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Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:02 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
I too hope for the best for all that.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:07 am
by McAvoy
IanKennedy wrote: ↑Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:16 pm
Seems like a reasonable option so long as she can get there safely. Wishing for the best.
Today we found out it can't happen. Some hospital politics. My Dad is still pissed because the hospital was so quick to try to pull the plug.
Anyway my brother and his wife visited her today and she was wide awake and engaging with them. We will wait to see what happens.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:28 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Fingers crossed for you, McAvoy.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 4:54 pm
by IanKennedy
Well I went to the cinema on Sunday to see 5 movies. I actually ended up seeing none, unless “What happens in A&E, on a Sunday” counts.
I was tripped up by a bad piece of brick paving and after 6 X-rays I have a broken shoulder. Arm is in a sling ever since. More x-rays on Tuesday showed that the ball at the top of my arm is fractured in at least 3 places. Yet more on Monday will decide if I need surgery to put plates in.
I was looking forward to the trip, but this wasn’t the one I wanted.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 5:15 pm
by T'Pau
Having experienced bi-lateral shoulder surgeries several years ago, I feel your pain! Whatever the outcome, do all the physical therapy afterwards!! It will suck and feel like torture with no resolution in sight, but you will get there. Just takes time and hard work! Good luck!
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:09 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
IanKennedy wrote: ↑Fri Mar 01, 2024 4:54 pm
Well I went to the cinema on Sunday to see 5 movies. I actually ended up seeing none, unless “What happens in A&E, on a Sunday” counts.
I was tripped up by a bad piece of brick paving and after 6 X-rays I have a broken shoulder. Arm is in a sling ever since. More x-rays on Tuesday showed that the ball at the top of my arm is fractured in at least 3 places. Yet more on Monday will decide if I need surgery to put plates in.
I was looking forward to the trip, but this wasn’t the one I wanted.
Oh, ouch! I'm so sorry. That sounds horrendous.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:31 am
by McAvoy
My Mom died on February 29th at 5:30pm. They did a CAT scan earlier that day and found she wasn't getting oxygen in the area of her stomach. Which according to her doctor, it's indicating her stomach was dying. They could not do surgery because she wouldn't survive it or even she did she still had issues with infections which he said was increasing.
By this point my Mom was totally unconscious and machines were keeping her level. It was time at that point. We were told once she was off treatments, she would last anywhere between 3 to 24 hours. She lasted about a little over an hour.
We are cremating her which I think might have already been done by now. There will be a service on the 23rd followed by a nice family get together at a local wine Vineyard.
Tomorrow my brother and I will go over my Dad's expenses. I already had to fix a few like cable and power as it looks like my Mom did that manually. Financially my Mom left my Dad extremely well off. He is set for life so that is good.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:49 am
by T'Pau
My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:15 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
McAvoy wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:31 am
My Mom died on February 29th at 5:30pm. They did a CAT scan earlier that day and found she wasn't getting oxygen in the area of her stomach. Which according to her doctor, it's indicating her stomach was dying. They could not do surgery because she wouldn't survive it or even she did she still had issues with infections which he said was increasing.
By this point my Mom was totally unconscious and machines were keeping her level. It was time at that point. We were told once she was off treatments, she would last anywhere between 3 to 24 hours. She lasted about a little over an hour.
We are cremating her which I think might have already been done by now. There will be a service on the 23rd followed by a nice family get together at a local wine Vineyard.
Tomorrow my brother and I will go over my Dad's expenses. I already had to fix a few like cable and power as it looks like my Mom did that manually. Financially my Mom left my Dad extremely well off. He is set for life so that is good.
I offer my sincerest condolences, and I hope you're doing as well as possible.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:52 pm
by IanKennedy
Again, my sincerest condolences. In time you will come to remember all the excellent times you had together. Thinking of you
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:55 pm
by IanKennedy
Thanks for the kind words about my shoulder. I’m waiting to hear if I need surgery. I’m pretty limited to my phone for now, as I can’t lift my laptop to use it.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:34 am
by McAvoy
IanKennedy wrote: ↑Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:52 pm
Again, my sincerest condolences. In time you will come to remember all the excellent times you had together. Thinking of you
Thank you. I accidently watched a video of my Mom recording her granddaughter (my niece) when she was three maybe four years old. It hit me hard because I heard my mother's voice.
It also reminded me my Mom was always a motherly figure to not only to myself and my brother but she also was to many other people not just to her own grandchildren. I favored my mother when I was growing up over my Dad until I joined the Navy and started to favor my Dad more. Perhaps because I am more like my Dad now. She used to joke when a picture of me as a kid came up she would say 'this was back when you used to love me.'
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:17 am
by T'Pau
After my mom had been gone for over 20 yrs, one of her friends sent me an old recipe card she found, in my mother's handwriting...I fell to pieces as if her death had just happened. These emotional triggers will pop up at the strangest times and bowl you over. It is a testement to the love you still have for her and will continue to have throughout your life.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:14 am
by Vic
My condolences McAvoy, small things will pop up to remind you of her from time to time.
Re: What's the latest in people's lives?
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:26 am
by McAvoy
Thank you all. It hasn't truly hit me yet. My Dad says the memorial service will be the hardest because that is when it hits in it's finality.
Even right now, my mind is finding it difficult that she is truly gone. Like she is in the bedroom when I come over or something.