Re: GOP Decries "Class Warfare"
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:32 pm
Sure, like there isn't already self-selection for top spots and ambitious people clawing to get above each other up the ladder anywhere. Sure, CEO's and other top execs will make more than the rank-and-file anywhere. But somehow I think companies can get good talent at management without paying millions per year in salary and I think CEOs can juuuuust manage to scrape by without the extra 3 resort houses and the yacht. The problem isn't they shouldn't be compensated for their work but that they have taken upon themselves the "right" to pay themselves whatever they damn well please.SteveK wrote:High pay attracts the best talent.Captain Picard's Hair wrote: How does a CEO giving himself a $5 million bonus and buying a sixth house help him be more "productive?" U.S. CEOs make many times their overseas counterparts, for what?
How does the chief executive of a company do more good for his company by buying a $5 million resort house for himself than by letting that $5 mil go into his company so that it can become a more productive company?
At least he has some evident desire to see the budget get into better shape; it's understood that the "bailout" and "stimulus" expenditures are meant to be temporary hikes in spending.Is he now? Last I heard he was planning to half the deficit (meaning return it to slightly above what George Bush left it at) at the end of ten years (way after he's been out of office). Good job for him though, first he doubles the deficit, then he says that maybe he'll be able to half it. Everyone applauds the messiah.Captain Picard's Hair wrote:OK, propose another way to get out of this depression. At least Obama is projecting to balance the budget after the economy recovers (even if his projections about the recovery may be rosy).
You still haven't said what you'd do about this depression.
BTW, "quote" tags are all lowercase.