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Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:21 pm
by Granitehewer
Hi everyone!
This is my first post, and i've been intrigued by everyones' acumen but modesty and kindness too, despite people like brian and others obviously knowing a great deal, they've always tolerated other ideas and been the first to help others, this goes for absolutely everyone here, so it seemed like a great community to join.
I think that with any 'empire' that when a nation exerts control over other previously autonomous groups, that unless there is a unifying factor eg a sense of shared destiny or a common religious background, that generally the only recourse to preserve the new status quo is through violence, whether it be physical, economic or cultural violence to cause division, and thus weakness.
The old divide and conquer by creating in-groups and out-groups and using dominant forms of social constructionism often applies so basically forcing an ideology on upon others, and smothering out any competing ideologies, this therefore can bring quislings and traitors to the fold of the empire, by being programed to believe that the empire is 'correct'.
A good example was used by my ancestors against the maoris, by using this psychological aspect,it was promoted that maoris, needed to be babysat by 'more advanced' cultures because 'maori culture was a beautiful piece of history' and that maoris only rebelled because they lost their sense of maoriness. See how this is insulting and racist but disguised as kindness, saying maori culture is spectactular and precious yet also implying it is out of date and irrevelent and that by not being 'maori' enough, maoris are the cause of their own problems and it has nothing to do with the british overseers.
Sorry if this is a boring rant, but part of my career,is the application of psychological methods in government, the military and private business consortiums, and i feel that to some extent that this psychology has always existed to justify brutality and sometimes to incite it amongst the subject populations and occurs today, more so with the neo empires, that are narcodriven or economic.
Regards pete
ps feel free to email about anything

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:25 pm
by Granitehewer