Pretty much, yeah.That is the scientific method.
I would very much like to read this article myself rather than take the opinion of some author."because chemists have succeeded in reproducing nature's experiments on the creation of life out of nonliving matter.
A. Why should I care what this guy said?Physicist H. S. Lipson Physics Bulletin, 1980, Vol. 3: "The only acceptable explanation is creation. We must not reject a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it."
B. The experimental evidence supports evolution.
Point out specific examples.The fossil record is sketchy at best. It does not show the links between major types of living things.
So?It's written in The Bulletin of Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History (Jan. 1979, Vol. 50, "the geologic record does not yield a finely graduated chain of slow and progressive evolution.
No one said we found everything.
Can you clarify that a bit?"if progressive evolution from simple to complex lifeforms is correct, the ancestors of the full-blown living creatures in should be found
If he means that we have never found anncestors of living creatures, thats just a blatant lie.
If he means we should be finding anncestors going back to single celled organisms, then he's just being stupid.
State for yourself the problems with evolution.