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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:29 pm
by Space Ghost
Like the Doomsday Machine!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:31 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Well, that would certainly be a surprise.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:01 am
by esw01407
DBS wrote:Maybe experience with coolant leaks on the Galaxy class led to improved safety features on later ships like the Intrepid.
I can see your thinking on this. Could it be that the whole little "Dominion War upgrade" to the class was meant to cover up a severe flaw in the cooling system. LOL Just had to throw that one out.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:30 am
by Varthikes
That's probably my biggest complaint about GEN.
How embarrassing to the Federation that must have been to loose their flagship to a BOP. An ancient one, at that!
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:32 am
by DBS
Yeah; especially after the loss of the Odyssey to vaguely similar circumstances.
From what we see, every ship gets an overhaul every few years or so (Enterprise-D had a few). So a few upgrades to improve survivability in really heavy combat were probably considered really quickly.
Existing Galaxy-class ships recieved this refit, and new members of the class were put into production with the upgrades standard. The effectiveness of the upgrades is pretty apparent. During the Chin'Toka invasion, theUSS Galaxy took serious hits that probably would have destroyed a Galaxy-class ship before the war started. But she managed along just fine.
So the upgrade probably covered the problems uncovered by situations the class wasn't originally designed for, like fleet combat.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:55 am
by Tiberius
or course, the real reason they blew up the Ent D was because the Galaxy class was designed for the 4:3 aspect ratio of television. When TNG moved to the big screen, the D wouldn't fit the new aspect ratio, so they got rid of it so they could introduce a new design. And lo and behold, the E is longer and sleeker, well deigned for the wider aspect ration of a movie screen.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:46 am
by Atlantians
Well, I look at it this way:
You got a big narley police officer arresting "Minnie Me".
Minnie Me is just leaning against the car and looks tame.
Then with a seconds notice: BAM! He spins around and side kicks the large well-built cop in the groin.
Next thing you know, the little bugger pulls a small pistol from his shoe and shoots the officer a few times.
Obviously the officer outmatched the little one in every way.
But the cheap shot disabled him long enough to allow a fatal blow.
The Sovereign Class is more like Master Cheif from Halo...
I hope this post starts a long and far more dignified posting history.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:01 pm
by johnsmith
My biggest complaint was that they did not even TRY to eject the warp core. I loved the E-D, and I hated to see her go, but if you must destory her, at least exhaust all possible options for saving her before you let her go down.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:13 pm
by IanKennedy
johnsmith wrote:My biggest complaint was that they did not even TRY to eject the warp core. I loved the E-D, and I hated to see her go, but if you must destory her, at least exhaust all possible options for saving her before you let her go down.
I'm fairly sure there was a line that the ejection systems where off-line. I thin k Geordie said it.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:09 pm
by DBS
Regardless of whether anything was said or not, given the number of times Geordi saved the ship from various engineering catastrophes, I tend to trust him when he says "There's nothing I can do!"

I know it isn't very satisfying to those of us who want to totally analyze it, but there it is.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:50 pm
by Sothar
I rather liked the end of the E-D. Think of it, it's the only ship that actually got TWO destructions. It blew up in space then crashed. Ever since I read about saucer landing in the TNG tech manual, I had been hoping this was the way the ship would end.
Yeah, a BOP is a small old ship but it's also a classic, almost a legend and that counts a lot for me. It's kind of like Kor who somehow managed to fight a fleet of dominion ships with only one just because he was Kor.
About remodulating the shields, if they did it, the Klingons knew the new modulation by watching Geordi's signal. That was an extremely efficient spying method. I guess, they found the transmitter in the visor before First Contact and that's why they changed it for implants.
E-D was hit in the back so it doesn't matter if the ship that killed it was tiny. It was not a duel, it was a murder
There is one thing I would have liked to see though. It would have been really nice if the Saucer had first been sliding on its shields until they failed and it finally dropped to the ground and everything started shaking event more. I think the visual would have been cool and the 2 or 3 seconds of pause in the rumbling between "Shields failing!" and contact with the ground would have increased tension.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:12 pm
by Crushproof
Did nobody notice that throughout the whole battle with the BoP, the Enterprise fired ONE Phaser beam and ONE torpedo? What the hell was Worf thinking? Seems the crew of the Enterprise can't function without Captain Picard around to shout "Fire all Phasers"
Just thinking from the movies now, I don't think the Enterprise has properly fired Phasers without Picard's orders. First Contact: He was there, they blew up a Borg Cube. Insurrection: He wasn't there, Riker sent 2 torpedoes towards the Son'a battleships. Nemesis: When Picard was there we got the line "Full axis rotation to port, fire all Ventral Phasers". When he wasn't there, Riker never did a damn thing. Well, except for raising shields after Picard got beamed out

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:53 pm
by Graham Kennedy
I like to assume that the E-D did a lot of firing when we were looking at the bridge, engineering, and the bridge of the BoP. But yeah, I wish to hell we had seen it!
Having said all that, if you count the bangs we hear and what we see, the E-D took something like THIRTY hits in that battle. Including direct hits to the port nacelle and the main impulse engine. For what was essentially an unshielded ship, that's not bad going at all.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:55 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I just gained some new respect for the Galaxy classes durability.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:18 pm
by Teaos
Hitting the planet was a cool shot but I do wish it had more glory to it.
But then if it got destroyed in space it would have been hard to have survivors.