A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

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A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »


In Summary: Parts of TFA and TLJ. It's not a rehash of ANH. No Starkiller Base.

It's been a handful of decades since the destruction of the second death star over the moon of endor... lets say 25 years. In those years, the Empire rapidly became fractured between those who wished the return of democracy and those who sought power in the vacuum created by the death of the Emporer. And in those 25 years, the Jedi have been rising as a force for good in the galaxy once more. Whilst the Empire is no longer a galaxy-spanning, empire, there are pockets of the tyrannical regime remaining both in the core and outer rim sectors, combated by the rebel alliance-turned-New Republic navy.

Fifteen years before the events of this EpVII, Luke Skywalker, Grand Master of the New Jedi Order, Disappeared, as did several apprentices, including his nephew, Ben Solo. Not long after, one of the Imperial Remnant gained a dark-side force user, who like some of the more infamous of the Sith in the past, wore a mask concealing his or her identity, and soon the galaxy learned his name - Kylo Ren.

By the events of this film, he has become one of the highest ranking officers in the 'First Order', and has been unifying the Imperial Remnant under a single banner, his banner, and spreading terror in his wake, and even has his own cadre of followers, the Knights of Ren. And in the last ten years, has been pushing the New Jedi Order to the brink of destruction... All while in search of something, or rather, someone. Luke Skywalker.

It is his search for the former Grand Master that brings him to Jakku, alerted to the presence of an original Jedi Order survivor, an old man who was but a boy when the Empire first rose from the ashes of the old republic, and whilst the man was never a Jedi Knight, no more than a mildly talented initiate, he had acted as advisor regarding the old order and as friend to Luke after the fall of the empire. A man who retired to Jakku... not long after Luke disappeared.

Kylo Ren's move toward Jakku - deep within Republic space - does not go unnoticed, and Republic Navy pilot Poe Dameron is despatched ahead to investigate... there he is given by the old man a clue on what Luke was doing fifteen years ago, a secret contained in a datachit, but cannot look at the information then as the First Order attacks.
As in TFA, during that attack, FN-2187's programming breaks down and after, aboard the First Order Star Destroyer in orbit, helps Poe to escape.

On Jakku, FN, now calling himself Finn thanks to Poe, encounters a scavenger, a mysterious girl named Rey who is inordinately skilled with a staff. Together, Rey, Finn and their droid companion BB-8 manage to escape the First Order stormtroopers sent to recapture Poe and eliminate Finn... aboard a massively-stripped yet still functional Lambda Class Shuttle - the stripping being of the 'wings'. They quickly realise however, that its not exactly an inconspicuous craft and so Finn gives Rey the co-ordinates of a planet where they might get rid, and the two could go on their own separate ways - Rey back to Jakku if she wishes.

There, Rey and Finn encounter an odd know-everything bartender, who greets both with an odd smile. Not long after that... their host introduces the pair to two 'Old Friends'... Han Solo and Chewbacca, who have just arrived in the Millenium Falcon, despatched by Leia Organa, General of the Republic Navy. Han finds it funny that Finn is a former stormtrooper, given what some of us in the audience know of his 'work experience' when he was younger... and Rey as oddly familiar, and puts it down to a passing resemblance to his 'ex'. (in the we-understand-one-side conversation from that comment with Chewie, we learn that he and Leia got married... divorced... got married... divorced... got married... and are officially 'separated' but the government refused to acknowledge their latest divorce on account of how they'll be back together again soon. Except that that separation began around fourteen years ago.)

Han was surprised Poe wasn't with them - which gets Finn's attention - because Han recognises Finn's jacket as Poe's, and that they had followed an encrypted signal from BB-8, who had intentionally triggered a tracker. Not long after, however, the First Order attack, and Finn fights off some stormtroopers with a lightsaber he can barely wield... um... that part of TFA I'm keeping? Rey had felt the pull to it, only to go 'WTF?' and 'FTS, IGH', and finn took the blade because he felt that she'll use it some day.

Rey is captured by Kylo Ren, and unlike what we got, her interrogation is rather... amicable. And she clearly senses something is off with him when he starts to act the bad guy only to do a 180, and again, almost like he's either got split personality or the other personality isn't him... but both are kinda creepy, ones just, somehow, a bit more charming than the other, so she has the odd sense that's Kylo...

Like in TFA, after being left alone, she breaks out. Unlike TFA, she's not on Starkiller Base (That's not featured in this version of Episode VII!), and manages to hijack a fighter... but not a Tie Fighter, but a fighter that the First Order had captured during the battle over Maz's place. The pilot was interrogated not-so-kindly and died resisting it. But.. there's not many places that Rey knows the hyperspace co-ordinates of... and Jakku is a no-no on account of Kylo would expect her to go there.
So she skips off to the other location, the location whose co-ordinates where in the info BB-8 carried since the First Order attack on Jakku.

The place were Luke is staying, secluded.
Oh. Yes. Episode VII doesn't end on this shot - we have Luke giving Rey some training, and not answering why he disappeared. Finn getting recruited by the Republic and realizing how much he was missing out on. He even meets this cute mechanic who kept staring and blushing when he'd look back and what's this thing called Flirting? And what we finish on... Rey in a spot with Luke no where to be seen, looking at Luke's old Lightsaber that she had managed to rescue (Finn lost it at some point during the fight at Maz' place and was recovered by the FO) then at his new one ... his, newer one. which looks kind of like Kylo Ren's. Crossguard emitters... black casing... like a very close match to Kylo's Lightsaber (though not the same! just a case of how Anakin/Luke/Rey's lightsaber hilt looks almost identical to Vader-as-Vader's in ANH - Vaders was black) She activates it... and it's a red blade...

Someone want to come up with a version of Episode VIII that's basically a mix of elements of TFA, TLJ and TROS?

I'll admit, I like the idea that Luke had fallen to the dark side and that it began between TESB and ROTJ, and Yoda was too old to sense it properly during Luke's return after freeing Han, and being on Dagobah REALLY didn't help anyway, and what little he did, he had probably sensed in Anakin at Age 9 anyway - the potential for, rather than actual dark side. Luke was falling without even knowing it, basically, and whilst he realized it in the 'throne room scene' of ROTJ, he didn't actually PULL BACK from it, but just stopped attacking, thinking that was enough.

So here, the story is he was falling badly, and STILL didn't realize it until Ben had turned as a result of his own teachings... teaching that, because of his own unknowing fall, had been heavily tainted. HE is why Kylo/Ben is so screwed up...
And for a time, Luke HAD turned his back on the Jedi as well, but didn't run to the First Order. By the time Rey shows up, he'd flipped back, and realized that he needed balance within himself... and to do that, had to know himself, had to find a way to truly balance the light and dark sides within him... just as there have been many force users so goddamns powerful with the force that its influence amplifies everything and so they were either their greatest ally of the jedi or greatest enemy of various periods - Revan being one who was BOTH, as was Anakin/Vader. He had to find a way to exist peacefully, with both sides forming the whole that is Luke Skywalker.

Keeping a red-bladed lightsaber that, obviously, became the design basis for Kylo's is one such sign.

It's also why he thinks that the Jedi, as an Order, must die along with the Sith - By their very natures, they put the force 'out of balance'. People are emotional beings, and the stronger someone is with the force, the greater the amplified influence the force imparts through those emotions - small irritations become major annoyances... but then the littlest of jokes become the funniest things ever. The Force was out of balance because of the Jedi, because they actively sought to extract their emotions, to push them into the force so they wouldn't feel it... both figuratively and literally Angering and Upsetting the force but because they were not so quick to release the more positive feelings, the force couldn't be soothed by those near as much. This is why the force amplified emotions - because like is drawn to like, and so when there's an angry force user, the force feeds the excess anger from other people in... to quantify it, the more powerful and the more angry they are (so 1+1, or 2+2, or 3+3 etc ) the greater the flow of the same emotion from the force ... so ne=p+e, effect is (p+e)*ne. For, say, three times the power and three times the upset:
(3+3)*6 = 6 * 6 = 36.
Not that strong in the force but just as upset?
(1+3)*4 = 4 * 4 = 16.
Anakin strong?
(10+3)*13 = 13 * 13 = 169

The problems there being that Luke realized that to defeat it, he had to let himself feel it, but doing so opens you to... outside emotion through the force, because the Force is AWASH in the emotions of Jedi who Denied them...

And the Sith, who DONT expell their excess emotion, need culling for OTHER reasons, of course.

And Rey? THIS is what she learned...
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by DarkMoineau »

That's a good episode 7. A lot better than what we got.

If as a Luke fan I don't wish to see it fall definitively to the dark side, it's sure, Skywalker has always been tempted by it and had difficulties fighting it. It would also mirror Anakin path... but contradict Lucas original intention of Luke and Anakin starting on the same place but taking different paths toward light.

Do you have ideas about the rest of the Trilogy?
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by Nutso »

The thing for me in a re-write. or redo, of the ST is what to do about Finn? That is the character with the most potential for storytelling in a Star Wars story: the Stormtrooper who no longer wants to be a Stormtrooper. There is no doubt such a character would always struggle with the Dark Side and the Light Side because they entered this saga as a bad guy. That's the character I want to see build towards something greater and nobler than they had been before. Formerly a cog in the murder machine, transforming into a becon of hope for the once defeated and hopeless citizenry. They would have to convince not just others that they have changed from Dark to Light but, convince themselves as well. Believing in yourself is the hard part.

In comparison our main character, Rey, has a sucky life and she's waiting for her family, for over a decade. The hook here is, her life sucks, and her life's goal is keeping her going nowhere. If the character were still a child, this would be heartbreaking but, she's an adult. Still waiting for this family to show up for over a decade is pathetic. She could have moved on to become an embittered, cold-hearted bounty hunter, or maybe a top henchman for Unkar Plutt, who looks out for number 1 and, insists on having no friends nor familial attachments because that attachment is what originally burned her. But instead she chose to remain on Jakku and have a sucky life waiting for a family. It might have been cool to see her break out of the bitter mess that life made her into, and move toward being a decent human being. However, this is still a less promising character than a former Stormtrooper moving towards the Dark Side. So I think that Rey and Finn should switch places, and we follow Daisy Ridley as Finn.
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by AlexMcpherson79 »

Scene: On Imperial Remnant Star Destroyer.
Poe, a pilot, is held captive.

In walks RA-2187, one of 676 of the Trooper unit 2187
RA-2187 is one of the few female stormtroopers of the Imperial Remnant, with no memory prior to being a stormtrooper, beyond having been taken from a Desert where she was 'waiting'. It was in being on the planet Jakku that dislodged why - she was left there, maybe abandonned or taken from her parents there...
It becomes the driving force behind her sudden 'awakening'.

She breaks Poe out, and when she tells him her ID - RA-2187, he called her "... Rey, how's that?".

On the planet Jakku, she encounters a Scavenger who has made home in a derelict AT-AT, Finn. The two almost come to blows, but when Finn hears she was a stormtrooper (she blurts it out by accident), he becomes understanding... he's an odd one, sometimes acting like he knows things and not being surprised by anything...
Finding a Lambda class shuttle, Rey takes the controls because Finn says 'he'd probably end up crashing it'... and to her own surprise, she's a natural.

By the Maz Kanata portion, we learn that Rey isn't the only stormtrooper to have 'gone good'. Finn was one, and surprisingly, it was when his unit was sent to Jakku to capture a girl that he went rogue, his brainwashing at the time breaking down. turns out, he was the leader of the unit sent to capture REY.
Rey is still the force-sensitive one.
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by DarkMoineau »

Sometimes it's so easy to write something better than what they did that it isn't funny at all :)

I have thought about a 6 movie story arc (or 3 if LOTR long movies :P ) about Kylo Ren and Rey involving OT characters and Ahsoka but I would need time to translate it into english. Maybe closer to what George ideas where and still keeping Postlogie character and not resurecting Palpatine.
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by McAvoy »

I don't know my general idea for the first movie was basically the New Republic investigating reports in the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy. Luke is the Grand Jedi Master and is on a small mission with his apprentice Ben Solo and some Red Shirt Jedi apprentice or Knight. They find Rey who is very strong in the Force but not too powerful. Luke is in his prime. Poe is sent out with Han Solo and Chewie to investigate the rumors of the Unknown Region.

They get captured and nearly killed but spared once Han Solo is identified. Ben Solo convinces Luke to go rescue him. It is a trap as the leader of the leader of the New Order is another apprentice to Palpatine that Vader didn't know of. He is powerful and hates Luke and made the trap to capture Ben Solo. He succeeds. Rey is at the sidelines. Luke fights Snoke and has the upper hand until Snoke reveals his apprentice Darth Ren formerly Ben Solo. Ben Solo kills the Jedi Knight but stops before killing Rey. Han Solo uses this time to convince Ren to admit he is Ben Solo. But the second attempt is the charm and kills Solo. Luke grabs Rey and runs away along with Chewie and Poe.

That is the main plot, but you have Poe and Chewie befriending Finn. Leia is busy coordinating and convincing the Senate of the new danger coming from the Unknown Regions.
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by DarkMoineau »

I think the Unknown Regions is the general idea...

to me the original situation would globally be the same: Both Leia and Lando are at the senate of the New Republic, Coruscant, Leia being the face of the Alderaan Refugees and Lando being there for Bespin. Luke is leading the New Jedi Order with Ahsoka Tano as second in command, even if there is a Jedi Council, taking care of the Younglings when Luke have to go on missions. Han and Chewie would be acting freely, mostly doing Humanitarian missions, helping Alderanian survivors settling on a new planet. The "armed arm" of Leia.

In the first part / movie, Rey would be one of the older youngling, Luke would send his former padawan and Jedi Knight Ben Solo on a mission with Ben's apprentice, Phasma.

That mission and main storyline would be a survey of the Unknown Region, as rumors of Dark Force Users arise... Ben Solo and Phasma would find the threat, Snoke ready to do a surprise strike on the Republic, and, after an infiltration inside First Order, would be captured by the Knight of Ren as they are sending informations to the Jedi Order.

Thanks to Ben Solo informations, Han and Luke would lead a rescue mission as Leia, Lando and Ackbar assemble a fleet to stop Snoke attack on the Republic. Snoke and Luke would face and harm each other during the rescue mission and Ackbar fleet, lead from the Raddus, would stop Snoke one... It would seems everyone desserve a happy end...

Second part / film:

Snoke attack was a diversion.... The main first order fleet attacked Coruscant and seized it. The movie will follow two storylines. On the first storyline we would see Ahsoka, Leia and Lando protecting the Padawans and Younglings with the Jedi that were on Coruscant and trying to create The Resistance against the invader as regular army is defeated. It would allow to show that a special Youngling is a really promising futur Padawan, again Rey. On the second storyline, Luke, Han, and Ben would conduct a rescue mission of the Younglings and Padawan as Ackbar prepare a rescue of the capital world.

In that second storyline, heroes will have a lot of difficulties as it seems Snoke's troops always know where to find them, so when the two storyline merges and younglings are going to embark inside ships including the Millenium Falcon, Han take Ben on a secrete talk, far from everyone's hears... except Chewbacca.
Han suspicion would probably be that Phasma is a traitor.... but Ben would reveal himself as the traitor and kill his father... Chewbacca would then injure Ben with a good shot, spectators would believe Ben was killed, before going to the Falcon and warn everyone of Ben's treasons. Phasma would then try to kill Chewbacca but Ahsoka would push her outside the Falcon.

The Republican fleet and the evacuation crew would then retreat of Coruscant, defeated.

third part / movie:

Republican Fleet retreated to Mon Calamari, Ackbar still lead the fleet from the Raddus but he gave his former flagship, Home One, to the Jedi Order as a mobile Academy. Jedi who aren't on board Home One are with Ackbar. As there is no senate anymore, Leia is now fighting as a Jedi Knight with Rey as a padawan.

First Order put a blocus on Mon Calamari, Snoke using it's Knight of Ren lead by Kylo Ren, as elite troops. Phasma is now Captain in First Order army and the apprentice of that Kylo Ren.

To defeat the blocus and save the traped fleet and Jedi, Luke give control of the academy to Ahsoka and take as many Jedi as possible on a commando mission who must kill Snoke. In the same time, Leia and Lando try to assemble a fleet despite First Ordre spies and assassins trying to stop them, giving mutliple occasions to young Rey to show that she is becoming a dangerous fighter, a lot like Ahsoka during Clone Wars.

Unknowing when help will come, as Knight of Ren and First Order fleet outnumber Jedi and Republican Fleet, Ackbar take the decision to ram the Raddus into the Supremacy, Snoke ship, killing himself but breaking the blocus. At the same time, Luke and his commando arrives on Mon Calamari and decides to check if Snoke is dead or kill it, so Knight of Ren stop to fight Jedi on Mon Calamari and go defend the Supremacy, giving more time to evacuate soldiers and civilians from Mon Calamari.

First Order fleet start to recover and the blocus seems to be in place again when a second Republican Fleet appear. Lead by General Antilles, it definitevly break the blocus. The Millenium Falcon join the Supremacy, Leia, Chewbacca and Rey wishing to recover as many Jedi as possibles.

Outnumbered by knights of Ren and Snoke, Jedis are embarking to the Falcon, except Luke who stay on Supremacy, fighting Snoke, Ren and Phasma simulatenously. When Leia try to go outside the Falcon to save Luke, he do a Jean Grey on his friends, pushing her into the Falcon, closing it and making it take off and go the Republican Rescue Fleet, the Falcon being the last ship to leave Mon Calamari.

Alone, Luke still try to kill Snoke to stop the war.... and then Kylo Ren remove his helmet, showing to everyone that he is Ben Solo.... Surprised, Luke who just disarmed Phasma can't block a fatal blow by Snoke.

At the end, hope still exist as Leia is made a Member of the Jedi Council. And contrary to her father, she is a Jedi Master.

Fourth part / movie:
Years are gone since the past movie: Second Empire is born under Snoke rule. Leia is leading a mission with Pilote Poe Dameron, Chewbacca and Padawan Rey. They are looking for Snoke's new secret weapon, Starkiller base. In the same time, Wedge become the military leadership of the Remnant of the Republic and Lando is the Political leader.

During their investigations, Leia's team find a First Order deserter, FN-2187 aka Finn. With his help they find Starkiller base, and they split as two team. Leia and Poe must send Starkiller coordinates as Rey, Finn and Chewbacca sabotage it. Confronted by Phasma, Rey must fight it and prove that she is clearly the new hope by killing her… but when Leia face Kylo Ren, she just protect Poe who can end the transmision and run away before surrendering to her son.

Thanks to their sabotage, the fleet destroy Starkiller base, Poe and Chewbacca piloting the Falcon as Rey and Finn mann the turrets.

Fifht part / movie: Ahsoka finish Rey training as Chewie, Finn and Poe are trying to locate Leia's jail. When they find her they send the coordinates to Ahsoka and Rey witness them…. As usual in Star Wars movies, Rey is convinced she can do it alone so she try to rescue Leia… She end in a trap where Snoke and Leia witness the fight between Kylo Ren and Rey… Until Kylo is close to kill Rey and Leia stop the fight, saving her padawan.

The fight then resume with Snoke fighting Leia and Rey fighting Ren. Rey hand is cut by Kylo but a team lead by Poe save her, thanks to Leia who end killed by Snoke… Kylo Ren seems really affected by her death.

Final part / movie: The Republic Remnant launch a desesperate attack against Snoke's palace. A jedi team with Chewbacca and Finn must infiltrate the capital and destroy the palace defense as a fleed lead by Wedge with Poe as a fighter pilot must occupy the Second Empire army so only Knight of Ren can defend the palace.

Ahsoka Tano lead the commando with all named Jedi of the movies. The toll is heavy for everyone, Ahsoka being injured but they are successful and reach the Throne Room. Again Rey and Kylo Ren fight each other as Ahsoka fight Snoke. Snoke past injuries from Luke and Leia seems to have weakened him and Ahsoka seems close to kill him but he defeat her by a surprise move.

Snoke then disarm and try to seduce Rey to the Dark Side, as Phasma role is still vacant. Just as in 8, he use the Force to have Rey unable to move…. But Kylo Ren kill him in a surprise move before asking Rey to become his apprentice. She seems to hesitate but Knights of Ren attack them. They are defeated with help of Ahsoka who seems to have recovered from her wounds but in fact she is burning her body into the Force to fight one last time and save Rey. Once Knights of Ren dead, she succomb in Rey's arm.

Kylo Ren then take Rey's saber and present himself as Ben Solo, explain why he killed Snoke and ask Rey if she would like to second it to rule the Galaxy… She seems to hesitate…. But use the force to take Ahsoka's saber and try to kill Ben. Both use two sabers, Ahsoka versus Rey and Kylo, in a long fight. Rey seems too weak to defeat a Skywalker but Force Ghost from Qui-Gon, Windu, Kanan, Kenobi, Yoda, Luke & Leia help her, not long before being joined by Ahsoka. The fight leaves the Throne Room and end in the old Senate, where Palpatine defeated Rey… except this time a Jedi win the fight.

The Empire doesn't survive the vacancy of power and the Republic Remnant can become the Third Republic, with Lando as it's first Chancelor. The Jedi Council made of surviving jedis make Rey officially a Jedi Knight and to prove she can become, they gave her a padawan : Baby Yoda.
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Re: A "Fixed" Sequel Trilogy Story idea...

Post by Nutso »

I set the playback speed to .75. This person tends to rapid speak at times.
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