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Re: Fire Chief Shot By Police Officers In Courtroom

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:20 am
by Deepcrush
Captain Seafort wrote:And when they are needed they're about as reliable as the US Air Force. Between Brazilian electricians and Forest Gate, I simply don't trust plods with guns - if they need real firepower, phone Hereford and get professional help.
Hate them that much do you???

Re: Fire Chief Shot By Police Officers In Courtroom

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:32 am
by Tsukiyumi
Tyyr wrote:The police force isn't that unusual. There are two small towns here in Florida located on highways. When the roads get to the town the speed limit suddenly drops significantly, something like 15 to 20 miles an hour. They set the signs in bad locations, around curves, in merging zones, just behind vegetation. In other words they make it as difficult as they legally can to see the signs. The towns support themselves off of the speeding tickets they write and the cops are AGGRESSIVE about it. Both towns have large police forces compared to their sizes and most of their jobs consist of just sitting inside those speed limit signs writing tickets all day. It relies largely on tourists who don't know about those bastards.
Yeah, a few miles from here is Iowa Colony. Population: 0

Yet, they still have a police force, and aggressively enforce the speed limits...

It's a complete scam, and honestly, someone should crack down on crap like that nationwide.

Re: Fire Chief Shot By Police Officers In Courtroom

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:24 pm
by Angharrad
My dad grew up in Arkansas. The town he lived in was one of those you ran through on a major thoroughfare. Chief of Police and Local Judge had a nice little scam going.