mlsnoopy wrote:They cooperated closely with Bajorans and what happened they were kicked of the station.
You'll always have a few troublemakers. The problem was that said troublemakers had infiltrated the provisional government. The Bajoran people as a whole were cautious, but not outright anti-Fed. With the exception of Jaro's adminsitration, the provisional government was generally pro-Fed.
Where you have no jurustiction and you are giving an image of conquest.
If you do it wrong. If you do it right you can present yourselves as genuinely concerned for the safety of the Bajoran people.
Their were the Cardasians with whom the Federation just had a war and the border should have been fortified.
I'm not talking about the border - I'm talking about the wormhole itself. It's a lot more difficult to destroy a bridgehead than it is to prevent the formation of one.
And when DS9 was fully upgraded it was easaly conquered by the Dominin.
Wrong. It held off several attacks - long enough for the Defiant to continue laying the minefield, and was specifically described by Weyoun as being a costly victory for the Dominion.
So if a full scale attack would come in seasone 1 there would also be no fleet to conter the attack. And there would be the problem of polaron beams. So in S1 the federation is defeted even with or without the upgrades.
So, because the Dominion ships were much more dangerous individually earlier on, no attempt should be made to defend against them. Don't forget that we're talking about refitting the station before the Dominion was encounter - whcih means that Starfleet would have no knowledge of the Dominion's technical advantages. The principle is to defend the Bajoran system against any attack that may come from the GQ, not the specific threat that developed from the Dominion.