look at what I'm about to send you; because to me, the difference between those two power maps makes it look like they're adaptive."

"You're nuts," said Grr'lek, before stopping abruptly as he saw Gunny's readings. "I apologize, Gunny. What the hell kind of shuttle is that? Put a containment field up around that craft, and isolate it from any comm traffic either way. I'm going to talk to the civvie we rescued."

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:33 pm
by Monroe
Munro walked back out of the selling area towards the guard he had killed the crewman in front of. "Where's my ware I left here? A Klingon expressed interest in eatting it."

"Couple of guys came by not after you left and dragged it towards their shuttle, I think they had the same idea." The guard shrugged awkwardly for his Tholian race.

"I see." Munro replied and began to walk toward where the guard had pointed. As he went about his duty he wondered what would have happened if he had fired his plasma pellet into the arm of the crewman or into their leg. If he was carrying a phaser that might have been a good idea. He still wouldn't have thought of it but it would have been a good idea. Maybe he'd have a chance to record his weapon 'winging' some narcicans in the near future to use as defense in any possible court marshal.

The shuttle was parked behind some shops in a circular dome structure attached to the main building. Catwalks ran along the edges and outwards towards the main wall of the compound, with computer terminals around the Xindi shuttle.

"Insectoid Xindi." Munro murmured as he walked closer. A frail looking insect walked up to him holding a joint in the air to halt the Breen. Incoherient sounds followed soon by a dry monotone voice of a translater informed Munro that this was a restricted area. "Fine." Munro replied then left from the opening he'd have to get in another way.

"That Andorian owes me." Munro grumbled as he found a plasma relay conduate leading up along the wall towards the catwalk once he was out of sight. Using a nearby table that a vendor had been using to boost himself up he gripped onto the curved structure of the pipe and performed a pullup to get onto the catwalk.

Unslinging his rifle he slowly crept forward towards the corner of the catwalk which would lead back into the hanger bay. Time to collect some data on what 'winging' someone with this rifle would do.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:33 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Blackstar was walking along acting casual, despite the fact that shi knew that a Klingon was following hir. I should've killed that Ferengi. Blackstar knew the Klingon wouldn't want to make a scene in the middle of the street, and shi didn't want Rochey complaining that shi let hirself be followed so shi ducked into an alley.

The Klingon followed, hand on his disrupter's holster, but was surprised to find the alley deserted other then a homeless person further along the alley. "You. Did you see a large four-legged two-armed feline pass through here?" The person shook their head. "It couldn't disappear into thin air, could it?"

An echoed voice vibrated through the alley, "A transporter could easily take a coward away from battle. Though this is not such a case, you should know for future reference. If I let you live."

"Come out coward!"

Blackstar laughed, "just because I don't charge you strait on doesn't make me a coward. It makes me smart, but I will fight you with honor. Defend yourself!"

The Klingon readied his Mek'leth in one hand and the Disrupter in his other hand. He was not ready for an attack from above. The Chakat dropped on top of the Klingon. The Klingon fired off several random shots and slashed wherever with the Mek'leth trying to get hir. Blackstar clawed the Klingon until he finally swung hir off his back. Blackstar was on hir feet with hir left arm raised in defense. The Klingon hit the arm several times and realized there was no blood, or screams. He looked at his now dented blade, and looked at the Chakat's arm, where the artificial flesh had been sliced an peeled back. The look of shock on his face was priceless.

"That's right," said Blackstar. Shi knocked the weapons from his hands and slammed hir artificial fist into his blood and flesh chest. Shi grabbed him before he could fall and slammed him face first into an alley wall, knocking him unconscious. "Never call a Chakat an it," shi said before delivering a final kick.

Blackstar was about to leave the alley when shi felt a mental tug. Shi looked around and saw that the homeless person had been struck by a stray Disrupter blast. Though saddened by the death of an innocent shi knew there was nothing shi could do and began to leave again when the mental tug pulled again.

Blackstar walked over to the homeless person's body just to humor the mental tugging, whatever it was, and discovered that the person was not only a female feline, but a pregnant female feline. Blackstar figured Caitian based on her figure. Shi pulled out hir 'quadcorder' Sally and began scanning. "The baby is still alive, but not for long if you don't do something."

Blackstar quickly pulled out hir small, portable med kit and began working with a laser scalpel. Realizing that shi was wasting time using a method that protected both mother and child, Blackstar changed hir small cautious cut to one that crossed the women's belly. Once the belly was open, it was a simple matter to cut open the womb, letting the unborn child fall into hir hands. After using a small zip-tie to pinch off the umbilical, shi cut the cord and lifted the baby feline to hir lap. When the child didn't start breathing, Blackstar lowered hir head and placing the child's nose and mouth in hir mouth. Shi then puffed a little air into her, only to get a mouthful of fluids in return. Turning hir head to spit out the fluids, Blackstar gripped the base of her tail with hir left hand. Lifting her by the tail, shi raised her until her mouth was level with hir own, the rest of her over hir head. Using hir right hand to guide her inverted nose and mouth into hir mouth, Blackstar gave her a breath, then shi released her head, letting the fluids drain from her mouth and throat. Shi then gave her another breath. This time the tiny Caitian responded, first with a large gush of fluids pouring from her mouth and nose, and then she inhaled, and started crying. Blackstar continued to hold her tail high, letting her cry the rest of the fluids from her throat and lungs.

Sally did a quick scan to make sure the child was healthy enough to survive without medical assistance. Though the lungs were healthy, other parts may not have been, however this was not the case. The child was healthy, except for being smaller then average according to Sally's calculations. She attributed that to her mother's poor status and near starving state. "I've done a comparitive scan, and your milk-water should be a decent substitute food sorce for now."

Blackstar wrapped the cub up in hir coat and breastfed the child. Luckily Chakat's breasts were always filled with milk-water. Chakat breasts have been adapted to store fluid when not lactating, and this gives them the ability to go a longer time without drinking if necessary (But don't call them camels if you don't wish to be swatted!). This fluid is actually a modified form of their normal milk, but it is low in solids and fats and has a higher concentration of sugars and vitamins, etcetera. It is a natural "power drink" that allows a chakat to go without eating for a while when under heavy exertion. It also considered to be a healthy tonic for persons who are ill; a sort of natural alternative to the classic chicken soup! This fluid reserve, which they call milkwater, is available to others by the obvious method in case of need: e.g. a thirsty cub who can't store as much as an adult.

Once fed the cub fell to sleep instantly. Blackstar packed up the medkit, and obtained the mother's ID. Sally did a quick check to confirm the mother had no next of Kin on the planet. Blackstar decided to take care of the cub until shi found her family, or if necessary raise her as hir family.

Blackstar returned to the space port, where shi downloaded Sally into hir new ship before returning to the runabout. "Where have you been?" asked Rochey.

"I just had a baby. I'll debrief you later but I'm dead on my paws and I need to sleep."

"What is that?"

"It's a smaller version of an adult," said Blackstar, not fully comprehending what he was asking. "Now I'm going to rest. And if you or anyone else threatens her," gestering to the cub, "I'll hurt them as necessary." Shi glared and bared hir teeth to make it clear. "I don't mean to disrespect you sir, but I need to sleep."

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:38 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The Commander turned as he noticed Blackstar returning to the ship.
He had been waiting outside, pistol in hand, along with one of the security personel for the rest of his away team to return. At this point, he wanted to get off the damned planet as quickly as possible without any more problems. At first, he didn't notice that the Chakat was carrying something in hir arms.

"Where have you been?" He inquired as Blackstar walked towards the shuttle. The answer he got was far from what he'd expected, however.

"I just had a baby. I'll debrief you later but I'm dead on my paws and I need to sleep." The Chakat replied. Not quite catching the first part, the Commander suddenly noticed shi was carrying something.

"What is that?" Rochey asked, gesturing at the thing.

"It's a smaller version of an adult," said Blackstar, not fully comprehending what he was asking. "Now I'm going to rest. And if you or anyone else threatens her," gestering to the cub, "I'll hurt them as necessary." Shi glared and bared hir teeth to make it clear. "I don't mean to disrespect you sir, but I need to sleep."

"Lieutenant," He said, stressing the Chakat's rank. "Exactly why are you bringing this....thing with you?"

"Her mother is dead, Sir. She was killed just a short while ago."

"So why are you bringing it with you?" He repeated. Blackstar gave a weary sigh before replying.

"There was an incident with a Klingon, and her mother was killed in the fight by accident. In a way, her mother died because of our mission, and so we do have some responsibility to help her."

"Lieutenant," Rochey struggled to find a diplomatic way to put it, then just gave up. "I don't particularly care. People die on missions. It's an unfortunate, but necassary, fact. That thing is just another burden for the mission, and I want it gone. Immediately." Blackstar opened hir mouth to reply, but the Commander cut across hir. He had had more than enough of the Chakat since the mission began and was in no mood to hear hir protesting a direct order. "I don't care what you do with it, Lieutenant. Put it back, shoot it, give it to someone else, throw it off a bridge, eat it, whatever. I want it gone. Immediately." Before shi could reply, he turned to the security ensign who had been watching on. "Ensign?"


"I want you to accompany Lieutenant Blackstar and make sure it gets rid of that thing. Understood?"

"Uh, yes, Sir." The ensign replied, looking rather uncomfortable as Rochey turned back to Blackstar.

"And if I find that you've hidden it on the shuttle, or smuggled it aboard the Daystrom in any way, I'm throwing it out an airlock. So get rid of it. Are we clear?"

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:39 pm
by Monroe
Munro continued to walk around the corner of the catwalk unobserved by the Insectoid below him guarding the bay. Another Insectoid was working on a console in front of him on the catwalk overlooking the ship, engrossed in whatever job he was working on. No doubt attempting to understand the controls of a spider instead of a giant ant.

Crouching low he walked slowly towards him, his bayonets outwards gleeming in the low light the insectoids perfered. Once he was close enough he swiped upwards at a diaginal angle cleaving the head of the insectoid cleanly off its shoulders then pulling the decapenated insect back into the shadows of the catwalk.

Walking over to a ladder he slowly climbed down until he was behind a few boxes that had been set next to the ship. A worker insectoid was approaching his position to move some of them. Time to 'wing' one Munro decided and aimed his rifle from his concealed position and fired.

A super heated discharge of gas encased in a bolt flung out of his weapon towards the insect striking it in the arm. Instantly exoskeleton and soft underflesh were vaporized. The super heated gas causing his exoskeleton around the wound to peel back and char as the vapor incenerated tissue and vital organs. By the time the insect landed on its side only half its head remained.

Stepping over the body he looked to see if the guard at the front of the bay had heard anything. The guard had turned its head to look at the sound and spotted Munro. Ducking back behind the ramp Boush waited for the guard to round the corner, he couldnt' fire and risk striking someone in the crowd beyond the ship. Once the guard rounded the corner another swipe from his bayonets cut the insect from its chest cavity to its compound eye while the other two blades cut off two of its arms. The bug stumbled and fell ontop of the dead one.

Turning back towards the ship's interior he pulled his rifle to his face for better accuracy and slowly crept forward. The air was a greenish color and seemed very humid from the sensors in Boush's helmet. As he rounded a corner three more insectoids were working close together to load a large box in the hanger. There he saw his crewman, dead. Taking careful aim at the center one he fired a bolt at his back blasting the insect apart. This knocked the other two off guard sending one sprawling onto the ground on its back and the other turning to face the attacker. Neither had weapons so Boush decided to take more footage of 'winging' his prey and fired another shot at the standing insectoid's lower half. It let out a piercing screech as its' lower half was incenerated and collapsed upon its own smoldering ashes writhing in prain. The third insectoid charged seeing his intended fait. A quick buttstock to its compound eye sent it back onto the ground face first where Boush aimed his weapon and let loose another discharge that melted the top half of its body.

Grabbing his deceased comrade from the ground Boush left the ship keeping an eye out behind him for any more Xindi who found their fallen comrades.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:11 pm
by Reliant121
Talora saw the camp. A sight was before her that was certainly welcome. A Shuttle, starfleet issue registered to the Daystrome. Clutching her chest, she began the walk to the entrance of the camp.
As she walked through the camps entance, a Tholian in a environment suit set apon her.
"Who are you? What happened?!" He asked.
"I was part of a team sent by the Sydney to pursue a ship that attacked them. We followed them here. Just as we were setting up camp, something attacked us. The security officers went down like flies. I am the only one left. I've been trekking through the forestation for a while. Until i saw the camp." Talora answered.
"Your a medic aren't you." The Tholian asked. She nodded. "Well you can help Lieutenant Blackstar with her baby. You'll recognise her. She's got 4 legs." With that, the Tholian turned on his heels, or whatever he called them and scuttled off. Talora set out looking for who she suspected was a Chakat. She was looking forward to meeting her.