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Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:55 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Mark wrote:
So, if we stick with this, then we launch in 2158. This gives two years for our characters to grow "off screen". Sonic, you'll have to think of some halfway believable reason why Federov got promoted from Lt. to Capt. in 2 years. That's a hell of a rank jump. Reliant, we'll need you to come up with a reason why your character is still attached to a starfleet ship during a time of war for humans.
I'm thinking of using simple attrition. After the destruction of the Buran, Starfleet realizes war is on the horizon and they need experienced officers. After his return, Federov enters a command training program for say 6 months and he leaves a Lt. Commander. He spends the next six months serving as second officer on a ship in combat (maybe a Neptune or Intrepid class) and is promoted to commander and XO when the former XO dies/transfers/gets promoted (pick one). He then spends a year or so as first officer, and once the Daedalus class starts production, starfleet now has more ships than they do Captains so to fill the void he gets promoted.
I picture the Earth Starfleet at this point as either having not enough ships for their crew, or not enough crews for their ships.
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:59 pm
by Mark
@ Reliant....I sort of like Triton too. There's also the Zeus, Hera, Posidon, or (wait for it) Prometheus? Anyway, I see no problem keeping her, we just need to have some sort of reason for her to be serving on an Earth ship during a war her government is staying out of.
@Sonic....That works for me.
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:02 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Mark wrote:@ Reliant....I sort of like Triton too. There's also the Zeus, Hera, Posidon, or (wait for it) Prometheus? Anyway, I see no problem keeping her, we just need to have some sort of reason for her to be serving on an Earth ship during a war her government is staying out of.
@Sonic....That works for me.
Hm. Perhaps she is so taken with humans and their struggle that she resigns her Vulcan commisson and accepts a commission with the Earth Starfleet? Didn't T'pol do that in one of the alternate timelines?
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:03 pm
by Reliant121
Dear lord, not ANOTHER Prometheus. Agamemnon? Or perhaps some of the names of moons, Europa, Callisto, Titan, Amalthea & Rhea. I'd think its more likely that she's fired. I cant see her being emotionally swayed to the human cause.
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:03 pm
by Mark
I'm creating Sinclair now. I've decided to stick with the rank of Lieutenant, as it'll be less confusing (Lt Sinclair vs Cmdr. Sinclair)...... I just need to know what job position you boys would like him in.
Remember, its a Command track, as he's destined to become the first among many...................
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:44 pm
by stitch626
Personally I live Minerva...
And I've made my decision. Darwin will be the only one of my PCs returning. Shravak is on one of the other ships.
I'll post the updated bio for him, and one for a new character. Just one question on rank. Should he be promoted, or stay the same. I mean, 2 years is a while, but then again Harry Kim was one fro at least 7.
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:04 am
by Mark
That's actually part of Sinclair's story. He was on Enterprise with Archer, but even though its the flagship, and famous.....nobody ever gets promoted. He transerred off and within a month was promoted

Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:28 am
by Sonic Glitch
Mark wrote:
@Sonic....That works for me.
My reasoning for trying to make Federov at least XO was that he would then be in a position to call the old Buran gang back together -- after all, after 2 years we'd probably need some explanation as to how the rest appear on the ship

(rather than ignoring it like the TNG movies and Worf)
As for the name, again, I like the idea of perhaps using one of the early starship names we know from TOS/TNG (and assume are Daedalus class) or some of the names from Grahams Daedalus entry.
Archon ("ruler"/"lord") perhaps?
Are we agreed that the next few mission/stories will take us through the Romulan war?
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:46 am
by Mikey
For my Andorian: I'm thinking Mikey is 5th gen from this character, which would make this one Mikey's great-great-granddad. And, after shoveling another half-foot of snow today, I'm thinking of visiting Old Grand-Dad...
If we're using a mythological name, I like Aias/Ajax or Diomedes.
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:13 pm
by Mark
Sonic Glitch wrote:Mark wrote:
@Sonic....That works for me.
My reasoning for trying to make Federov at least XO was that he would then be in a position to call the old Buran gang back together -- after all, after 2 years we'd probably need some explanation as to how the rest appear on the ship

(rather than ignoring it like the TNG movies and Worf)
As for the name, again, I like the idea of perhaps using one of the early starship names we know from TOS/TNG (and assume are Daedalus class) or some of the names from Grahams Daedalus entry.
Archon ("ruler"/"lord") perhaps?
Are we agreed that the next few mission/stories will take us through the Romulan war?
Archon was tied to TOS "Return of the Archons" I believe. We really should try and stay away from ships whose fate is cannon.
How about "Excalibur"? Its not exactly greek, but its a famous ship name in Trek, and also fits with the Daedalus's mission as "The Sword of Starfleet."?
Also Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) or the Aegis (Zeus's shield)
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:14 pm
by Mark
Psst, Sonic.....we already have a character signup tread
Mikey and I posted our guys already
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:52 pm
by Reliant121
Aegis I'll go with!
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:54 pm
by stitch626
Reliant121 wrote:Aegis I'll go with!
Seconded. I love it.
Re: These are the voyages?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:43 pm
by Mark
Ok, we have three for Aegis
Any opposed???