Again we did give them back the Canal at the appropriate time.
You had the same old info as me, Tsuki corrected us both.
Though something I really wish some dictators would figure out is that just because the US supported you doesn't give you carte blanche to do what they want. If you start ignoring elections or ethnically cleansing we may very well turn on you.
Something I wish America would figure out is stop acting shocked that you're not viewed as the good guy and people out there would like to kill you after you've spent decades propping up a dictator in their country, or the CIA helped assinate/topple a legitimate government.
As for treaties I don't think we've been breaking those in the last few decades at least. Though I'm a little fuzzy on the deal with N Korea.
Are you kidding? Nuclear proliferation, Kyoto Accords, Geneva Conventions? All broken during Bush's term and more.
Oh and the "straight up and honest" was that we said we were in Panama to protect our interests. As opposed to making something up.
No suddenly the "drug lord" we put in power there couldn't be tolerated anymore because he was a "drug lord." That's exactly the story the American people, moronic consumerist sheep that they are, bought and supported an invasion over.
And again everyone here will agree that Iraq is some messed up stuff. And while I'm sure plenty of people are "sure" nobody really knows why we're there, but the reason is probably not good.
It's not rocket science, Sunny. It's the same reason we invaded Panama, it's the same reason we gave a crap if Kuwait or Saudi Arabia got invaded-- two countries who have dictatorships, btw.
That said I really doubt we're deliberatly letting Osama stay free. It'd be quite the feather in his cap if Bush could capture him. We just don't know where he is precisly enough, and sort of suspect it's in Pakistan which makes it politically tricky unless we know exactly where he is.
Can you name the last serious attempt to try to catch him? From all information I have read, we basically know the gist of where he is and it wouldn't be a huge coup in intelligence accomplishment to pinpoint it. But it's more useful to leave him free and then justify whatever the corporate elites want to do in terms of war and war profiteering in the name of "fighting terrorism." If we had Osama and finished the work in Afghanistan it would be time to come home and corporations making multi-billions on war contracts certainly don't want that.