Seriously, if it's a light-based weapon, make it so it's... you know, a death ray!
Good point. *Adjusts sunglasses* Make it like... a taser, or something! I dunno. This thing, though, is a piece of crap.Rochey wrote:Hmm, wouldn't this weapon be very difficult to use effectively? You need to hit them in the eyes to do anything, wouldn't that be ridiculously difficult in a combat situation?
I sure as hell hope it doesn't go into widespread use. Handing these things to troops on the frontline will just cause even more casualties, and handing them to SWAT teams will likely cause casualties there, as well.We can only hope.
The US is not the best when it comes to making weapons. When your soldiers prefer the second-hand guns they pull off of dead commies over the 'state of the art' guns you provide, you should realize it sucks. Weapons are nice on the practice range, but when they get deployed in the field it's a whole other ball game. This overgrown laser pointer is nice in theory but a)the enemy has to be facing you for it to work and b)it doesn't look solid and will probably be hard to keep operational in the field.Mikey wrote:Err... it's a US design - the same country who, when told of the inherent reliability problems with the M-16 issued in Viet Nam, thought that a good solution would be to send the troops COMIC BOOKS describing how to care for their rifles.
That is, unfortunately, not a joke.