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Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 8:58 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Atekimogus wrote:this is just them testing the waters if there is even any interest in continuing the prime timeline.
I doubt that. I think this is more about trying to trick people into thinking the Discovery/JJ-verse timeline IS the original Trek timeline.
Here's my prediction : during the first season, we will see a Klingorc described as a Klingon in the Picard show. And at some point there will be a reference to Discovery, spore drive, and/or Michael Burnham. If the show continues there will be more and more such references.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:54 am
by Sonic Glitch
Graham Kennedy wrote:Atekimogus wrote:this is just them testing the waters if there is even any interest in continuing the prime timeline.
I doubt that. I think this is more about trying to trick people into thinking the Discovery/JJ-verse timeline IS the original Trek timeline.
Here's my prediction : during the first season, we will see a Klingorc described as a Klingon in the Picard show. And at some point there will be a reference to Discovery, spore drive, and/or Michael Burnham. If the show continues there will be more and more such references.
Discovery is not* in the JJ timeline. There have been no references to it at all You can tell by the inclusion of Captain Pike and the whole bit where the Enterprise isn't under construction and newly commissioned in 2259. Where do people get the idea that Discovery is meant to be part of the JJ-verse? I truly don't understand it be (this is a little off topic, feel free to kick this over to the Discovery forum)
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:53 pm
by IanKennedy
And yet the producers specifically say it is not JJ-verse. Repeatedly. They are legally required for it not to be also.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:11 pm
by Sonic Glitch
IanKennedy wrote:And yet the producers specifically say it is not JJ-verse. Repeatedly. They are legally required for it not to be also.
D'oh! Apparently I edited out my own point. I was trying to say Discovery is not JJ-verse.
I've fixed the post
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:11 am
by Nutso
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 5:13 pm
by bladela
nothing is known about any tng guest stars?
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 7:45 pm
by Nutso
bladela wrote:
nothing is known about any tng guest stars?
No. Frakes is the only one I've seen dropping hints like this. But it's unclear if he's going to direct and/or guest star in the show. Frakes also posted this image previously:
Still unclear to me if this is meant as director, or if Number 1 is back.
If Brent Spiner is in the show, I hope he teases us by posting a picture of Spot.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:27 am
by Sonic Glitch
Nutso wrote:bladela wrote:
nothing is known about any tng guest stars?
No. Frakes is the only one I've seen dropping hints like this. But it's unclear if he's going to direct and/or guest star in the show. Frakes also posted this image previously:
Still unclear to me if this is meant as director, or if Number 1 is back.
If Brent Spiner is in the show, I hope he teases us by posting a picture of Spot.
I forget where I heard it but I'm pretty sure Frakes confirmed to direct.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:08 am
by McAvoy
Sonic Glitch wrote:McAvoy wrote:I really got nothing from that trailer. What are we as Trek fans expecting? Is it a sci fi political series? Is it some sort of last hurrah for him? Is it passing the torch? What is this about?
"A combination of all 3."[/Bogart]
It's a teaser and we're complaining the trailer
didn't give away the entire plot?
There is nothing about this trailer to complain about because there is nothing to complain about.
Honestly this sort of teaser would only appeal to the real Trek fans. They would be the ones to recognize the significance of the vineyards.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:46 pm
by Nutso
From Sir Patrick's Twitter. Man really loves dogs. Pit-bulls in particular. ... 5928258561
From Star Trek on CBS Access.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:21 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Well, earth's f****d with a planet that close... unless that's a lens, fl... oh god its a lens flare isn't it? ... ... well we either dont watch it or can't see anything due to lens flares, either way the shows f****d.
Hey who turned my sarcasm filter off?
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:36 am
by Graham Kennedy
Why are they using the TOS font?
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:45 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Probably because the people behind it have no respect for Pre-JJ Trek.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:42 pm
by Graham Kennedy
AlexMcpherson79 wrote:Probably because the people behind it have no respect for Pre-JJ Trek.
I would be willing to bet money that it wasn't a deliberate choice; that whoever made and approved that poster just saw "Star Trek Font" and assumed that they were all the same or something.
I'm not sure if that's better or worse.
Here's a question. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are the people here for this show right now? For me it's hovering around a 3, mostly because of who's in charge of it and the rumours I've heard about it.
Re: "Star Trek: Picard" Teaser
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:09 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Graham Kennedy wrote:Here's a question. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are the people here for this show right now? For me it's hovering around a 3, mostly because of who's in charge of it and the rumours I've heard about it.
3 huh? That High?
I'd say a 1, and only because of Patrick Stewart, otherwise -10.