Re: Worst fan-ships?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:19 pm
Ah, the USS Compensator.
In the Dominion War that happened a lot. ZING!Tyyr wrote:What the hell? Did a BoP rape a Galor?
Ooh! That's gotta hurt!SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:In the Dominion War that happened a lot. ZING!Tyyr wrote:What the hell? Did a BoP rape a Galor?
Jesus H ChristThe Pierre Boitard class is designed and built to explore alternate timelines in the Earth year of 2820. The explorer uses an artificial quantum fissure generator at the back of the ship to open a portal to alternate timelines and a series of subspace pulses to navigate. The ship however is not capable of travelling back in time.
The ship uses 24, 100 km long antennas that are stored in a pocket dimension on the ship to listen to radio and subspace radio in the alternate timeline, and brings back those signals to its home timeline to reconstruct the series of events of the alternate timeline's history.
The Pierre Boitard class has recorded many alternate timelines and their events. Most notably:
* A 20 year war between the Federation and the Klingons in the mid 24th century.
* A timeline without the Dominion war following the mysterious destruction of Federation outpost, Deep Space Nine, and the collapse of the Bajoran wormhole.
* A timeline where there was no Federation, but a Terran Star Empire that some call a "mirror universe".
* And a series of timelines where the planet Vulcan was not destroyed in the mid 23rd century by Nero, a renegade Romulan from the 24th century.
Sadly many of the timelines explored involved the fall of the Federation to the Borg. As a result, the Pierre Boitard class is one of only 3 class of starships authorized to carry decalithium and red matter weapons. The time ship also armed with 6 multidirectional transphasic particle canons, spatial displacement torpedoes and defended by polarized adamantium shields.
The timeline explorer is powered by what is known as a transwarp solar reactor. A transwarp transporter first developed by Montgomery Scott is used to beam raw energy from a star lightyears away into the ship's dilithium chamber. This solar reactor was first tested on the USS Enterprise; NCC-1701-E under the command of Captain Data (B4) prior to the Hobus star going supernova. However during timeline transition, transwarp speeds, and when the combat shields are activated, power for the ship is provided by solar energy stored in a pocket dimension.
The ship also uses pocket dimensions to give the ship habitat section an internal volume equal to that of an Excelsior class starship, and allowing a massive indoor hydroponic garden for the ship's life support. The ship's hyper impulse and warp drive are installed within the ship's nacelle pylons that support the ship's transwarp drive.
Another mission of the Pierre Boitard class is to also apprehend Pacabrian pirates who invade alternate timelines to illegally mine dilithium crystals in a timeline where there was no Federation to defend those civilizations from these pirates.