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Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:53 am
by Mikey
Deepcrush wrote:Though to be fair about it, most soldiers don't stand outside yelling "I'm straight" to anyone either.

Plus, I'm willing to bet that the gay soldiers never said to one another, "I'm not putting my life in the hands of that breeder."

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:09 am
by Deepcrush
Well, not while being serious anyways. :lol:

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:00 pm
by Mark
The part that irked me the most was using it as a copout.

When I was in Basic Training, three seperate guys went to the drill sergeant to claim to be gay. Instant Chapter 11 discharge.

Yet, the one guy that we all "knew" was gay was one of the toughest sonofabitches there, even according to the DSs. If a DS tells you to slow it down, you know your made of steel.

Do I care that he likes boy/boy sex, if he can carry me from a hot LZ on his back while bleeding and dodging a hail of gunfire? Not really.

And the part that always blew me away is that most straight guys think that every gay guy wants to bed them. Seriously? Not to mention the fact that if your dodging bullets in a foxhole, even the most sexually voracious and indiscriminate homosexual soldier is not going to drop trou and want to go to town. He'd rather try and keep his ass from getting shot to hell.

Sorry, forgive my rant. DADT has always pissed me off beyond rational measure.

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:07 pm
by Reliant121
Mark wrote:And the part that always blew me away is that most straight guys think that every gay guy wants to bed them.

^ This.

I get this a lot in changing rooms.

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:13 pm
by Mikey
We do like to flatter ourselves, don't we?

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:18 pm
by Reliant121
The arrogance of Breeders :wink:

I presume that for some reason they think it's some other way of trying to insult them. Quite how a 14 year old child dropping his underwear in front of you is an insult I don't know...

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:43 pm
by Mark
I had a really good friend named Terry who was the single most flamboyantly gay person I've ever met. He used to call himself "Twinkle Toes Terry" as a joke. He used to enjoy putting those fellows in their place. Yes, he'd shamelessly flirt with straight guys. But he was also quite pointed when he'd say " I wouldn't :::ahem::: you with so and so's BLEEP"

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:45 pm
by Reliant121

Perhaps because it was expected of me, or whatever, But I cannot stand the flamboyant and camp. Examples would be Louie Spence or Alan Carr (for the US among us, you may have to search). I find it extraordinarily difficult to deal with, and I have no idea why.

Re: DADT Repealed

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:50 pm
by Mikey
Reliant121 wrote:-twitch-

Perhaps because it was expected of me, or whatever, But I cannot stand the flamboyant and camp. Examples would be Louie Spence or Alan Carr (for the US among us, you may have to search). I find it extraordinarily difficult to deal with, and I have no idea why.
Probably because the Graham Nortons of the world perpetuate a stereotype that you now have to deal with.

The Rutgers marching band, while my wife was a member, served as one of the bands in the parade scene of the remake of Miracle on 34th Street. To bolster the numbers, I agreed to march with the band, even though I wasn't a member - I carried a rifle in the color guard. Well, some of the male extras who were filling as parade spectators flirted with me shamelessly. Between takes, we were drinking beer with some of the NYPD pipe and drum band, and one of them asked me if it bothered me. I asked him why it should bother me that someone who likes guys found me attractive.