Teaos wrote:But blaming people achives sweet f**k all so aside from being interesting trivia its pointless to bring up.
Then why did I have to respond to your point about assigning blame?
Teaos wrote:Yip they owned it several thousand years ago. Lets use that logic to decide who gets what land in the world... I'm sure it will work out just great.
Well, it's exactly the same logic by which the Palestinians make their claim, so why do you hold it acceptable for one side and not the other? In addition, it is the ignoring of historical cultural claims which led to WWI, in part to WWII, and more recently to the issues in Yugosavia/Serbia/Kosovo, the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, etc. Since you want to hold those types of claim in no regard, that must mean you wholeheartedly approve of the "ethnic cleansings" in Serbia (for example.)
Teaos wrote:Yeah they got the strip in a defensive war. A war in which they were attacked by pretty much everyone else in the middle east. But that was in retaliation to the (in their minds) the theft and illegal formation of the Jewish state on their lands.
Call it what you will, but "retaliation" assumes by definition that the action is actually against the perpetrators of the perceived offense. The Allies, led by the UK, were the people who formed the state of Israel. "Retaliation" would mean that those Arab nations attacked the UK, the US, and France. No, the Yom Kippur War, The Six Days' War, etc., were perpetrated out of nothing less banal than hatred.
Teaos wrote:Just because the rest of the world said it was okay doesnt make it ok.
Absolutely true. I'm sure there is a conversation somewhere in which this statement is relevant.
Teaos wrote:It was not the unprovocked war people try to make it out to be.
Also true. This has absolutely no bearing on the fact that the first shot was fired by the Arabs, not the Israelis - and that the Israelis conquered those territories "fair and square" under the conventions of war.
Teaos wrote:Then the Israels are really f***ing s**t at their jobs. They may try to hit targets were Hamas are hiding but they arent trying very hard if they manage to kill 1 civie for every 3 supposed terrorists.
Do you mean as opposed to Hamas, who are doing the right thing in actually targetting the civilian men, women, and children that the kill? They don't kill 1 civilian per 3 soldiers - they kill 1 civilian for every 0 soldiers.
Teaos wrote:Yours point?
America is supporting Israel, WTF has this got to do with America?
WTF? When did I ever say anything about discussing America's involvement or support? I didn't assume you were talking about New Zealand's foreign policy simply because you live in New Zealand; I'd ask you to offer me the same courtesy and call me on what I said, not what you assume I mean.
Teaos wrote:Yeah because the two situations are exactly the same... oh wait, they're not even close.
You mean, because then the sacrifice would have to be personal instead of half a world away? Let's see... you said the Palestinians should have those lands because they have a historical and cultural claim to them. Hmmm, who was in New Zealand first, white men or Maoris? The same could be said of my own country (wait, Tsu already said it.)