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Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:49 am
by Graham Kennedy
ChakatBlackstar wrote:
GrahamKennedy wrote:From a wonderfully weird little movie called "Battle Beyond the Stars".


And this was a fighter. That looks like a cow.
No cow I know of. And I live in the Dairy State so I know a thing or two about cows. It looks more like conjoined twins conected at the...well I don't really want to say it.
It's really more visible from the side. But thing of the big gun things as horns, and the two... bumps... as the knees of a cow that is kneeling down. Like this


Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:53 am
by stitch626
Ok, that is disturbing.

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:32 am
by Captain Seafort
stitch626 wrote:Any from Trek (and constantly exploding panels does not count :) )?
The Galaxy class (as I'm sure Rochey will go into detail on as soon as he sees this thread). The unstable warp core and the abyssmal computer security are probably the worst bits of it.

The Invisible Hand deserves a mention as well - the shield generators for the main hangar are located outside the shield.

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:38 am
by Reliant121
hmmmm...not sure...there are certainly some abysmal designs....let me have a look through mi/sci-fi shows and i'll get back to you.

there are the obvious ones...death stars hole of doom, Star destroyer's bridges, Starfleet brides.

oooo! The Romulan Warbird. a small ship can easily fit through that hollowed out area, through the shields. even if this ship, maybe even just a little sabre or something, got through, then it could torpedo all through the inside of the warbird. dead warbird.

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:40 am
by Monroe
Space Balls!

Also the ships in Wing Commander the movie if I remember right were pretty crappy. Like a torpedo could destroy them easily. But I never got far in the game and haven't seen the movie in years and years so I don't remember exactly.

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:43 am
by Captain Seafort
Reliant121 wrote:Star destroyer's bridges, Starfleet brides.
That flaw is shared by pretty much every bridge in sci-fi. The only ship I can think of that doesn't have it is the new Galactica (although the old Galactica comes a close second for having armoured shutters over the windows).

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:46 am
by Reliant121
Well not all sci-fi's like itl. the ships in Freelancer, with the exception of the Kusari fleet, tend to have their bridges built directly into the hull.

wait...Liberty do it too...not sure about Rheinland but Bretonia dont! I know that much!


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:57 am
by Duskofdead



Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:59 am
by Duskofdead

Regarding this one, can we really say this is any worse than the neckline used in Birds of Prey and K'tinga type Klingon battlecruisers? It took them several centuries to build the Vor'cha and thicken the neck up.

Re: Re:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:05 am
by Tsukiyumi
Duskofdead wrote:Image


Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 10:15 am
by Sionnach Glic
Star Trek:
Oh, man, where do I start? Complete lack of computer security, nitroglycerine-based warp cores, exposed nacelles, ridiculous necks, inability to make up their minds whether or not their a military, lack of any serious on-board security, over-centralization, lack of redundancy, dangerously high intergration of all systems, etc, etc, etc.

Star Wars:
The Neb-B, as already mentioned, is ridiculous. The ISD's exposed bridge is a bad idea, as a certain A-Wing pilot proved. They could at least have put some freaking grating over that 2 metre wide hole in their battle-station of doom. Whoever decided to put the Invisible Hand's shield generators outside the damn ship is a freaking moron.

Babylon 5:
The Omega-Class, while awesome-looking, is just one giant floating design flaw. I have no idea what's with this universe's obsession with putting open hanger bays on the front of their warships.

Their ships are giant floating cathedrals. Need I point out the problems?

Those are all the most obvious ones. I can't really think of anything in other universes to comment on, but I'm sure they're there.
And am I the only one who think that the ship Graham posted looks like it has breasts? :?

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:36 pm
by Mikey
Monroe wrote:Space Balls!

Also the ships in Wing Commander the movie if I remember right were pretty crappy. Like a torpedo could destroy them easily. But I never got far in the game and haven't seen the movie in years and years so I don't remember exactly.

The ships from the old game weren't NEARLY as ridiculous as the ones from that movie. No forward-firing torp tubes on a cap ship?! And why did the space-borne fighters need the friggin AIRFOILS form a Vought Corsair II?! :roll:

Now, I happen to appreciate WH40k designs, but these irk me:


They follow a similar design principle to other Imperium ships, but suffer more from the oft-mentioned "neck" problem, as well as having their bridges and main armament arrays enlarged and easily visible, right up front. They might as well have painted a bull's-eye on the bridge.

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:49 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Owning the models of those ships, I can tell you that the neck problem doesn't apply to them. The 'neck' section is actualy quite thick, and isn't that much thinner than the rest of the ship. The only one of those three that has any real problems in that department is the Sword class, and they're pretty sucky to begin with (I only ever use them as escorts for convoys moving through relatively safe areas, and even then I usualy stick a Dauntless class light cruiser with them).

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:20 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
The ISD's exposed bridge is a bad idea, as a certain A-Wing pilot proved
Ya...too bad they never heard of an auxilery bridge

Re: Biggest design flaws ever!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:34 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Actualy, they do have auxilary bridges. Iron Fist mentions them.