Trek Iron Man armor

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Trek Iron Man armor

Post by McAvoy »

Do you think within what we have seen in Trek that they are capable of creating a Iron Man armor. We can stick to just the MCU.

They have anti gravity technology so they could possibly create personal flight. They got phasers and disruptors so that's not far fetched for the beam weapons.

Power I think is doable but not like how the arc reactor works in the MCU.

Though I do wonder about the armor itself, the robotic exo skeleton that can give its user super strength?
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

well, if you think of a shuttle and how much of its internal volume is... well, open air of the cabin - I mean, a shuttle has to pack in defensive Shields that are probably at a 'Bunker' level (compared to modern day weapons to defend against), Weapons, Sensors, etcetera. I do think a Trek Tech Micro-mechanized Suit of Armor is possible... and a chest or Back-mounted Power source, along with a pair of miniaturised impulse drives (only not for 0.25c speeds!) on the back with "Thrusters" in the boots and hands, along with 'RCS thrusters' in other places... Inertia Dampeners to 'reduce' the "effective weight" of the suit and its occupant so not much thrust actually need to defeat gravity, whilst also meaning that they could do a 300-mph to 0mph "superhero landing" without destroying their knees etc (the current issue with Tony Stark - how the hell does he not have issues from the G-forces involved?!). An Armor that's bulletproof (afterall going '24th century trek-tech iron man suit in 21st century modern day here), and with shield emitters that can even withstand hits from the missiles that you use to kill the bunker beneath the bunker you need to also kill? (yeah yeah you try twisting in Justin Hammer's line about a missile that in the end didn't work)
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

I’m sure.. if we put our Trekkie science fiction heads together, we could come up with something amusing. :)

(Like how stark survives 300mph-> 0mph stops without suffering from inertial forces turning him into blood pudding inside his suits? Well. If outfitted with micro antigravity units, which form an graviton bubble around his suit to act like a cushion upon collision with objects, then maybe he could survive? Or some such nonsense. :] )
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by T'Pau »

When you guys work it out, I am a go for the Veronica Hulkbuster suit. Built several (with Legos) and it has always been my favorite of all the suits.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by IanKennedy »

Spock had rocket boots in ST-V
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by T'Pau »

Those were ski boots, without anything added to the boot section to even attempt to make them NOT look like ski boots.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by IanKennedy »

While that was true he did “fly” :)
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by Meste17 »

I personally thought of something like this when i did Roleplay on Facebook years ago. I certainly would think its possible. Though RL Marvel might sue Star Trek if they even THOUGHT of doing something like that. In the RP world it certainly is plausible. Plus the suit would have small warp drive units in the leg pieces and boots.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by Coalition »

So the armor should have:
* Spock's Ski boots (boosted for higher acceleration and longer performance)
* a perfected/long-endurance version of the communicator shield from "A Fistful of Datas"
* the standard Starfleet communicator
* Built-in tricorder paired to the headset from "Field of Fire" (I've figured that the headset was hacked to use the station's sensors to look through walls, instead of using its own sensors which could be detected)
* Phaser strips on the torso armor, but aimed via an eye-tracking system
* Backpack power supply (from multiple phaser batteries or something similar in energy density and capable of providing large surge output)
* Inertial dampeners (if they can be made that small)
* Resistive/Ablative armor
* mini-computer with voice recognition to allow for database searches based on what you are looking at
* Advanced versions of today's infantry-scale active/passive sensors

Limit the weight to something a person could carry easily, or actual powered armor
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by Meste17 »

There you go.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Delta Quadrant
Seven simply raised an eyebrow at the schematics that they had created for the "Delta Flyer". Sure, Lieutenant Paris had pretended like they - He, Torres and herself - hadn't already near-finalised the design, presumably because he wanted them to be known for having designed and built the Flyer inside a week, but in actuality, he and Torres had been toying with the design since before she came aboard Voyager, and as an exercise in getting herself and the Half-klingon Chief Engineer to 'be friends', had included Seven on the basis that her expertise with borg technology would likely come in handy. And while true, it did not do much to lessen the hostility between herself and Lieutenant Torres.

"I do not understand."

She looked up at Tom. They had already built the Delta Flyer, that was weeks ago.

"Huh? Oh... wrong padd." He swapped the one in her hand with another. It was an EVA suit... though it looked a little, bulkier, than the ones they had aboard. "Uh... look at the... additions."

She did, and was intrigued. She demonstrated that she found it interesting with a raised an eyebrow.

"Now, we've got all kinds of really small pieces of technology, but they're individual units. And... the many things we get into got me thinking... 'we need body armor that can withstand phasers, disruptors, and other kinds of energy weapons... or ballistic." He shuddered a little at the memories he now carried from the time the ship was held by the Hirogen. even holographically-generated bullets could kill with the computer-controlled safeties turned off. Then B'ellana was... uh... anyway. Made me wonder. So I started looking into the archives and, well... I came up with this. I was wondering what your thoughts were."

"Have you approached the Lieutenant with this?" She asked as she scrolled through the 'wishlist'.

"B'Ellanna doesn't see the point - we've got shuttles. And the Flyer too, now."

She looked back up. "I see how this could be used in place or, or perhaps in addition to the, Flyer."

"So, you'll..."

She decided to give a slight smile and a nod. Idly, as she gave thought to its construction, she also wondered about the new feeling in her gut... one of ... 'excitement'?


She stepped forward into the centre of the indicated circle, and the holographic machinery in the holodeck began to affix the very-real pieces to the undersuit she wore. A two-piece chest piece was first, then followed with the arm pieces, and then the 'robot arms' lifted her up whilst the leg pieces were affixed, and intermediate flexible sections bolted in. And finally, the helmet.

For a moment, she saw nothing but darkness, before the internal holographic "heads up display" came to life, allowing her to 'see' her surroundings with a wider field of view than her own eyes. The onboard computer also provided odd overlays highlighting objects as it began the odd startup sequence, before the suit came online... and she felt like she wasn't even wearing it, the weight suddenly gone.

"How's it feel?" Tom asked from the control panel.

"... It does not." She spoke, and noticed a small speaker icon in green near the bottom of the holographic HUD. It was... strange. the internal holographic display made it seem like she was not wearing a helmet, even though the inside surface was at the nearest a mere centimetre from her face.

"... Alright, Flexibility tests. Lets see how far you can move..."

Feeling like she was playing a tutorial level from one of the Lieutenants twentieth century-inspired video games - and, if she recalled correctly, that probably had an influence in both the design and desire for the suit - she moved her head as much as she could slowly, so to 'feel' what the suit was limiting her motions to. Left, right, up, down, tilted whilst those, etcetera. It was... quite restrictive actually. The holographic display also indicated how much motion she was performing before reaching the physical boundaries.

"Alright... We can adjust the sensors to turn the 'view' farther,... if you want?"

"... I would be able to look directly behind myself?" She questioned, understanding.

"Yes. Return your head to, uh... straight ahead. Making the marker for eye-tracking."

And so it went for half an hour, moving on from the lead, to arms, finding the true limits. The suit would stop her from reaching behind her back, bending down properly to pick up a heavy object in the proper manner, and other restrictions, but they had anticipated such things when it came to choosing what technology to include.

Why she was wearing it though, instead of the Lieutenant, she didn't know, though she suspected, based what happened during a trip through a nebula just mere months ago, that he wasn't actually wanting to wear it so much as just make one and she was a good candidate for configuring the suit to be useable and useful.

The Mobility tests - how well she could move with it, wasn't just in regards to walking, but running, jumping and more. Some tests however, would have to wait given they were using a holodeck.

"Alright. Sensor systems test. As per your suggestion, some of the objects in this room are real, rather than holographic, transported in before you arrived. Begin phase one."

And as their time-limit was reached, Seven was rather, happy, with the suit. The sensors were essentialy the halfway step between a tricorder and the systems on a specialised shuttle - slightly beyond some of their shuttles, though nowhere near the capability of the Delta Flyer... however, proximity made up that shortfall, as the Delta Flyer would not be able to enter a cave a person could (only just) fit into... Not only that, but the life support system whilst incredibly compact, used a miniaturised replicator system as a backup to enable very long periods of EVA - both in space and in hostile atmospheric conditions.

As for the flight capabilities... she was nervous with those tests, though oddly excited.

Their next session for the suit would be about testing the defensive and offensive measures, which would take place in 'her' cargo bay. But that was for tomorrow.


Seven was almost nervous as the Captain read through the reports she and the Lieutenant had prepared. The captain was muttering to herself, and seven was sure that at one point the captain had said "... Is this for real?" Though low enough that she knew she was nto meant to hear, so didn't respond.

"Three separate shielding systems, each with redundant generators?"

"Regenerative Shielding during normal use. The Multi-adaptive shielding can be used to essentially cloak the wearer from sensors, though not from eye.... and Multi-spatial field generators for... extreme cases. The power systems that we could fit are insufficient to run those for long, however."

The captain took a big sip from her coffee, then returned to reading. "Ablative-dispersion lattice armor, four phaser emitter arrays... nano-torpedo laun..." She looked up again. "Torpedoes, Seven?"

"... those are only in an add-on pack that fits to the back torso section... for use in flight."

She blinked "Flight?" Then continued reading... "Inertia Dampeners, the armor has its own S.I.F. and... micro-impulse drives?" The Captain took another big sip, this time not even tearing her eyes from the list."This... sounds like one of Tom's Fantasy projects..." she muttered.

"The Lieutenant did approach me with this project, yes."

"Figures." Seven knew when she got to the next part. "... WARP DRIVE?!" She looked up. "Seven, I know we can miniaturise technology quite a bit but...

"Again, only through an, 'add-on' pack. Basic atmospheric flight up to, ah, Mach 3, whilst without the micro-impulse add-on drive, even our cargo shuttles could out-pace at sublight speeds... we have designed additional add-on pieces to give greater capabilities in special circumstances. A functional warp drive capability is with the largest of the, add-on units."

"How long would it take to fabricate a prototype?"

Seven knew that if she had regular human feelings and was, like a regular human, just as expressive, she would have been smiling, but as it was it barely showed that she was feeling somewhat amused. "The base suit has already been completed and basic tests performed, but we have yet to test the, space flight capabilities. However the Add-on units are currently in design phase. As for additional suits... each one takes Approximately three days to fabricate and assemble."

"What about the combat capability?"

Seven rubbed her left arm slightly, still feeling sore. "Passed with, as Mr Paris put it, 'flying colors'."

"... Then what happened to your arm?"

"I... Misjudged how much impact force would actually transfer from one particular test. The inertia Dampeners and SIF were beyond our projections... and I leant into the hit too far."

The Captain chuckled at that... then paused, "You wore it for live-fire?"

"... Only after the first ten tests were performed with the suit controlled remotely."

".... Remotely?"
I'd have put more about 'Also I can lift several tonnes blabla' and other things that reference various capabilities displayed in the Iron Man films but... Eh.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

T'Pau wrote: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:41 pm Those were ski boots, without anything added to the boot section to even attempt to make them NOT look like ski boots.
That’s not true! He had the disco belt to control it, tiny little dial he could play with to make him go up and down.

Sounds so wrong but then, so was the design. Lol.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

-Miniature bi-fusion Vortex power plant.

-biogel/high capacity batteries for backup

-Magnetohydrodynamic thrusters (utilizing plasma waste
exhaust from power plant).

-Micro hydraulic strength amplifiers for limbs, hands, and

-memory (poly) alloy on exterior armor for normal, combat,
and flight modes. Able to create bladed arms & legs
weapons’, create flight control surfaces, and/or retract
and mold seamlessly to body armor in normal situations.

-absolute filter (1-micron) intake breathing system
w/backup O2 storage reserve (3-day supply)

-Carbon/composite: nano tube armor re-enforced with
cross-lattice, multi-layered graphene.

-Omni-visual analysis hud display: thermal, ultraviolet, x
ray, gamma, w/fiber optic interface to suit computer.

-visual/vocal control system utilizing eye movement and
voice input for computer systems control.

-three-cored quantum (delta T configuration) computer
system w/petabyte SSD and redundant crystal back-up
storage system.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by 00111010 01000100 »

@ Alex
I LIKED the spoiler! Very cool story & design ideas.
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Re: Trek Iron Man armor

Post by McAvoy »

Here is my thoughts:

Power supply may not be an issue. I don't think it will be as easy as the Iron Man arc reactor but I can see multiple power supplies, even backup ones. Could even have dedicated ones for each weapon like the phasers on the palms and I guess we would call the chest phaser. The phaser itself has so many settings so it would be possible to make that pretty apaptable.

Dedicated armor I could see a dedicated shield as well as well as a SIF field and inertial dampeners. Probably designed for sudden small impacts like fists or something like that or larger impacts like being hit by something larger.

Flight is obvious. Though this would beg the question why doesn't the space suits have that sort of capability.

Onboard computer like Jarvis or Friday would be easy. Configure your standard Trek computer for the armor and call it Majel.

The big question is and it's because we really do not see this in Trek is the robotic underlying parts that would give this suit of armor super strength and not just make this into a a regular piece of armor. All of those servos and hydraulics etc just isn't something we see in Trek. Best we got is Data and prosthetics that obviously will not fit underneath a Trek Iron Man suit.

Option B is make the whole thing holographic and have the wearer have a setup underneath so it could power such a hologram. Design the hologram with certain features to make it work. Not sure about flight though.
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