As you know, I'm no fan of Discovery. But fair due, if it's pissed off the white supremacist crowd then you know it's doing something right.The new series Star Trek Discovery stars Asian actress Michelle Yeoh as the ship’s captain and black actress Sonequa Martin-Green as her first officer — and this has caused some Trekkies to fret about the lack of white men in charge.
While the overall reaction to the new Star Trek trailer has been positive — although there are the usual complaints from Star Trek fans about continuity errors — one group of fans is particularly upset about the show’s diverse cast of characters.
As both Heat Street and Daily Kos point out, the series’ YouTube page has been bombarded by comments labeling the show a “SJW” plot aimed at shoving “political correctness,” “forced diversity,” and even “cultural Marxism” down viewers’ throats.
Additionally, some angry Twitter users have even proclaimed that the show’s diverse cast is evidence of a “white genocide” conspiracy aimed at eliminating the white race from the face of the Earth.

Of course, those who have been paying attention know that Michelle Yeoh is not in fact the Captain of the Discovery, but of a different ship. Rest assured, idiot racists, the Captain of Discovery is indeed a white man. Genocide averted, I guess. Whew!