Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

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Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Small Excerpt:
4.1 Computer System
The main computer system of the USS Voyager is probably the most important single operational element of the starship next to the crew. The computer is directly analogous to the autonomic nervous system of a living being, and is responsible in some way for the operation of virtually every other system of the vehicle.
Crew interface for the main computer is provided by the Library Computer Access and Retrieval System software, usually abbreviated as LCARS. LCARS provides both keyboard and verbal interface ability, incorporating highly sophisticated artificial intelligence routines and graphic display organization for maximum crew ease-of-use.
Computer Cores
The heart of the main computer system is a set of four redundant main processing cores. Any of these four cores is able to handle the primary operational computing load of the entire vessel. The Two Primary Computer Cores are located just aft of the spare warp core compartment across decks 10, 11 and 12, while the Secondary Computer Cores are located amidships across decks 7 and 8. Each computer core incorporates a series of miniature subspace field generators, which creates a symmetrical (nonpropulsive) field distortion of 5830 millicochranes within the faster-thanlight (FTL) core elements. This permits the transmission and processing of optical data within the core at rates significantly exceeding lightspeed.
The two main cores in the Secondary Hull run in parallel clock-sync with each other, providing 100% redundancy. In the event of any failure in either core, the other core is able to instantly assume the total primary computing load for the ship with no interruption, although some secondary and recreational functions (such as holodeck simulations) may be momentarily suspended. The third and fourth cores, located in the Primary Hull, serves as a backup to the first two.
Core elements are based on FTL nanoprocessor units arranged into optical transtator clusters of 1,024 segments. In turn, clusters are grouped into processing modules composed of 256 clusters controlled by a bank of sixteen isolinear chips. Each Primary core comprises three levels, each level containing four modules. Both Secondary Cores comprise of two levels, each level containing only three modules.
In Total, the USS Voyager has 36 Processing Modules, containing 9,216 optical transtator clusters, made up of 9,437,184 FTL Nanoprocessor unit segments. In total, these FTL Nanoprocessor units/optical transtator clusters are controlled by 576 isolinear chips. For Comparison, the Galaxy class USS Enterprise has three identical computer cores of seven levels each, each level containing four modules of the same capacities, reaching totals of 84 processor modules, 21,504 optical transtator clusters of 22,020,096 FTL nanoprocessor Units. While the Intrepid class design has less than half the FTL nanoprocessors, due the advances that allow them to operate at faster FTL frequencies, the USS Voyager’s computer cores are only 20% less powerful. In Single-threaded operation, the USS Voyager’s computers are 75% faster than the USS Enterprise’s.
Core Memory
The physical memory storage in the computer cores are evenly distributed to each of the Processor Modules, with all 36 individually containing 1024 storage modules of 144 isolinear optical storage chips. Under LCARS software control, these modules provide average dynamic access to memory at 3,276,800 kiloquads/sec, or 400 megaquads/sec.
Each isolinear optical storage chip used by the USS Voyager is an improved design based from those used by the Galaxy class and has a storage capacity of 67,108,864 quads, or 8,192 kiloquads, or 1 megaquad, compared to the 2 kiloquads of those of the USS Enterprise. All 10,616,832 chips give a theoretical storage capacity of 356.2 trillion quads/43.5 billion kiloquads/5.3 million megaquads or 647 gigaquads of information (compare the USS Enterprise, with just 6,048 megaquads). However, as the storage chips are able to be used not just as long-term storage but as short-term random-access memory, the actual storage capacity is only counted by data stored. Typically, only a quarter of a core’s chips are actually used as long-term storage, the rest used for random-access memory for the many memory-intensive operations (including the very-high-memory-density holographic systems)
The main cores are tied into the ship's optical data network by means of a series of MJL junction links which bridge the subspace boundary layer. There is a 12% Doppler loss in transmission rate across the boundary, but the resulting increase in processing speed from the FTL core elements more than compensates.
A network of 38 quadritronic optical subprocessors is distributed throughout the ship, augmenting the main cores. Within the habitable volume of the ship, most of these subprocessors are located near main corridor junctions for easy access. While these subprocessors do not employ FTL elements, the distributed processing network improves overall system response and provides redundancy in emergency situations. Each subprocessor is linked into the optical data network, and most also have a dedicated optical link to one or more of the main cores.
The Bridge and Main Engineering each has seven dedicated and ten shared subprocessors which permit operations even in the event of main core failure. These bridge and engineering subprocessors are linked to the main cores by means of protected optical conduits, which provide alternate control linkages in the event of a primary optical data network failure. Further redundancy is provided by dedicated short-range radio frequency (RF) links, providing emergency data communications with the bridge. Additional dedicated subprocessors can be installed as needed to support mission-specific operations.
Virtually every control panel and terminal within the ship is linked to a subprocessor or directly into the optical data network. Each active panel is continually polled by LCARS at 20 millisecond intervals so that the local subprocessor and/or the main core is informed of all keyboard or verbal inputs. Each polling inquiry is followed by a 38 nanosecond compressed data stream, which provides panel update information. This data stream includes any requested visual or audio information for panel output.
Short-range RF data links are available throughout the ship to provide information transmission to portable and handheld devices such as tricorders and personal access display devices.
This integrated network of computers, subprocessors and panels forms the “nervous” system of the ship and permits continuous real-time analysis of the ship’s operating status. The network is specifically designed to permit independent operation of remaining system elements in the event of a wide variety of partial system failures.
4.2 Isolinear Optical Chips
Isolinear optical chips are the primary software and data storage medium employed throughout the USS Voyager’s computer systems. These nanotech devices represent a number of significant advances over the crystal memory cards used in earlier systems.
These chips make use of single-axis optical crystal layering to achieve subwavelength switching distances. Nanopulse matrix techniques yield a total memory capacity of 8 kiloquads per chip in standard holographic format – an improvement made in the decade since the commissioning of the first Galaxy class starship, whose Isolinear chips only had a capacity of 2.15 kiloquads.
Like earlier crystal memory devices, isolinear chips optimize memory access by employing onboard nanoprocessors. In these new devices, however, higher processing speeds permit individual chips to manage data configuration independent of LCARS control, thus reducing system access time by up to 12%. Additionally, the chip substrate is infused with trace quantities of superconductive platinum/iridium, which permits FTL optical data transmission when energized by a Computer Core’s subspace flux. This results in a dramatic increase in processing speed when used in one of ship’s Computer Cores.
Isolinear chips can be ruggedized with the application of a protective tripolymer sealant over the refractive interface surface. This allows the chip to be handled without protective gloves. When so treated, isolinear chips are used as a convenient form of information transport. Many portable data-handling devices such as tricorders, PADDs and optical chip readers are able to read and write to standard format isolinear chips.
Basically, been ... uh... copy-pasting the TNG one, then going, "Well, I'll say that whilst some things like the warp core were developed for the galaxy only in the very last years of the program before the galaxy and enterprise were commissioned, others like the computers were already developed by the mid-50s, simply made bigger as the ship design neared completion.

To Note:
What I'm saying for the Galaxy is that for the Isolinear chips - it's got almost 24.8 million chips in its computers, because each "Processor Module" (of which each of the three cores has four per each of their 7 levels for 84 total Processor Modules) has 2048 Storage Modules each of which is 144 isolinear storage chips. because otherwise the Ent just has 589,824 kiloquads of information storage...
and I'm using x8192 for each stepping from quad<kilo<mega<giga.

Now.. this "Galaxy's chips were developed by the 2350s" and "Intrepids in the late-2360s... say, about fifteen-twenty years of advances to put into place (Includes the bioneural gelpacks for "smarter" processing, not necessarily faster through brute force)

1983: Rodime released the first 3.5-inch format hard drive which stored 10 MB.
2003: Western Digital introduces the 10,000 RPM SATA hard drive with 37 GB of storage.

10 MB: 10,000,000 bytes... or is that 10,485,760 (depends!)
37 GB: Either 37,000,000,000 bytes, or 39,728,447,488. ... so about a 3,800-ish percent increase.
apply that to the '2.15 kiloquad' isolinear chip of the galaxy. ~ 8,170 kiloquads. OR... as I'm going for "8192 quads = 1 kiloquad and 8192 kiloquads =1 megaquad", it's a 1 Megaquad chip now... and the ones used on DS9 (say, when bashir recieved new holosuite programs) still needed a couple of them. Worf's less-sophisticated *cough* sorry, Worf's Klingon Operas were not quite so memory-intensive, so his fit one or more program per chip... say a single holosuite program could be anywhere between

To note, for the Prometheus episode (Ship in a Bottle) in season 4, the EMH had to 'leave behind' 12 megaquads. 12 megaquads in a program that was probably NOT a fraction of that, but that is still a 'big enough chunk' (I'll say his program is more than 12 megaquads as of his first activation, and those 12 he left behind were NOT all the 'data weight' he'd gained since then... :P )

but say 24 megaquads is his program size by endgame... if the Enterprise has a capacity of 6,048 megaquads... thats.... 0.5% for the EMH. 1% on a ship that probably has holodeck programs more sophisticated, many of, thereby those being more than 24 megaquads each (1% is 60 megaquads).

of course, this is not including the fact that the chips are both storage and RAM for the ship.
I'll say at "up to 25% storage, 75 and up as RAM", with "Librarys" specifically built to instead act as more pure data storage where those percents are flipped.

Now, Galaxy is 24.7 million of these chips.
if voyager was just 10.6 million of those 2 kiloquad chips...Voyager would only have 2,592 megaquad of storage. not *5.3 million*.
a quarter of that 2,592 as storage, then the EMH would take up about 5% of that storage. FIVE.

So... yeah.

that storage density increase percentage fits real-world increases kind of, if you take isolinear chips as developed to the Ent's level in the 40s to 50s, with Voyagers' level being the Latest and Greatest.

To note:
in gigaquad: Enterprise? 0.74. Voyager? 648! :D
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

I seem to remember reading that the Voyager TM as written was basically a stopgap, literally the TNG manual with some minimal changes to fit Voyager rather than a Galaxy. Had they got approval to do a manual for sale, they were going to go through and do a major re-write on it.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Nope. The boy TM is... Nothing like the TNG one.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Hmm, maybe they did that rewrite anyway. Or I'm just remembering wrong.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by McAvoy »

It's nice to do math.

You could also say by the end of TNG, E-Ds chips have been replaced with more advanced ones. So maybe 2 kiloquad chips are now 20 or 50 kiloquad per chip. And maybe Voyager has these newer chips.

But we also know it's not the isolinear chips that run the ship, it's the bio neural gel packs. Space saving to be sure and but presumably if Voyager had to they could replace the packs with isolinear chips (maybe there is a pack of these ready to be used as a emergency).
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

It was always my understanding that the BNGP's were about "Smarter" processing, rather than "Faster!" And that the ship didn't have many of them, that is, number of BNGP's in use at any one time, because they actually weren't Faster, just... more intuitive.

Like, In combat, without them, a sensor array might be telling the crew the modulation of the incoming weapons fire, but it requires said crew to then rotate the shield modulation to counter... which, well, by the time the crewman has noticed, he's only two words into reporting "The Enemy-" and bam, weapon hits if torp, or not even noticed if a beam/very fast pulse. BUT... the Gel Packs give the computer the ability to "Anticipate", and it would go, "Hang on, the sensors here are telling you the frequency of the weapons as they fire!... I'll just rotate the shields to match!"
That is, better in non-repetitive automation, versus Isolinear which exceel in automation of otherwise repetitive things (as well as at math).
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by McAvoy »

AlexMcpherson79 wrote:It was always my understanding that the BNGP's were about "Smarter" processing, rather than "Faster!" And that the ship didn't have many of them, that is, number of BNGP's in use at any one time, because they actually weren't Faster, just... more intuitive.

Like, In combat, without them, a sensor array might be telling the crew the modulation of the incoming weapons fire, but it requires said crew to then rotate the shield modulation to counter... which, well, by the time the crewman has noticed, he's only two words into reporting "The Enemy-" and bam, weapon hits if torp, or not even noticed if a beam/very fast pulse. BUT... the Gel Packs give the computer the ability to "Anticipate", and it would go, "Hang on, the sensors here are telling you the frequency of the weapons as they fire!... I'll just rotate the shields to match!"
That is, better in non-repetitive automation, versus Isolinear which exceel in automation of otherwise repetitive things (as well as at math).

Hmm I thought they were faster and could store more information.

Obviously by the looks of they are hooked up and their size they are not as modular or portable as a isolinear chip or rod in the case of DS9.

I am a bit fuzzy on this part but don't system's go down when a gel pack goes down? Seems they do control ships functions as well.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by Graham Kennedy »

What we were told in the pilot was that "They organise information more efficiently, speed up response time."

So they don't necessarily process information at a higher rate as such, it's more like they organise it so that less processing is needed and so the task takes less time to complete.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I would've loved to own a Voyager tech manual.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

It's... quite disappointing the sheer difference between the TNG and Voy manuals.

My VOY one I'm making goes into detail (also making a few changes away from canon slightly as its for a rewrite anyway involving a time-travelling character who made a 'few' adjustments....)

but the one they made for Voy:
Warp Drive
In Brief: to traverse the literally astronomical distances between the stars, Voyager employs WARP ENGINES. This system actually warps space, enabling the ship to travel faster than light. The primary fuel source of the Voyager warp engine is ANTIMATTER.

How to use it: The Captain or commanding officer on the bridge will normally give flight instructions including speed to Conn. for example "set course for the klingon home world, warp factor six" or "bring us to bearing zero-two-three mark three-one-seven, warp nine"-
.... it goes in similar fashion from there, more a writers' primer than TECHNICAL MANUAL.

... despite it being in the damn name.

I mean... 40 pages, really?
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

So, I'm getting up to 26 pages so far Actually at 34, but its page 26 where I'm up to on writing,the rest after are the "chapters" and their segments.
List of segments done:
1.0 USS Voyager Introduction
1.1 Mission Objectives for the Intrepid class Project
1.2 General Overview
1.3 Construction Chronology
2.0 Spacecraft Structure
2.1 Main Skeletal Structure
2.2 USS Voyager Coordinate System
2.3 Hull Layers
3.0 Command Systems
3.1 Bridge Module
3.2 Bridge Operations
3.3 Basic Control Panel/Terminal OSE
3.4 Flight Control (CONN/HELM)
3.5 Operations Management (OPS)
3.6 Tactical
3.7 Command Stations
3.8 Science Station
3.9 Engineering Station
3.10 Auxiliary Stations
3.11 Guidance and Navigation
3.12 System Diagnostics
4.0 Computer Systems
4.1 Computer System
4.2 Isolinear Optical Storage Chips
4.4 Personal Access Display Device (PADD)
4.5 Desktop and Console Computer Access
4.6 Security Considerations
5.0 Warp Propulsion Systems
5.1 Warp Field Theory and Application
5.2 Matter/Antimatter Reaction Assembly
5.3 Warp Field Nacelles
5.4 Antimatter Storage and Transfer
5.5 Warp Propulsion System Fuel Supply
5.6 Bussard Ramscoop Fuel Replenishment
5.7 Onboard Antimatter Generation
5.8 Engineering Operations and Safety
6.0 Impulse Propulsion System
6.1 Impulse Drive
6.2 Relativistic Considerations
6.3 Engineering Operations and Safety
7.0 Utilities and Auxiliary Systems
7.1 Utilities
7.2 Exterior Connect Hardpoints
7.4 Reaction Control System (RCS)
8.6 Universal Translator
It just works. Don't Question It. If need be, just consider "Q Did it."
14.0 Emergency Operations
14.1 Integrated Structural Integrity Field and Inertial Damping System
14.2 Emergency procedures in SIF/IDF Failure
List of elements to do:
Table of Contents
About This Document
4.3 Neural Gel Packs
7.3 Cargo Storage
7.5 Navigational Deflector
7.6 Tractor Beams
7.7 Replicator Systems
8.0 Communications
8.1 Intraship Communications
8.2 Personal Communicators
8.3 Ship-To-Ground Communications
8.4 Ship-To-Ship Communications
8.5 Subspace Communications Network
9.0 Transporter Systems
9.1 Transporter Systems Introduction
9.2 Transporter Systems Operation
9.3 Other Transporter Functions
9.4 Limitations of Use
9.5 Transporter Evacuation
10.0 Science and Remote Sensing Systems
10.1 Sensor Systems
10.2 Long-Range Systems
10.3 Navigational Sensors
10.4 Lateral Sensor Arrays
10.5 Instrumented Probes
10.6 Tricorder
10.7 Science Department Ops
11.0 Tactical Systems
11.1 Phasers
11.2 Phaser Operations
11.3 Photon Torpedoes
11.4 Photon Torpedo Operations
11.5 Specialized Ordnance
11.6 Deflector Shields
11.7 Auto-Destruct Systems
11.8 Security Personnel Armor and Equipment
11.9 Hand-held and Crew-Portable Weapons and Defensive Systems
11.10 Tactical Policies
12.0 Environmental Systems
12.1 Life Support and Environmental Control
12.2 Atmospheric System
12.3 Gravity Generation
12.4 Emergency Environmental Systems
12.5 Waste Management
13.0 Crew Support Systems
13.1 Crew Support
13.2 Medical Systems
13.3 Medical Tricorder
13.4 Crew Quarters Systems
13.5 Food Replication System
13.6 Turbolift Personnel Transport System
13.7 Holographic Environment Simulators
14.3 Matter/Antimatter Reactor Emergency Shutdown Procedures
14.4 Fusion Reactor Emergency Shutdown Procedures
14.5 Catastrophic Emergency Procedures
USS Voyager Flight Operations
15.1 Introduction to Flight Operations
15.2 Mission Types
15.3 Operating Modes
15.4 Cruise Mode
15.5 Yellow Alert
15.6 Red Alert
15.7 External Support Mode
15.8 Atmospheric Flight / Planetary Landing Mode
15.9 Reduced Power Mode
Emergency Operations
16.1 Introduction to Emergency Operations
16.2 Fire Suppression
16.3 Emergency Medical Operations
16.4 Lifeboats
16.5 Rescue and Evacuation Operations
Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems
17.1 Shuttlecraft Operations
17.2 Shuttlebay
17.3 Shuttlecraft
17.4 Extravehicular Activity
17.5 Aeroshuttle
18.0 USS Voyager Internal Layout
18.1 Deck 1
18.2 Deck 2
18.3 Deck 3
18.4 Deck 4
18.5 Deck 5
18.6 Deck 6
18.7 Deck 7
18.8 Deck 8
18.9 Deck 9
18.10 Deck 10
18.11 Deck 11
18.12 Deck 12
18.13 Deck 13
18.14 Deck 14
18.15 Deck 15
19.0 Conclusion
19.1 Projected Upgrades
19.2 Future Directions
19.3 Mission Background
Also, Graphics.

That last one - Graphics... Kind of Need help with. in that I just... I'm limited to "Scribbles" in MS Paint. Not what I'm aiming for. I'ld like to format this TM to have LCARS-like appearance.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Math time.

Transporters take what, 5 seconds?
According to TM, the pattern buffers duty cycle from start of one to start of the next is like, 90 seconds. so 85 seconds about 'cool down'.

With four 6-person transporters, two 22-person emergency transporters and two cargo transporters that can in a pinch also transport upto six people... How quickly can a crew of ~160 perform a total crew evacuation via transporter? Answer: in 95 seconds... counting the first transport group solely from activation, and the second batch of 60 getting into place during the 85-second cool-down period.

Less time, if you take into account shuttles... and less still if everyone just gets in the escape pods :D

Contrast the Enterprise D, which has an HOURLY evacuation rate of nearly 2,000 - ... SO in other words, it needs almost half an hour for a transporter-only total crew evacuation of the ship. :shock:
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by Black Jesus »

37 pages of the draft manual.
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Re: Voyager Technical Manual (Mine)

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Ha yeh I saw that thread and got all three TMs. It really ISNT a tech manual.

Update: not much progress (busy work hours then collapse at home and sleep all day, still getting used to night shift hours again).
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