LaughingCheese wrote:And by fluff I assume you mean handwavium/technobabble?
The term "fluff" is used to denote the lore of the milieu apart from actual technical or mechanical gaming information. That is, "A 5-man squad of Space Marines costs
x points to field" is game info - "Fulgrim was known as the Phoenician and had his legion renamed 'Emperor's Children'" is fluff.
LaughingCheese wrote:
Ok, that's pretty awesome! That great paint scheme somehow minimizes the bulkiness. I guess what I'm saying is most paint schemes make them look just plasticy and toyish.
To be fair, most of the time they are plastic toys. Also, like I said, indicating "post-human supermen who have killed things by squishing skulls by simply clapping their hands" is an important function of the armor.
LaughingCheese wrote:
How is one damned in WH40K? I didn't come across any articles on a hell. Is the soul is banished to the Warp or something?
The Warp is an infinty-way street. Things come out of the warp - mostly called "daemons" - that can possess a host a/o take someone's soul to be used as a daemon's beach ball for a couple millenia or so. The soul of a psyker is especially shiny bait to warp entities, and the use of psyker abilities is essentially the opening of a conduit from the Immaterium (the Warp) to the Materium (the real world.) Psykers, especially, may be damned either by possession or simply by the flood of warp energy overtaking their minds. Finally, there are those who are damned simply by pledging themselves to one or more of the four gods of the Warp (aka Chaos gods, aka the Ruinous Powers) - Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne, and Tzeentch (q.v.) These sorts are generally either transmuted into a twisted daemon-thing or more commonly simply pulled into the Warp in eternal slavery to one of the daemons of their patron.
LaughingCheese wrote:Also, is the Warp only contained within the Milky Way, or does it span the Universe? Being a type of hyperspace-thing, I would assume it spans the universe no?
Good question. IU, the universe outside of the galaxy is terra incognito - human exploration is limited to little past the range of the Astronomican - the psychic navigation beacon projected by the Emperor. Further, though ships travel "through" the Warp (except Tau ships,) it seems to me to be incorrect to describe in terms of the physical dimensions of the Materium. It is the stuff of Chaos, and as such may be said to span the universe and in the same breath it may be said to be microcosmic or even completely non-dimensional. It's like trying to describe the color of a particular noise. I don't think you can think of it as truly analagous to a "hyperspace," because it's not just a shortcut through any alternate dimension or curvature of space-time; entering the Warp is entering an "un-reality," if you will, and then relying on your navigator to find a way through to a point at which you can exit into reality near your intended destination (cf. "navigator.") That's why time frames can be so malleable - if a navigator plots an erroneous course, or a ship founders or hits a warp storm or what have you, that ship can came out of the warp centuries after it entered - possibly
before it entered - with no discernable passage of time for the passengers.