Still that's exactly the sort of culture that "needs" a prime directive. Federation captains would be prone to all sorts of risks and massive expenditures of resources if left to their own devices. This is a way to draw a clear line in the sand. I don't think it would work to say "you can save the population if it requires no more than 200 liters of deuterium."Mikey wrote:There's a bit of Starfleet hypocrisy going on there - one the one hand, they're the peaceful, war-as-a-last-resort-only, let's-all-talk-it-out yippies; on the other hand, they don't want to "waste" a little of a starship's time and deuterium to save an entire sapient species (even when it can be done without interference?)
Sounds like a rehash of the "arbitrary and haphazard" thing I mentioned, as well as just plain wrong.
It also allows one to hide cold pragmatism in very high ground seeming rhetoric. A terribly useful thing to do.
And again. From starfleets point of view they're probably happier with those societies being wiped out. It's a planet they can now colonize and one less potentially pain in the butt culture they'll have to deal with.